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Created March 12, 2018 02:03
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Testing Cordova Apps with Appium (wdio.conf.js)
exports.config = {
// 4723 is the default port for Appium
port: 4723,
// How much detail should be logged. The options are:
// 'silent', 'verbose', 'command', 'data', 'result', 'error'
logLevel: 'error',
// This defines which kind of device we want to test on, as well as how it should be
// configured.
capabilities: [{
// 'Android' or 'iOS'
platformName: 'Android',
// The version of the Android or iOS system
platformVersion: '8.1',
// For Android, Appium uses the first device it finds using "adb devices". So, this
// string simply needs to be non-empty.
// For iOS, this must exactly match the device name as seen in Xcode.
deviceName: 'any',
// Where to find the .apk or .ipa file to install on the device. The exact location
// of the file may change depending on your Cordova version.
app: './platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/debug/android-debug.apk',
// By default, Appium runs tests in the native context. By setting autoWebview to
// true, it runs our tests in the Cordova context.
autoWebview: true,
// When set to true, it will not show permission dialogs, but instead grant all
// permissions automatically.
autoGrantPermissions: true
// Where the files we are testing can be found.
specs: ['./tests/spec/**/*.js'],
// Use the Appium plugin for Webdriver. Without this, we would need to run appium
// separately on the command line.
services: ['appium'],
// The reporter is what formats your test results on the command line. 'spec' lists
// the names of the tests with a tick or X next to them. See
// for a full list of reporters.
reporters: ['spec'],
// wdio will run your tests using the framework below. You can choose from several,
// much like the reporters. The full list is at
framework: 'jasmine',
// By default, Jasmine times out within 10 seconds. This is not really enough time
// for us as it takes a while for Appium to get set up.
jasmineNodeOpts: {
defaultTimeoutInterval: 90000
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