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Created May 5, 2018 11:14
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def gcd(n, d):
while n != d:
if n > d:
n = n - d
d = d - n
return n
class Fraction:
def __init__(self, n, d):
self.numerator = int(n / gcd(abs(n), abs(d)))
self.denomerator = int(d / gcd(abs(n), abs(d)))
if self.denomerator < 0:
self.denomerator = abs(self.denomerator)
self.numerator = -1*self.numerator
elif self.denomerator == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError
def Add(self, other):
return self.numerator*other.denomerator + self.denomerator*other.numerator, self.denomerator*other.denomerator
def Sub(self, other):
return self.numerator*other.denomerator - self.denomerator*other.numerator, self.denomerator*other.denomerator
def Mul(self, other):
return self.numerator*other.numerator, self.denomerator*other.denomerator
def Div(self, other):
return self.numerator*other.denomerator, self.denomerator*other.numerator
def main():
fA = Fraction(3,7) #from the given input
fB = Fraction(3,8) #from the given input
f3 = Fraction.Add(fA,fB)
f4 = Fraction.Sub(fA,fB)
f5 = Fraction.Mul(fA,fB)
f6 = Fraction.Div(fA,fB)
f8 = 0
print (f3)
print (f4)
print (f5)
print (f6)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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