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Last active May 20, 2021 16:49
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MineCraft Game in Julia
# Instructions to get something running of Malmo
# In terminal 1 and a particular environment
# 1) Do `pip3 install gym lxml numpy pillow`
# 2) Do `git clone`
# 3) Go to `cd malmo/MalmoEnv`
# 4) Do `(echo -n "malmomod.version=" && cat ../VERSION) > ./src/main/resources/`
# 5) Then run this file `julia run.jl`
# In terminal 2
# 1) Do `cd malmo/Minecraft`
# 2) Do `./ -port 9000 -env`
using PyCall
using ReinforcementLearning
@pyimport malmoenv
f = open("missions/mobchase_single_agent.xml", "r")
xml = read(f, String)
env = malmoenv.make()
env.init(xml, 9000,server="",server2="", port2=9000,role=0,exp_uid="test1", episode=0, resync=0)
episodemaxsteps = 0
for i in 1:10
println("reset " * string(i))
obs = env.reset()
steps = 0
done = false
while done ==false && (episodemaxsteps <= 0 || steps < episodemaxsteps)
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
steps += 1
println("reward: ", string(reward))
# println("done: " , string(done))
println("obs: ", string(obs))
println("info", info)
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