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class PromiseCopy{
finally( callback ){
// resolveOrReject : forward current #state.
// value : forward current #result.
/** curried function to pass Promise.resolve or
Promise.reject forward based on current Promise #state. **/
const commonCallback = ( resolveOrReject ) => ( value ) => {
const response = callback?.() ;
class PromiseCopy{
#handlers = [] ;
#queued = false ;
if( this.#state === states.pending )return ;
if( this.#queued )return ;
const method = this.#state === states.fulfilled ? 'success' : 'fail' ; //handler method to call
class PromiseCopy{
catch( failurecallback ){
return this.then( undefined, failurecallback ) ;
class PromiseCopy{
then( successcallback , failurecallback ){
return new PromiseCopy( ( resolve, reject ) => {
1. handlers is an Array which will store success handlers and error handlers.
2. Each entry will have :
- success method called with resolved value.
- failure method called with rejected value.
class PromiseCopy{
static reject( reason ){
// We return a new Promise and pass the reason to reject method if Promise.reject is called directly.
if( !( this instanceof PromiseCopy ) ) return new PromiseCopy( ( _ , rej ) => rej( reason ) ) ;
//return if promise is settled.
if( this.#state !== states.pending )return ;
this.#state = states.rejected ;
class PromiseCopy{
static resolve( value ){
1. We return a new Promise and pass the value to resolve method if Promise.resolve is called directly.
2. The resolve method of executor runs this same code with this instance added.
if( !( this instanceof PromiseCopy ) ) return new PromiseCopy( res => res( value ) ) ;
//return if promise is settled.
const states = {
pending: 'PENDING',
fulfilled: 'FULFILLED',
rejected: 'REJECTED'
class PromiseCopy{
#state = states.pending // initial state of promise
#result = undefined ;
constructor( executor ){
Promise.resolve( 'create a resolved promise' );
//Promise {<fulfilled>: 'create a resolved promise'}
Promise.reject( 'create a rejected promise' );
//Promise {<rejected>: 'create a rejected promise'}
const error = null ;
//const error = 'error' ; // change to a truthy value to reject promise.
const promise = new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
//asynchronous operation
setTimeout( () => {
return error ? reject( error ) : resolve( 'final data' ) ;
}, 3000 );
} );
// before 3 seconds:
const Matrix=(id)=>{
const STATE={
const drive=()=>{