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Last active August 10, 2023 06:10
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calibration work
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.19.27
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el)
# ╔═╡ 4934e4de-b03d-419f-a076-9a8116f5ddf5
using Pkg;
Pkg.activate(".") ;
# ╔═╡ 15321a8a-0714-4f44-91a4-99a54c29e46f
# ╔═╡ 14519106-d4cf-4a77-acca-a22b7c426334
using Images, ImageDraw, LinearAlgebra, CoordinateTransformations, Statistics, FileIO, Dates
# ╔═╡ a51f6584-b4b6-494a-9456-3d4ef0d74112
using PyCall
# ╔═╡ 11bb0034-d018-4417-9d76-e9509403d542
as_ints(a::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{L}}) where L = reshape(reinterpret(Int, a), (L, size(a)...))
# ╔═╡ c11e3475-1835-462f-bdc5-c3f2592b1980
# ╔═╡ cb0ef50c-1f87-45f3-ad3f-339cc15098c1
# ╔═╡ f5642319-05ee-4731-ad26-80bcd4f6aa7b
### Important
### Webcam related utils
function camera_input(;max_size=1280, default_url="")
<span class="pl-image waiting-for-permission">
.pl-image.popped-out {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: 5;
.pl-image #video-container {
width: 640px;
.pl-image video {
# border-radius: 1rem 1rem 0 0;
.pl-image.waiting-for-permission #video-container {
display: none;
.pl-image #prompt {
display: none;
.pl-image.waiting-for-permission #prompt {
width: 640px;
height: 360px;
display: grid;
place-items: center;
font-family: monospace;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
cursor: pointer;
border: 5px dashed rgba(0,0,0,.5);
.pl-image video {
display: block;
.pl-image .bar {
width: inherit;
display: flex;
z-index: 6;
.pl-image .bar#top {
position: absolute;
flex-direction: column;
.pl-image .bar#bottom {
background: black;
# border-radius: 0 0 1rem 1rem;
.pl-image .bar button {
flex: 0 0 auto;
background: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
border: none;
width: 2rem;
height: 2rem;
border-radius: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 7;
.pl-image .bar button#shutter {
width: 3rem;
height: 3rem;
margin: -1.5rem auto .2rem auto;
.pl-image video.takepicture {
animation: pictureflash 0ms linear;
@keyframes pictureflash {
0% {
filter: grayscale(1.0) contrast(2.0);
100% {
filter: grayscale(0.0) contrast(1.0);
<div id="video-container">
<div id="top" class="bar">
<button id="stop" title="Stop video">✖</button>
<button id="pop-out" title="Pop out/pop in">⏏</button>
<video playsinline autoplay></video>
<div id="bottom" class="bar">
<button id="shutter" title="Click to take a picture">📷</button>
<div id="prompt">
Enable webcam
// based on (by the same author)
const span = currentScript.parentElement
const video = span.querySelector("video")
const popout = span.querySelector("button#pop-out")
const stop = span.querySelector("button#stop")
const shutter = span.querySelector("button#shutter")
const prompt = span.querySelector(".pl-image #prompt")
const maxsize = $(max_size)
const send_source = (source, src_width, src_height) => {
const scale = Math.min(1.0, maxsize / src_width, maxsize / src_height)
// const width = Math.floor(src_width * scale)
// const height = Math.floor(src_height * scale)
const width = Math.floor(src_width)
const height = Math.floor(src_height)
const canvas = html`<canvas width=\${width} height=\${height}>`
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
ctx.drawImage(source, 0, 0, width, height)
span.value = {
width: width,
height: height,
data: ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data,
span.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input"))
const clear_camera = () => { => s.stop());
video.srcObject = null;
prompt.onclick = () => {
audio: false,
video: {
facingMode: "environment",
}).then(function(stream) {
stream.onend = console.log = stream
video.srcObject = stream
window.cameraConnected = true
video.controls = false
video.controls = false
}).catch(function(error) {
stop.onclick = () => {
popout.onclick = () => {
var intervalId = window.setInterval(function(){
const cl = video.classList
void video.offsetHeight
video.controls = false
send_source(video, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight)
}, 150);
shutter.onclick = () => {
const cl = video.classList
void video.offsetHeight
video.controls = false
send_source(video, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight)
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
if (document.visibilityState != "visible") {
// Set a default image
const img = html`<img crossOrigin="anonymous">`
img.onload = () => {
send_source(img, img.width, img.height)
img.src = "$(default_url)"
""" |> HTML
function process_raw_camera_data(raw_camera_data)
# the raw image data is a long byte array, we need to transform it into something
# more "Julian" - something with more _structure_.
# The encoding of the raw byte stream is:
# every 4 bytes is a single pixel
# every pixel has 4 values: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
# (we ignore alpha for this notebook)
# So to get the red values for each pixel, we take every 4th value, starting at
# the 1st:
reds_flat = UInt8.(raw_camera_data["data"][1:4:end])
# greens_flat = UInt8.(raw_camera_data["data"][2:4:end])
# blues_flat = UInt8.(raw_camera_data["data"][3:4:end])
# but these are still 1-dimensional arrays, nicknamed 'flat' arrays
# We will 'reshape' this into 2D arrays:
width = raw_camera_data["width"]
height = raw_camera_data["height"]
# shuffle and flip to get it in the right shape
# reds = reshape(reds_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0
reds = reshape(reds_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0
# greens = reshape(greens_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0
# blues = reshape(blues_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0
# we have our 2D array for each color
# Let's create a single 2D array, where each value contains the R, G and B value of
# that pixel
# RGB.(reds, greens, blues)
# ╔═╡ 1a0324de-ee19-11ea-1d4d-db37f4136ad3
@bind raw_camera_data camera_input(;max_size=100)
# ╔═╡ f2236406-af64-403d-84bd-e3afe395b791
main {
max-width: 900px;
# ╔═╡ 3687d6ca-5cd2-4e6b-b0b1-7c7bbc791870
A = [1 2 3;4 1 6;7 8 1]
# ╔═╡ 25d1a770-a2cc-4fcc-8e95-c240b2dff67d
# ╔═╡ e2516aef-c97e-40e6-bf14-26dd24fe8e42
tr(A) # sum along diagonal
# ╔═╡ a092c79d-f568-4942-88cf-060770324cd0
# ╔═╡ 0637aecb-0d91-428b-a968-e05677bf83a8
# ╔═╡ 63685547-1b8f-4a81-a08b-b4cd037188af
# ╔═╡ f0184dae-b562-469e-8263-63a565fea9cb
# ╔═╡ 9148b86f-62c1-43d8-9b3a-99f293005f59
d = factorize(A)
# ╔═╡ 1e4cc89e-585e-4803-8abc-f2cad3832877
# ╔═╡ 834d4ec1-5684-4302-b79c-993971ee870d
# ╔═╡ 6da6035a-4815-42b1-914f-ca8ebe276324
# ╔═╡ ee6d050b-b2b0-4f2e-b611-a9a427e1c6b7
[1 1 3;4 5 6;7 8 9] * [1;2;3]
# ╔═╡ f9f91642-5619-4521-a47c-26a628c7e9a5
x_i = f* (x_c/z_c)
y_i = f * (y_c/z_c)
# m_x pixel density (pixels/mm) in x dir
# m_y
# o_x, o_y is principle point val
u = m_x * x_i + o_x
v = m_y * y_i + o_y
f_x = m_x * f
f_y = m_y * f
# intrinsics, definite camera internal geomtry
# f_x, f_y, o_x,o_y
# equation of perspective projection are non linerar
function homogen2to3(u::Float, v::Float)
w_t = 2
u_t = u * w_t
v_t = v * w_t
return u_t, v_t, w_t
function homogen3to4(u::Float, v::Float, z::Float)
w_t = 2
u_t = u * w_t
v_t = v * w_t
z_t = z * w_t
return u_t, v_t, z_t, w_t
intrinsic_mtr = [f_x 0 o_x 0; 0 f_y 0_y 0;0 0 1 0]
extrinsic_mtr = [r11 r12 r13 t_x;r21 r22 r23 t_y;r31 r32 r33 t_z;0 0 0 1]
u = intrinsic_mtr * X_c
X_c = extrinsic_mtr * X_w
u = intrinsic_mtr * entrinsic_mtr * X_w
P = intrinsic_mtr * entrinsic_mtr
# ╔═╡ 5fb9ad50-9647-4a55-9e4c-ba4246b43b80
b = [2; 3; 4; 1]/[2; 3; 1]
# ╔═╡ 914393a3-4bf0-4771-b880-9e1939fd8873
Q,R = qr(b)
# ╔═╡ e6514a59-8e71-471b-be7d-d43554d09dcb
c = [2; 3; 4; 1] \ [2; 3; 1]
# ╔═╡ b258a32c-539f-44b4-babf-6e83a81be703
function innercorners(length::Int, width::Int)
return innercorners in a checkerboard of size length * width
function innercorners(length::Int, width::Int)
(length - 1) * (width - 1)
allboardcorners(length::Int, width::Int)
returns allboardcorners in a checkerboard of size length * width
function allcorners(length::Int, width::Int)
(length + 1) * (width + 1)
function drawdots!(img, res, color; size = 5)
for i in res
img[i[1]-size:i[1]+size i[2]-size:i[2]+size] .= color
function draw_rect(img, dots, color = Gray{N0f8}(1); size = 5)
for i in dots
# img[i[1]-5:i[1]+5, i[2]-5:i[2]+5] .= color
ImageDraw.Point(i[2] - size, i[1] - size),
ImageDraw.Point(i[2] + size, i[1] + size),
function kxkneighboardhood(
stdatol = 0.1,
cortol = 0.6,
n = 25,
m = 11,
k = 13,
reut = zeros(Bool, length(refined1))
board = Float32.(chessboard)
# @info board
for (idx, i) in enumerate(refined1)
x, y = i[1], i[2]
# std1 = !isapprox(std(p1), std(p2); atol = stdatol)
# std2 = !isapprox(std(p3), std(p4); atol = stdatol)
# cor1 = 10^((cor(vec(p1), vec(reverse(p2))) / 0.8) -1) > cortol
# cor2 = 10^((cor(vec(p3), vec(reverse(p4))) / 0.8) -1) > cortol
# if std1 || std2 || !cor1 || !cor2
# continue
# end
imgtest = board[x-n:x+n, y-n:y+n]
res = cor(vec(imgtest), vec(reverse(imgtest)))
# if std1 || std2 || res < 0.7
# continue
# end
if res < 0.7
reut[idx] = true
refined2 = map((x, y) -> y ? x : nothing, refined1, reut)
refined3 = filter(x -> x !== nothing, refined2)
returns checkboard refined points after non maximal suppresion, currently uses mean
function nonmaxsuppresion(refined3)
checked = Set([])
final1 = []
function dista(i, j)
sqrt((i[1] - j[1])^2 + (i[2] - j[2])^2)
for (idxi, i) in enumerate(refined3)
if idxi ∉ checked
dist = []
for (idxj, j) in enumerate(refined3)
if idxj ∉ checked
dist1 = dista(i, j)
if dist1 < 10
push!(dist, idxj)
local mat = zeros(1, 2)
for i in dist
i = refined3[i]
mat = vcat([i[1] i[2]], mat)
res = Int64.(floor.(mean(mat[1:end-1, :]; dims = 1)))
map(d -> push!(checked, d), dist)
value = CartesianIndex(res[1], res[2])
push!(final1, value)
markcorners(img::AbstractArray; method = harris, crthres = Percentile(99), LoGparams = 2.0.^[3.0], filter = (5,5), returnimg = true)
returns corners of checkerboard in an image with size length * width
### Arguments
- `img`: image to be processed
- `method`: method to be used for corner detection
- `crthres`: threshold for corner imcorner method
- `LoGparams`: parameters for LoG filter
- `filter`: size of filter for mapwindow
- `returnimg`: if true, returns image with corners marked
### Example
using CameraCalibrations
function markcorners(
method = harris,
crthres = Percentile(99),
LoGparams = 2.0 .^ [3.0],
filter = (5, 5),
returnimg = false,
imagecorners = imcorner(img, crthres; method = harris)
img_cleaned = dilate(mapwindow(median!, (Gray.(imagecorners)), filter))
results = blob_LoG(Int64.(img_cleaned), LoGparams)
if returnimg == true
resultantimage = zeros(size(img))
map(x -> resultantimage[x.location] = 1, results)
return map(x -> x.location, results), Gray.(resultantimage)
return map(x -> x.location, results)
segboundariescheck(imgs; numcheck = 4)
returns if the boundaries of the images has different segments to detect different segments:
### Arguments
- `imgs`: images to be processed
- `numcheck`: number of segments in boundary to be detected
Retuns a bool array for of the images and if they satisfy the condition, we return true else false
### Example
We have a corner that looks something like below:
We want to check if the boundary is made up of 4 segments.
Boundary in this case would be : 000111100001111 starting from top edges and going clockwise.
In this we can say we have 4 changes in the boundary.
Numcheck is the number of changes we want to check.
function segboundariescheck(imgs; numcheck = 4)
check = zeros(Bool, length(imgs))
for (idx, i) in enumerate(imgs)
a = vcat(i[1, :], i[:, end], reverse(i[end, :]), reverse(i[:, 1]))
numchange = 0
for num = 2:length(a)
if a[num] == 1 && a[num-1] == 0 || a[num] == 0 && a[num-1] == 1
numchange = numchange + 1
if numchange == numcheck
check[idx] = true
checkboundaries(checkerboard, cords; pixels = [11,23,35])
returns true if boundaries satisfy segboundariescheck for a range of pixels regions
### Arguments
- 'checkerboard': checkerboard img to be processed
- 'cords' : array of cartesian indices which indicaes corners in a image
- `pixels`: array of pixels region to be checked centered at cords
function checkboundaries(checkerboard, cords; pixels = [11, 23, 35])
currentstate = zeros(Bool, length(cords))
# assumes that checkboard is gray
checkerboard = checkerboard .> 0.4
for n in pixels
n = Int(floor((n - 1) / 2)) - 1
res = map(x -> checkerboard[x[1]-n:x[1]+n, x[2]-n:x[2]+n], cords)
# # res = map(x-> Gray.(x .> meanfinite(x)), corners)
# res = map(x-> x .> 0.4, corners)
check = segboundariescheck(res)
currentstate = map(x -> (x > 0) ? true : false, currentstate .+ check)
refined = map((x, y) -> y ? x : nothing, cords, currentstate)
refined1 = filter(x -> x !== nothing, refined)
processes the checkerboard
function process_image(chessboard)
# we need a algorithm to check if there is a checkerboard or not in image
# still need to study how filters from ImageFiltering.jl can improve results
imagecorners = imcorner(chessboard, Percentile(99); method = Images.harris)
# imagecorners = fastcorners(chessboard, 11, 0.20) # still gotta check if this is worth it
imagecorners = clearborder(imagecorners, 35) # 35 is the boundary width we change
results =
map(x -> imagecorners[x] == true ? x : nothing, CartesianIndices(imagecorners))
results = filter(x -> x !== nothing, results)
correlationcheck = kxkneighboardhood(chessboard, results;)
bounds = checkboundaries(chessboard, correlationcheck; pixels = [11, 23, 35])
# also we need algorithm for checking if we have a board now, with connected components still
# also we need algorithm for checking if we have outliers and remove them if they exist
finalcorners = nonmaxsuppresion(bounds) # return checkboard points
return Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}(finalcorners)
# ╔═╡ dfb7c6be-ee0d-11ea-194e-9758857f7b20
### Important
### Object tracker is here
function objecttracker(
h = 50,
s = 255,
v = 255,
lh = 0,
ls = 20,
lv = 70,
boundingboxvar = 10
hsv_img = HSV.(img)
channels = channelview(float.(hsv_img))
hue_img = channels[1, :, :]
val_img = channels[3, :, :]
satur_img = channels[2, :, :]
mask = zeros(size(hue_img))
h, s, v = h, s, v
h1, s1, v1 = lh, ls, lv
ex = boundingboxvar
for ind in eachindex(hue_img)
if hue_img[ind] <= h && satur_img[ind] <= s / 255 && val_img[ind] <= v / 255
if hue_img[ind] >= h1 && satur_img[ind] >= s1 / 255 && val_img[ind] >= v1 / 255
mask[ind] = 1
img = mapwindow(ImageFiltering.median, dilate(mask), (3, 3))
contours = find_contours(img)
convhull = convexhull(img .> 0.5)
push!(convhull, convhull[1])
res = findconvexitydefects(contours[1], convhull; dist=3, absdiff = 2, currsize= 30, mindist =6)
img_convex1 = RGB{N0f8}.(ones(size(img)))
drawdots!(img_convex1, res, RGB(0,0,1))
draw!(img_convex1, ImageDraw.Path(convhull), RGB(0))
draw_contours(img_convex1, RGB(0), contours)
return img_convex1, size(res)[1]
catch e
img_convex1 = RGB{N0f8}.(ones(size(img)))
draw_contours(img_convex1, RGB(0), contours)
return img_convex1 , -1
# return Gray.(img), e
# return Gray.(img) , 0
# ╔═╡ 594acafd-01d4-4eee-b9e6-5b886953b5b1
image = process_raw_camera_data(raw_camera_data)
res = process_image(image)
data_folder = "images/"
if size(res)[1] == 63 * "$(Dates.datetime2epochms(now())).png", image)
draw_rect(image, res, Gray(1))
# ╔═╡ b2c29b9f-45ad-4736-ba49-49011b8bd7d7
img = reverse(load("images\\63857712960954.png");dims=2)
# ╔═╡ 7a80d3c9-050a-421e-8a24-3a86ded52b3a
image1 = deepcopy(img)
# ╔═╡ 9a14c78a-f90f-4049-8397-cfd228230e1a
output = process_image(image1)
# ╔═╡ 37f2c3e5-21dc-44ec-b780-4389c9d22d2b
x = sort(output)
# ╔═╡ 0ec97ce8-ffc6-489e-a635-1e96b630cf8e
draw_rect(image1, sort(output)[15:21], Gray(1))
# ╔═╡ 1d4495d7-2fa5-4b45-bbe4-00a5a2bb4d16
[-X -Y -1 0 0 0 u*X u*Y u; 0 0 0 -X -Y -1 v*X v*Y v]
# ╔═╡ c0288129-85c4-4ed7-8553-bbb91b655d8f
# ╔═╡ a356ec89-ba9c-434c-8fb9-258eb0e3a382
data = []
for (idx,i) in enumerate(x)
# @info idx i
u = i[1]
v = i[2]
X = 20 * (round(Int, idx/7) + 1)
Y = 20 * (idx%7)
res = [-X -Y -1 0 0 0 u*X u*Y u; 0 0 0 -X -Y -1 v*X v*Y v]
push!(data, res)
Amat = vcat(data...)
u2, s, vh = svd(Amat)
min_idx = findmin(s)[2]
@info min_idx
# ╔═╡ 4e62057e-bf95-4701-805f-63085487e4f1
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import glob
import sys, argparse
import pprint
import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy import optimize as opt
puts = pprint.pprint
DATA_DIR = "/home/kushal/KV/IP/calib_linear/data/"
DEBUG_DIR = "/home/kushal/KV/IP/calib_linear/data/debug/"
def show_image(string, image):
cv2.imshow(string, image)
def get_camera_images():
images = [each for each in glob.glob(DATA_DIR + "*.jpg")]
images = sorted(images)
for each in images:
yield (each, cv2.imread(each, 0))
# yield [(each, cv2.imread(each, 0)) for each in images]
def getChessboardCorners(images = None, visualize=False):
objp = np.zeros((PATTERN_SIZE[1]*PATTERN_SIZE[0], 3), dtype=np.float64)
# objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:PATTERN_SIZE[1], 0:PATTERN_SIZE[0]].T.reshape(-1, 2)
objp[:, :2] = np.indices(PATTERN_SIZE).T.reshape(-1, 2)
chessboard_corners = []
image_points = []
object_points = []
correspondences = []
for (path, each) in get_camera_images(): #images:
print("Processing Image : ", path)
ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(each, patternSize=PATTERN_SIZE)
if ret:
print ("Chessboard Detected ")
corners = corners.reshape(-1, 2)
# corners = corners.astype(
# corners = corners.astype(np.float64)
if corners.shape[0] == objp.shape[0] :
# print(objp[:,:-1].shape)
object_points.append(objp[:,:-1]) #append only World_X, World_Y. Because World_Z is ZERO. Just a simple modification for get_normalization_matrix
assert corners.shape == objp[:, :-1].shape, "mismatch shape corners and objp[:,:-1]"
correspondences.append([corners.astype(, objp[:, :-1].astype(])
if visualize:
# Draw and display the corners
ec = cv2.cvtColor(each, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
cv2.drawChessboardCorners(ec, PATTERN_SIZE, corners, ret)
cv2.imwrite(DEBUG_DIR + str(ctr)+".png", ec)
# show_image("mgri", ec)
print ("Error in detection points", ctr)
# sys.exit(1)
return correspondences
def normalize_points(chessboard_correspondences):
views = len(chessboard_correspondences)
def get_normalization_matrix(pts, name="A"):
pts = pts.astype(np.float64)
x_mean, y_mean = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
var_x, var_y = np.var(pts, axis=0)
s_x , s_y = np.sqrt(2/var_x), np.sqrt(2/var_y)
print("Matrix: {4} : meanx {0}, meany {1}, varx {2}, vary {3}, sx {5}, sy {6} ".format(x_mean, y_mean, var_x, var_y, name, s_x, s_y))
n = np.array([[s_x, 0, -s_x*x_mean], [0, s_y, -s_y*y_mean], [0, 0, 1]])
# print(n)
n_inv = np.array([ [1./s_x , 0 , x_mean], [0, 1./s_y, y_mean] , [0, 0, 1] ])
return n.astype(np.float64), n_inv.astype(np.float64)
ret_correspondences = []
for i in xrange(views):
imp, objp = chessboard_correspondences[i]
N_x, N_x_inv = get_normalization_matrix(objp, "A")
N_u, N_u_inv = get_normalization_matrix(imp, "B")
# print(N_x)
# print(N_u)
# convert imp, objp to homogeneous
# hom_imp = np.array([np.array([[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]]) for each in imp])
# hom_objp = np.array([np.array([[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]]) for each in objp])
hom_imp = np.array([ [[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]] for each in imp])
hom_objp = np.array([ [[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]] for each in objp])
normalized_hom_imp = hom_imp
normalized_hom_objp = hom_objp
for i in range(normalized_hom_objp.shape[0]):
# 54 points. iterate one by onea
# all points are homogeneous
n_o = np.matmul(N_x,normalized_hom_objp[i])
normalized_hom_objp[i] = n_o/n_o[-1]
n_u = np.matmul(N_u,normalized_hom_imp[i])
normalized_hom_imp[i] = n_u/n_u[-1]
normalized_objp = normalized_hom_objp.reshape(normalized_hom_objp.shape[0], normalized_hom_objp.shape[1])
normalized_imp = normalized_hom_imp.reshape(normalized_hom_imp.shape[0], normalized_hom_imp.shape[1])
normalized_objp = normalized_objp[:,:-1]
normalized_imp = normalized_imp[:,:-1]
# print(normalized_imp)
ret_correspondences.append((imp, objp, normalized_imp, normalized_objp, N_u, N_x, N_u_inv, N_x_inv))
return ret_correspondences
def compute_view_based_homography(correspondence, reproj = False):
# ╔═╡ 55f91b70-afa8-4af8-bc65-b62a13cf874e
correspondence = (imp, objp, normalized_imp, normalized_objp, N_u, N_x, N_u_inv, N_x_inv)
# ╔═╡ 420b7065-fb2d-494c-8d3f-294dab55e777
image_points = correspondence[0]
object_points = correspondence[1]
normalized_image_points = correspondence[2]
normalized_object_points = correspondence[3]
N_u = correspondence[4]
N_x = correspondence[5]
N_u_inv = correspondence[6]
N_x_inv = correspondence[7]
N = len(image_points)
print("Number of points in current view : ", N)
M = np.zeros((2*N, 9), dtype=np.float64)
print("Shape of Matrix M : ", M.shape)
print("N_model\n", N_x)
print("N_observed\n", N_u)
# create row wise allotment for each 0-2i rows
# that means 2 rows..
for i in xrange(N):
X, Y = normalized_object_points[i] #A
u, v = normalized_image_points[i] #B
row_1 = np.array([ -X, -Y, -1, 0, 0, 0, X*u, Y*u, u])
row_2 = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, -X, -Y, -1, X*v, Y*v, v])
M[2*i] = row_1
M[(2*i) + 1] = row_2
print ("p_model {0} \t p_obs {1}".format((X, Y), (u, v)))
# M.h = 0 . solve system of linear equations using SVD
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(M)
print("Computing SVD of M")
# print("U : Shape {0} : {1}".format(u.shape, u))
# print("S : Shape {0} : {1}".format(s.shape, s))
# print("V_t : Shape {0} : {1}".format(vh.shape, vh))
# print(s, np.argmin(s))
h_norm = vh[np.argmin(s)]
h_norm = h_norm.reshape(3, 3)
# print("Normalized Homography Matrix : \n" , h_norm)
# h = h_norm
h = np.matmul(np.matmul(N_u_inv,h_norm), N_x)
# if abs(h[2, 2]) > 10e-8:
h = h[:,:]/h[2, 2]
print("Homography for View : \n", h )
if reproj:
reproj_error = 0
for i in range(len(image_points)):
t1 = np.array([[object_points[i][0]], [object_points[i][1]], [1.0]])
t = np.matmul(h, t1).reshape(1, 3)
t = t/t[0][-1]
formatstring = "Imp {0} | ObjP {1} | Tx {2}".format(image_points[i], object_points[i], t)
reproj_error += np.sum(np.abs(image_points[i] - t[0][:-1]))
reproj_error = np.sqrt(reproj_error/N)/100.0
print("Reprojection error : ", reproj_error)
return h
def minimizer_func(initial_guess, X, Y, h, N):
# X : normalized object points flattened
# Y : normalized image points flattened
# h : homography flattened
# N : number of points
x_j = X.reshape(N, 2)
# Y = Y.reshape(N, 2)
# h = h.reshape(3, 3)
projected = [0 for i in xrange(2*N)]
for j in range(N):
x, y = x_j[j]
w = h[6]*x + h[7]*y + h[8]
# pts = np.matmul(np.array([ [h[0], h[1], h[2]] , [h[3], h[4], h[5]]]), np.array([ [x] , [y] , [1.]]))
# pts = pts/float(w)
# u, v = pts[0][0], pts[1][0]
projected[2*j] = (h[0] * x + h[1] * y + h[2]) / w
projected[2*j + 1] = (h[3] * x + h[4] * y + h[5]) / w
# return projected
return (np.abs(projected - Y))**2
def jac_function(initial_guess, X, Y, h, N):
x_j = X.reshape(N, 2)
jacobian = np.zeros( (2*N, 9) , np.float64)
for j in range(N):
x, y = x_j[j]
sx = np.float64(h[0]*x + h[1]*y + h[2])
sy = np.float64(h[3]*x + h[4]*y + h[5])
w = np.float64(h[6]*x + h[7]*y + h[8])
jacobian[2*j] = np.array([x/w, y/w, 1/w, 0, 0, 0, -sx*x/w**2, -sx*y/w**2, -sx/w**2])
jacobian[2*j + 1] = np.array([0, 0, 0, x/w, y/w, 1/w, -sy*x/w**2, -sy*y/w**2, -sy/w**2])
return jacobian
def refine_homographies(H, correspondences, skip=False):
if skip:
return H
image_points = correspondence[0]
object_points = correspondence[1]
normalized_image_points = correspondence[2]
normalized_object_points = correspondence[3]
N_u = correspondence[4]
N_x = correspondence[5]
N_u_inv = correspondence[6]
N_x_inv = correspondence[7]
N = normalized_object_points.shape[0]
X = object_points.flatten()
Y = image_points.flatten()
h = H.flatten()
h_prime = opt.least_squares(fun=minimizer_func, x0=h, jac=jac_function, method="lm" , args=[X, Y, h, N], verbose=0)
if h_prime.success:
H = h_prime.x.reshape(3, 3)
H = H/H[2, 2]
return H
def get_intrinsic_parameters(H_r):
M = len(H_r)
V = np.zeros((2*M, 6), np.float64)
def v_pq(p, q, H):
v = np.array([
H[0, p]*H[0, q],
H[0, p]*H[1, q] + H[1, p]*H[0, q],
H[1, p]*H[1, q],
H[2, p]*H[0, q] + H[0, p]*H[2, q],
H[2, p]*H[1, q] + H[1, p]*H[2, q],
H[2, p]*H[2, q]
return v
for i in range(M):
H = H_r[i]
V[2*i] = v_pq(p=0, q=1, H=H)
V[2*i + 1] = np.subtract(v_pq(p=0, q=0, H=H), v_pq(p=1, q=1, H=H))
# solve V.b = 0
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(V)
# print(u, "\n", s, "\n", vh)
b = vh[np.argmin(s)]
print("V.b = 0 Solution : ", b.shape)
# according to zhangs method
vc = (b[1]*b[3] - b[0]*b[4])/(b[0]*b[2] - b[1]**2)
l = b[5] - (b[3]**2 + vc*(b[1]*b[2] - b[0]*b[4]))/b[0]
alpha = np.sqrt((l/b[0]))
beta = np.sqrt(((l*b[0])/(b[0]*b[2] - b[1]**2)))
gamma = -1*((b[1])*(alpha**2) *(beta/l))
uc = (gamma*vc/beta) - (b[3]*(alpha**2)/l)
A = np.array([
[alpha, gamma, uc],
[0, beta, vc],
[0, 0, 1.0],
print("Intrinsic Camera Matrix is :")
return A
# ╔═╡ f00f6dc1-3b39-4403-8daf-80efd28f0940
# images = get_camera_images()
chessboard_correspondences = py"getChessboardCorners"(images=None, visualize = True)
# ╔═╡ 1885c4ae-d91c-4b0c-8ad6-4b977833b173
np = pyimport("numpy")
# ╔═╡ c6f3eb17-91fb-4a0d-b418-5e1fed4a6853
u1, s1, vh1 = np.linalg.svd(Amat)
# ╔═╡ f973d502-b29a-4c3a-b609-1710b199f82c
# ╔═╡ 44c37a05-3d7d-49bd-8e5c-cf01588da34e
val_idx =np.argmin(s1)
# ╔═╡ 012b465d-60c0-44f3-96f3-563c89d2ac6e
# ╔═╡ d7d76f4b-1475-42f1-afb6-c15dee869c47
h_norm = vh1[8]
# ╔═╡ 146042f0-73cb-49e7-a7fb-0f5d05a1d018
h_norm1 = h_norm.reshape(3, 3)
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═4934e4de-b03d-419f-a076-9a8116f5ddf5
# ╠═14519106-d4cf-4a77-acca-a22b7c426334
# ╟─dfb7c6be-ee0d-11ea-194e-9758857f7b20
# ╟─1a0324de-ee19-11ea-1d4d-db37f4136ad3
# ╠═11bb0034-d018-4417-9d76-e9509403d542
# ╠═c11e3475-1835-462f-bdc5-c3f2592b1980
# ╠═594acafd-01d4-4eee-b9e6-5b886953b5b1
# ╠═cb0ef50c-1f87-45f3-ad3f-339cc15098c1
# ╟─f5642319-05ee-4731-ad26-80bcd4f6aa7b
# ╟─f2236406-af64-403d-84bd-e3afe395b791
# ╠═3687d6ca-5cd2-4e6b-b0b1-7c7bbc791870
# ╠═25d1a770-a2cc-4fcc-8e95-c240b2dff67d
# ╠═e2516aef-c97e-40e6-bf14-26dd24fe8e42
# ╠═a092c79d-f568-4942-88cf-060770324cd0
# ╠═0637aecb-0d91-428b-a968-e05677bf83a8
# ╠═63685547-1b8f-4a81-a08b-b4cd037188af
# ╠═f0184dae-b562-469e-8263-63a565fea9cb
# ╠═9148b86f-62c1-43d8-9b3a-99f293005f59
# ╠═1e4cc89e-585e-4803-8abc-f2cad3832877
# ╠═834d4ec1-5684-4302-b79c-993971ee870d
# ╠═6da6035a-4815-42b1-914f-ca8ebe276324
# ╠═ee6d050b-b2b0-4f2e-b611-a9a427e1c6b7
# ╠═f9f91642-5619-4521-a47c-26a628c7e9a5
# ╠═5fb9ad50-9647-4a55-9e4c-ba4246b43b80
# ╠═914393a3-4bf0-4771-b880-9e1939fd8873
# ╠═e6514a59-8e71-471b-be7d-d43554d09dcb
# ╟─b258a32c-539f-44b4-babf-6e83a81be703
# ╠═b2c29b9f-45ad-4736-ba49-49011b8bd7d7
# ╠═7a80d3c9-050a-421e-8a24-3a86ded52b3a
# ╠═9a14c78a-f90f-4049-8397-cfd228230e1a
# ╠═37f2c3e5-21dc-44ec-b780-4389c9d22d2b
# ╠═0ec97ce8-ffc6-489e-a635-1e96b630cf8e
# ╠═1d4495d7-2fa5-4b45-bbe4-00a5a2bb4d16
# ╠═c0288129-85c4-4ed7-8553-bbb91b655d8f
# ╠═a356ec89-ba9c-434c-8fb9-258eb0e3a382
# ╠═15321a8a-0714-4f44-91a4-99a54c29e46f
# ╠═a51f6584-b4b6-494a-9456-3d4ef0d74112
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# ╠═44c37a05-3d7d-49bd-8e5c-cf01588da34e
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# ╠═146042f0-73cb-49e7-a7fb-0f5d05a1d018
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.19.27
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# ╔═╡ 907ea08e-2d52-11ee-0218-67180aaaba6e
using Pkg
# ╔═╡ 0273fe28-3cf4-4d92-96ed-b4b81b789e8c
using PyCall, Statistics, LinearAlgebra
# ╔═╡ c204a489-151d-4c37-8255-22803946a1c5
using .Iterators
# ╔═╡ e564e588-4336-4069-98bb-fb5cfa78a8f5
using LsqFit
# ╔═╡ 933ec515-4bbe-4208-a496-221edc71b232
chessboard_correspondences = py"getChessboardCorners"()
# ╔═╡ bed0b3f8-83e6-4d7c-b54f-b9be0b5f71b9
world_cords, image_cords = chessboard_correspondences[1,:]
# ╔═╡ 6b057b4c-7d75-48bd-9f9d-96d827618755
function get_normalization_matrix(pts, name="A")
pts = Float64.(pts)
x_mean, y_mean = mean(pts, dims=1)
var_x, var_y = var(pts, dims=1;corrected=false)
s_x , s_y = sqrt(2/var_x), sqrt(2/var_y)
# println("Matrix: $(name) : meanx $(x_mean) , meany $(y_mean) , varx $(var_x) , vary $(var_y) , sx $(s_x) , sy $(s_y)")
n = [s_x 0 -s_x*x_mean;0 s_y -s_y*y_mean; 0 0 1]
# print(n)
n_inv = [(1 ./ s_x) 0 x_mean; 0 (1 ./ s_y) y_mean;0 0 1]
# @info "N:" n n_inv
return Float64.(n), Float64.(n_inv)
function normalize_points(cords)
views = size(cords)[1]
ret_correspondences = []
for i in 1:views
imp, objp = chessboard_correspondences[i,:]
N_x, N_x_inv = get_normalization_matrix(objp, "A")
N_u, N_u_inv = get_normalization_matrix(imp, "B")
val = ones(Float64,(54,1))
normalized_hom_imp = hcat(imp, val)
normalized_hom_objp = hcat(objp, val)
for i in 1:size(normalized_hom_objp)[1]
n_o = N_x * normalized_hom_objp[i,:]
normalized_hom_objp[i,:] = n_o/n_o[end]
n_u = N_u * normalized_hom_imp[i,:]
normalized_hom_imp[i,:] = n_u/n_u[end]
normalized_objp = normalized_hom_objp
normalized_imp = normalized_hom_imp
push!(ret_correspondences, (imp, objp, normalized_imp, normalized_objp, N_u, N_x, N_u_inv, N_x_inv))
return ret_correspondences
# ╔═╡ 0e990a5f-c9a4-4326-8aec-5f5147507a6b
chessboard_correspondences_normalized = normalize_points(chessboard_correspondences)
# ╔═╡ edbd55cf-8f54-4184-a7f2-5c805c98bdee
function compute_view_based_homography(correspondence; reproj = 0)
correspondence = (imp, objp, normalized_imp, normalized_objp, N_u, N_x, N_u_inv, N_x_inv)
# @info correspondence
image_points = correspondence[1]
object_points = correspondence[2]
normalized_image_points = correspondence[3]
normalized_object_points = correspondence[4]
N_u = correspondence[5]
N_x = correspondence[6]
N_u_inv = correspondence[7]
N_x_inv = correspondence[8]
N = size(image_points)[1]
# print("Number of points in current view : ", N)
# print("\n")
M = zeros(Float64, (2*N, 9))
# println("Shape of Matrix M : ", size(M))
# println("N_model\n", N_x)
# println("N_observed\n", N_u)
data = []
for i in 1:54
world_point, image_point = normalized_object_points[i,:], normalized_image_points[i,:]
# @info "points:" world_point image_point
u = image_point[1]
v = image_point[2]
X = world_point[1]
Y = world_point[2]
res = [-X -Y -1 0 0 0 X*u Y*u u; 0 0 0 -X -Y -1 X*v Y*v v]
push!(data, res)
Amat = vcat(data...)
# @info Amat
u, s, vh = svd(Amat)
# @show "Svd:" u s vh
min_idx = findmin(s)[2]
# @info vh min_idx
# @info vh[:,min_idx]
h_norm = vh[:,min_idx]
# @info h_norm
h_norm = reshape(h_norm,(3,3))'
# @info h_norm
h = (N_u_inv * h_norm) * N_x
# @info "h:" N_u_inv h_norm
# # if abs(h[2, 2]) > 10e-8:
h = h ./ h[3, 3]
# print("Homography for View : \n", h )
return h
# ╔═╡ bdff8656-8b51-4a33-912f-3b6128d757ed
H = []
for correspondence in chessboard_correspondences_normalized
push!(H, compute_view_based_homography(correspondence; reproj=0))
# ╔═╡ e5ffc1b5-f5ef-45b1-8387-8610825151e5
function model(X, h)
# @show X length(X)
# @show h
N = trunc(Int, length(X) / 2)
x_j = reshape(X, (2, N))'
# @info "x_j:" x_j
projected = zeros(2*N)
for j in 1:N
x, y = x_j[j,:]
w = h[7]*x + h[8]*y + h[9]
projected[(2*j) - 1] = (h[1] * x + h[2] * y + h[3]) / w
projected[2*j] = (h[4] * x + h[5] * y + h[6]) / w
# @info "Projected:" projected length(projected)
return projected
function jac_function(X, h)
N = trunc(Int, length(X) /2)
# @show N
x_j = reshape(X , (2, N))'
jacobian = zeros(Float64, (2*N, 9))
for j in 1:N
x, y = x_j[j,:]
sx = Float64(h[1]*x + h[2]*y + h[3])
sy = Float64(h[4]*x + h[5]*y + h[6])
w = Float64(h[7]*x + h[8]*y + h[9])
jacobian[(2*j) - 1,:] = [x/w, y/w, 1/w, 0, 0, 0, -sx*x/w^2, -sx*y/w^2, -sx/w^2]
jacobian[2*j,:] = [0, 0, 0, x/w, y/w, 1/w, -sy*x/w^2, -sy*y/w^2, -sy/w^2]
# @info "Jacobian:" jacobian length(jacobian)
return jacobian
function refine_homographies(H, correspondence; skip=false)
if skip
return H
image_points = correspondence[1]
object_points = correspondence[2]
normalized_image_points = correspondence[3]
normalized_object_points = correspondence[4]
# N_u = correspondence[5]
N_x = correspondence[6]
N_u_inv = correspondence[7]
N_x_inv = correspondence[8]
N = size(normalized_object_points)[1]
X = Float64.(collect(flatten(object_points')))
Y = Float64.(collect(flatten(image_points')))
h = collect(flatten(H'))
# @show h
# @show det(H)
# @info "data:" X Y h
fit = curve_fit(model, jac_function, Float64.(X), Float64.(Y), h;)
if fit.converged
H = reshape(fit.param, (3, 3))
H = H/H[3, 3]
return H
# ╔═╡ 1f668b5b-22aa-43d8-9293-fcf9c2bed5fe
H_r = []
for i in 1:length(H)
# @info "Input Homography:" H[i]
h_opt = refine_homographies(H[i], chessboard_correspondences_normalized[i]; skip=false)
# @info h_opt
# push!(H_r, h_opt')
# @info "Refined Homography:" h_opt
push!(H_r, h_opt')
# ╔═╡ fe2c2081-67ab-4a6d-8d88-c81c42f3833a
function get_intrinsic_parameters(H_r)
M = length(H_r)
V = zeros(Float64, (2*M, 6))
function v_pq(p, q, H)
v = [
H[1, p]*H[1, q]
(H[1, p]*H[2, q] + H[2, p]*H[1, q])
H[2, p]*H[2, q]
(H[3, p]*H[1, q] + H[1, p]*H[3, q])
(H[3, p]*H[2, q] + H[2, p]*H[3, q])
H[3, p]*H[3, q]
return v
for i in 1:M
H = H_r[i]
V[(2*i)-1,:] = v_pq(1, 2, H)
V[2*i,:] = v_pq(1,1, H) .- v_pq(2, 2, H)
# solve V.b = 0
u, s, vh = svd(V)
# print(u, "\n", s, "\n", vh)
# @info u
b = vh[:,findmin(s)[2]]
@info size(u) size(s) size(vh)
print("V.b = 0 Solution : ", b)
# according to zhangs method
vc = (b[2]*b[4] - b[1]*b[5])/(b[1]*b[3] - b[2]^2)
l = b[6] - (b[4]^2 + vc*(b[2]*b[3] - b[1]*b[5]))/b[1]
alpha = sqrt((l/b[1]))
beta = sqrt((l*b[1])/(b[1]*b[3] - b[2]^2))
gamma = -1*((b[2])*(alpha^2) *(beta/l))
uc = (gamma*vc/beta) - (b[4]*(alpha^2)/l)
A = [ alpha gamma uc;
0 beta vc;
0 0 1.0;
return A, b
# ╔═╡ 5c2a2f80-6884-4d72-914a-973a909c5a22
res = get_intrinsic_parameters(H_r)
# ╔═╡ 15bf4e50-3205-4663-bd85-d103e8611d87
b = res[2]
# ╔═╡ f235bd77-0cd0-4afb-a1ec-8572f3c01bba
B = [b[1] b[2] b[4];b[2] b[3] b[5];b[4] b[5] b[6]]
# ╔═╡ d1f50fcd-2be0-4d11-a433-137cddae14dd
A = res[1]
# ╔═╡ fa99ade6-1d2e-4dfb-88bd-a5a0625cf181
# λ = 320
# ╔═╡ b94d8141-9cb7-413b-85b2-7cef4396a082
# r1 = λ * inv(A) * H_r[1][:,1]
# ╔═╡ 407b7789-c370-49a1-9aab-cf797d9a3176
# r2 = λ * inv(A) * H_r[1][:,2]
# ╔═╡ cf3a254a-fd66-420d-a72e-59a0f48e4991
# r3 = r1 .* r2
# ╔═╡ 567824cb-5c9e-41b8-8d7e-ab0ac2929b86
# t = λ * inv(A) * H_r[1][:,3]
# ╔═╡ bfe49eec-b3f1-42e5-95d6-b6d01ff83ed4
# rt = [r1 r2 r3 t]
# ╔═╡ 9203a69e-023f-4057-bf21-f7c007919f06
# ╔═╡ 7a0dbc2a-d429-4453-aa8f-4e7985c115ec
1 / det(inv(A) * H_r[1] )
# ╔═╡ e05ad647-570f-42fd-b415-cdcd03cbaec9
1 / det(inv(A) * H_r[2] )
# ╔═╡ 72944130-7ed8-4873-9ca5-ba983f14d8df
# 13×2 Matrix{Matrix{Int32}}:
# [244 94; 274 92; … ; 475 264; 510 266] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [256 357; 255 334; … ; 523 181; 539 131] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [277 72; 313 81; … ; 497 374; 544 390] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [188 130; 223 127; … ; 475 338; 521 338] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [435 50; 450 78; … ; 279 378; 288 431] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [589 138; 586 175; … ; 393 357; 389 387] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [368 137; 358 169; … ; 159 306; 151 334] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [470 92; 465 126; … ; 197 328; 184 370] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [219 85; 263 93; … ; 441 313; 469 313] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [413 65; 419 103; … ; 293 389; 301 429] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [423 71; 426 103; … ; 201 360; 198 408] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [402 71; 414 113; … ; 300 350; 311 374] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# [415 57; 422 97; … ; 271 387; 279 422] [0 0; 1 0; … ; 7 5; 8 5]
# ╔═╡ 91e78452-4a87-4d20-aa98-c4ae9310524d
img_num = 2
λ = mean([1 /norm(inv(A) * H_r[img_num][:,1] ), 1 / norm(inv(A) * H_r[img_num][:,2] )])
r1 = λ * inv(A) * H_r[img_num][:,1]
r2 = λ * inv(A) * H_r[img_num][:,2]
r3 = r1 .* r2
t = λ * inv(A) * H_r[img_num][:,3]
rt = [r1 r2 r3 t]
projected = A * rt * [7, 5, 0, 1] # world point being projected to world, this matches data above
projected = projected ./ projected[3]
# ╔═╡ 3e1bcc10-79f4-45eb-85bd-2438040524ab
A * rt * [0, 0, 0, 1] / 320
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═907ea08e-2d52-11ee-0218-67180aaaba6e
# ╠═0273fe28-3cf4-4d92-96ed-b4b81b789e8c
# ╠═c204a489-151d-4c37-8255-22803946a1c5
# ╠═e564e588-4336-4069-98bb-fb5cfa78a8f5
# ╠═933ec515-4bbe-4208-a496-221edc71b232
# ╠═bed0b3f8-83e6-4d7c-b54f-b9be0b5f71b9
# ╠═6b057b4c-7d75-48bd-9f9d-96d827618755
# ╠═0e990a5f-c9a4-4326-8aec-5f5147507a6b
# ╟─edbd55cf-8f54-4184-a7f2-5c805c98bdee
# ╠═bdff8656-8b51-4a33-912f-3b6128d757ed
# ╠═e5ffc1b5-f5ef-45b1-8387-8610825151e5
# ╠═1f668b5b-22aa-43d8-9293-fcf9c2bed5fe
# ╠═fe2c2081-67ab-4a6d-8d88-c81c42f3833a
# ╠═5c2a2f80-6884-4d72-914a-973a909c5a22
# ╠═15bf4e50-3205-4663-bd85-d103e8611d87
# ╠═f235bd77-0cd0-4afb-a1ec-8572f3c01bba
# ╠═d1f50fcd-2be0-4d11-a433-137cddae14dd
# ╠═fa99ade6-1d2e-4dfb-88bd-a5a0625cf181
# ╠═b94d8141-9cb7-413b-85b2-7cef4396a082
# ╠═407b7789-c370-49a1-9aab-cf797d9a3176
# ╠═cf3a254a-fd66-420d-a72e-59a0f48e4991
# ╠═567824cb-5c9e-41b8-8d7e-ab0ac2929b86
# ╠═bfe49eec-b3f1-42e5-95d6-b6d01ff83ed4
# ╠═9203a69e-023f-4057-bf21-f7c007919f06
# ╠═7a0dbc2a-d429-4453-aa8f-4e7985c115ec
# ╠═e05ad647-570f-42fd-b415-cdcd03cbaec9
# ╠═3e1bcc10-79f4-45eb-85bd-2438040524ab
# ╠═72944130-7ed8-4873-9ca5-ba983f14d8df
# ╠═91e78452-4a87-4d20-aa98-c4ae9310524d
Cairo = "159f3aea-2a34-519c-b102-8c37f9878175"
CoordinateTransformations = "150eb455-5306-5404-9cee-2592286d6298"
FileIO = "5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549"
ImageDraw = "4381153b-2b60-58ae-a1ba-fd683676385f"
Images = "916415d5-f1e6-5110-898d-aaa5f9f070e0"
LazySets = "b4f0291d-fe17-52bc-9479-3d1a343d9043"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Luxor = "ae8d54c2-7ccd-5906-9d76-62fc9837b5bc"
Pluto = "c3e4b0f8-55cb-11ea-2926-15256bba5781"
PyCall = "438e738f-606a-5dbb-bf0a-cddfbfd45ab0"
RawArray = "d3d335b2-f152-507c-820e-958e337efb65"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import glob
import sys, argparse
import pprint
import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy import optimize as opt
puts = pprint.pprint
DATA_DIR = "data/"
DEBUG_DIR = "data/"
def show_image(string, image):
cv2.imshow(string, image)
def get_camera_images():
images = [each for each in glob.glob(DATA_DIR + "*.jpg")]
images = sorted(images)
for each in images:
yield (each, cv2.imread(each, 0))
# yield [(each, cv2.imread(each, 0)) for each in images]
def getChessboardCorners(images = None, visualize=False):
objp = np.zeros((PATTERN_SIZE[1]*PATTERN_SIZE[0], 3), dtype=np.float64)
# objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:PATTERN_SIZE[1], 0:PATTERN_SIZE[0]].T.reshape(-1, 2)
objp[:, :2] = np.indices(PATTERN_SIZE).T.reshape(-1, 2)
chessboard_corners = []
image_points = []
object_points = []
correspondences = []
for (path, each) in get_camera_images(): #images:
print("Processing Image : ", path)
ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(each, patternSize=PATTERN_SIZE)
if ret:
print ("Chessboard Detected ")
corners = corners.reshape(-1, 2)
# corners = corners.astype(int)
# corners = corners.astype(np.float64)
if corners.shape[0] == objp.shape[0] :
# print(objp[:,:-1].shape)
object_points.append(objp[:,:-1]) #append only World_X, World_Y. Because World_Z is ZERO. Just a simple modification for get_normalization_matrix
assert corners.shape == objp[:, :-1].shape, "mismatch shape corners and objp[:,:-1]"
correspondences.append([corners.astype(int), objp[:, :-1].astype(int)])
if visualize:
# Draw and display the corners
ec = cv2.cvtColor(each, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
cv2.drawChessboardCorners(ec, PATTERN_SIZE, corners, ret)
cv2.imwrite(DEBUG_DIR + str(ctr)+".png", ec)
# show_image("mgri", ec)
print ("Error in detection points", ctr)
# sys.exit(1)
return correspondences
def normalize_points(chessboard_correspondences):
views = len(chessboard_correspondences)
def get_normalization_matrix(pts, name="A"):
pts = pts.astype(np.float64)
x_mean, y_mean = np.mean(pts, axis=0)
var_x, var_y = np.var(pts, axis=0)
s_x , s_y = np.sqrt(2/var_x), np.sqrt(2/var_y)
print("Matrix: {4} : meanx {0}, meany {1}, varx {2}, vary {3}, sx {5}, sy {6} ".format(x_mean, y_mean, var_x, var_y, name, s_x, s_y))
n = np.array([[s_x, 0, -s_x*x_mean], [0, s_y, -s_y*y_mean], [0, 0, 1]])
# print(n)
n_inv = np.array([ [1./s_x , 0 , x_mean], [0, 1./s_y, y_mean] , [0, 0, 1] ])
return n.astype(np.float64), n_inv.astype(np.float64)
ret_correspondences = []
for i in range(views):
imp, objp = chessboard_correspondences[i]
N_x, N_x_inv = get_normalization_matrix(objp, "A")
N_u, N_u_inv = get_normalization_matrix(imp, "B")
# print(N_x)
# print(N_u)
# convert imp, objp to homogeneous
# hom_imp = np.array([np.array([[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]]) for each in imp])
# hom_objp = np.array([np.array([[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]]) for each in objp])
hom_imp = np.array([ [[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]] for each in imp])
hom_objp = np.array([ [[each[0]], [each[1]], [1.0]] for each in objp])
normalized_hom_imp = hom_imp
normalized_hom_objp = hom_objp
for i in range(normalized_hom_objp.shape[0]):
# 54 points. iterate one by onea
# all points are homogeneous
n_o = np.matmul(N_x,normalized_hom_objp[i])
normalized_hom_objp[i] = n_o/n_o[-1]
n_u = np.matmul(N_u,normalized_hom_imp[i])
normalized_hom_imp[i] = n_u/n_u[-1]
normalized_objp = normalized_hom_objp.reshape(normalized_hom_objp.shape[0], normalized_hom_objp.shape[1])
normalized_imp = normalized_hom_imp.reshape(normalized_hom_imp.shape[0], normalized_hom_imp.shape[1])
normalized_objp = normalized_objp[:,:-1]
normalized_imp = normalized_imp[:,:-1]
# print(normalized_imp)
ret_correspondences.append((imp, objp, normalized_imp, normalized_objp, N_u, N_x, N_u_inv, N_x_inv))
return ret_correspondences
def compute_view_based_homography(correspondence, reproj = False):
correspondence = (imp, objp, normalized_imp, normalized_objp, N_u, N_x, N_u_inv, N_x_inv)
image_points = correspondence[0]
object_points = correspondence[1]
normalized_image_points = correspondence[2]
normalized_object_points = correspondence[3]
N_u = correspondence[4]
N_x = correspondence[5]
N_u_inv = correspondence[6]
N_x_inv = correspondence[7]
N = len(image_points)
print("Number of points in current view : ", N)
M = np.zeros((2*N, 9), dtype=np.float64)
print("Shape of Matrix M : ", M.shape)
print("N_model\n", N_x)
print("N_observed\n", N_u)
# create row wise allotment for each 0-2i rows
# that means 2 rows..
for i in range(N):
X, Y = normalized_object_points[i] #A
u, v = normalized_image_points[i] #B
row_1 = np.array([ -X, -Y, -1, 0, 0, 0, X*u, Y*u, u])
row_2 = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, -X, -Y, -1, X*v, Y*v, v])
M[2*i] = row_1
M[(2*i) + 1] = row_2
print ("p_model {0} \t p_obs {1}".format((X, Y), (u, v)))
# M.h = 0 . solve system of linear equations using SVD
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(M)
print("Computing SVD of M")
# print("U : Shape {0} : {1}".format(u.shape, u))
# print("S : Shape {0} : {1}".format(s.shape, s))
# print("V_t : Shape {0} : {1}".format(vh.shape, vh))
# print(s, np.argmin(s))
h_norm = vh[np.argmin(s)]
h_norm = h_norm.reshape(3, 3)
# print("Normalized Homography Matrix : \n" , h_norm)
# h = h_norm
h = np.matmul(np.matmul(N_u_inv,h_norm), N_x)
# if abs(h[2, 2]) > 10e-8:
h = h[:,:]/h[2, 2]
print("Homography for View : \n", h )
if reproj:
reproj_error = 0
for i in range(len(image_points)):
t1 = np.array([[object_points[i][0]], [object_points[i][1]], [1.0]])
t = np.matmul(h, t1).reshape(1, 3)
t = t/t[0][-1]
formatstring = "Imp {0} | ObjP {1} | Tx {2}".format(image_points[i], object_points[i], t)
reproj_error += np.sum(np.abs(image_points[i] - t[0][:-1]))
reproj_error = np.sqrt(reproj_error/N)/100.0
print("Reprojection error : ", reproj_error)
return h
def minimizer_func(initial_guess, X, Y, h, N):
# X : normalized object points flattened
# Y : normalized image points flattened
# h : homography flattened
# N : number of points
x_j = X.reshape(N, 2)
# Y = Y.reshape(N, 2)
# h = h.reshape(3, 3)
projected = [0 for i in range(2*N)]
for j in range(N):
x, y = x_j[j]
w = h[6]*x + h[7]*y + h[8]
# pts = np.matmul(np.array([ [h[0], h[1], h[2]] , [h[3], h[4], h[5]]]), np.array([ [x] , [y] , [1.]]))
# pts = pts/float(w)
# u, v = pts[0][0], pts[1][0]
projected[2*j] = (h[0] * x + h[1] * y + h[2]) / w
projected[2*j + 1] = (h[3] * x + h[4] * y + h[5]) / w
# return projected
return (np.abs(projected - Y))**2
def jac_function(initial_guess, X, Y, h, N):
x_j = X.reshape(N, 2)
jacobian = np.zeros( (2*N, 9) , np.float64)
for j in range(N):
x, y = x_j[j]
sx = np.float64(h[0]*x + h[1]*y + h[2])
sy = np.float64(h[3]*x + h[4]*y + h[5])
w = np.float64(h[6]*x + h[7]*y + h[8])
jacobian[2*j] = np.array([x/w, y/w, 1/w, 0, 0, 0, -sx*x/w**2, -sx*y/w**2, -sx/w**2])
jacobian[2*j + 1] = np.array([0, 0, 0, x/w, y/w, 1/w, -sy*x/w**2, -sy*y/w**2, -sy/w**2])
return jacobian
def refine_homographies(H, correspondences, skip=False):
if skip:
return H
image_points = correspondence[0]
object_points = correspondence[1]
normalized_image_points = correspondence[2]
normalized_object_points = correspondence[3]
N_u = correspondence[4]
N_x = correspondence[5]
N_u_inv = correspondence[6]
N_x_inv = correspondence[7]
N = normalized_object_points.shape[0]
X = object_points.flatten()
Y = image_points.flatten()
h = H.flatten()
h_prime = opt.least_squares(fun=minimizer_func, x0=h, jac=jac_function, method="lm" , args=[X, Y, h, N], verbose=0)
if h_prime.success:
H = h_prime.x.reshape(3, 3)
H = H/H[2, 2]
return H
def get_intrinsic_parameters(H_r):
M = len(H_r)
V = np.zeros((2*M, 6), np.float64)
def v_pq(p, q, H):
v = np.array([
H[0, p]*H[0, q],
H[0, p]*H[1, q] + H[1, p]*H[0, q],
H[1, p]*H[1, q],
H[2, p]*H[0, q] + H[0, p]*H[2, q],
H[2, p]*H[1, q] + H[1, p]*H[2, q],
H[2, p]*H[2, q]
return v
for i in range(M):
H = H_r[i]
V[2*i] = v_pq(p=0, q=1, H=H)
V[2*i + 1] = np.subtract(v_pq(p=0, q=0, H=H), v_pq(p=1, q=1, H=H))
# solve V.b = 0
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(V)
# print(u, "\n", s, "\n", vh)
b = vh[np.argmin(s)]
print("V.b = 0 Solution : ", b.shape)
# according to zhangs method
vc = (b[1]*b[3] - b[0]*b[4])/(b[0]*b[2] - b[1]**2)
l = b[5] - (b[3]**2 + vc*(b[1]*b[2] - b[0]*b[4]))/b[0]
alpha = np.sqrt((l/b[0]))
beta = np.sqrt(((l*b[0])/(b[0]*b[2] - b[1]**2)))
gamma = -1*((b[1])*(alpha**2) *(beta/l))
uc = (gamma*vc/beta) - (b[3]*(alpha**2)/l)
A = np.array([
[alpha, gamma, uc],
[0, beta, vc],
[0, 0, 1.0],
print("Intrinsic Camera Matrix is :")
return A
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