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Last active August 25, 2022 21:17
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Thingsboard Attributes API demo application
// Requires node.js and mqtt library installed.
var mqtt = require('mqtt');
var os = require("os");
const thingsboardHost = "";
// Reads the access token from arguments
const accessToken = process.argv[2];
// Default topics. See for more details.
const attributesTopic = 'v1/devices/me/attributes';
const telemetryTopic = 'v1/devices/me/telemetry';
const attributesRequestTopic = 'v1/devices/me/attributes/request/1';
const attributesResponseTopic = attributesRequestTopic.replace('request', 'response');
// Initialization of mqtt client using Thingsboard host and device access token
console.log('Connecting to: %s using access token: %s', thingsboardHost, accessToken);
var client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://' + thingsboardHost, {username: accessToken});
var firmwareVersion = '1.0.1';
var appState;
// Telemetry upload is once per 5 seconds by default;
var currentFrequency = 5;
var uploadInterval;
// Triggers when client is successfully connected to the Thingsboard server
client.on('connect', function () {
console.log('Client connected!');
// Upload firmware version and serial number as device attribute using 'v1/devices/me/attributes' MQTT topic
client.publish(attributesTopic, JSON.stringify({
'firmwareVersion': '1.0.1',
'serialNumber': 'SN-' + random()
// Subscribe to shared attribute changes on the server side
// Publish request for 'appState' client attribute
// and two shared attributes 'uploadFrequency' and 'latestVersion'
client.publish(attributesRequestTopic, JSON.stringify({
'clientKeys': 'appState',
'sharedKeys': 'uploadFrequency,latestFirmwareVersion'
// Schedule OS stats upload
console.log('Uploading OS stats with interval %s (sec)...', currentFrequency);
uploadInterval = setInterval(uploadStats, currentFrequency * 1000);
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
if (topic === attributesTopic) {
// Process attributes update notification
console.log('Received attribute update notification: %s', message.toString());
var data = JSON.parse(message);
if (data.uploadFrequency && data.uploadFrequency != currentFrequency) {
// Reschedule upload using new frequency
if (data.latestFirmwareVersion && data.latestFirmwareVersion != firmwareVersion) {
// Received new upload frequency configuration
console.log('New firmware version is available: %s', data.latestFirmwareVersion);
} else if (topic === attributesResponseTopic) {
// Process response to attributes request
console.log('Received response to attribute request: %s', message.toString());
var data = JSON.parse(message);
if (data.client && data.client.appState) {
appState = data.client.appState;
console.log('Restore app state to: %s', appState);
} else {
appState = random();
console.log('This is first application launch. Going to publish random application state: %s', appState);
client.publish(attributesTopic, JSON.stringify({'appState': appState}));
if (data.shared) {
if (data.shared.uploadFrequency && data.shared.uploadFrequency != currentFrequency) {
// Received new upload frequency configuration
if (data.shared.latestFirmwareVersion && data.shared.latestFirmwareVersion != firmwareVersion) {
// Received new upload frequency configuration
console.log('New firmware version is available: %s', data.shared.latestFirmwareVersion);
// Reschedule of stats upload timer
function rescheduleStatsUpload(uploadFrequency) {
currentFrequency = uploadFrequency;
console.log('Uploading OS stats with new interval %s (sec)...', currentFrequency);
uploadInterval = setInterval(uploadStats, currentFrequency * 1000);
// Upload OS stats using 'v1/devices/me/telemetry' MQTT topic
function uploadStats() {
var data = {};
data.type = os.type();
data.uptime = os.uptime();
data.mem = os.freemem() / os.totalmem();
// console.log('Publishing OS info & stats: %s', JSON.stringify(data));
client.publish(telemetryTopic, JSON.stringify(data));
function random() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
// Catches ctrl+c event
process.on('SIGINT', function () {
// Catches uncaught exceptions
process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) {
console.log('Uncaught Exception...');
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how it's possible to use this code to emulate a device connected to Thingsboard using a ThingsBoard IoT Gateway?
What i need to modify?
In extension of the gateway configuration i have used the file

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