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Last active February 9, 2017 01:04
Example song built using swara-music.
import Key._
import Phrase._
import Pitch._
// C Major Chord.
val cmaj = Set(
Note(Pitch(C, 4), volume = 0.60),
Note(Pitch(E, 4), volume = 0.50),
Note(Pitch(G, 4), volume = 0.45)
// C Major 7 Chord.
val cmaj7 = cmaj :+ Note(Pitch(B, 3), volume = 0.50)
// G Major 7 Chord.
val gmaj = Set(
Note(Pitch(G, 4), volume = 0.60),
Note(Pitch(B, 4), volume = 0.50),
Note(Pitch(D, 5), volume = 0.45)
// G Major 7 Chord.
val gmaj7 = gmaj :+ Note(Pitch(F, 3), volume = 0.50)
// Piano Phrase.
val piano = Phrase(
program = GrandPiano,
voices = Set(
Chord(cmaj, Length(1, 4)),
Chord(gmaj, Length(1, 2)),
Chord(cmaj, Length(1, 4)))),
Chord(cmaj7, Length(1, 4)),
Chord(gmaj7, Length(1, 4)),
Chord(cmaj7, Length(1, 16)),
Chord(gmaj7, Length(1, 16)),
Chord(cmaj7, Length(1, 16)),
Chord(gmaj7, Length(1, 16)))),
// Guitar Phrase.
val guitar = new Phrase(
program = AcousticGuitar,
voices = Set(
Chord(cmaj, Length(1, 8)),
Chord(gmaj7, Length(1, 8)),
Chord(gmaj7, Length(3, 4))))
// Song Fragment.
val fragment = Fragment(
key = GMajor,
tempo = Tempo(signature = Length(4, 4), bpm = 120.0),
phrases = Map(0 -> piano, 1 -> guitar)
// Song.
val song = Song(Seq(fragment))
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