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asiansteev / available_vanity_plates.txt
Created October 19, 2019 15:47
available ky vanity license plates
require 'mini_magick'
# for converting images from to printable pdfs.
# open 8.5x14 blank pdf
blank ='blank_legal.jpg')
Dir.glob("input/*.jpg").each do |input_file|
p input_file
asiansteev / cleanup_branches.rb
Created September 1, 2015 22:52
An old rake task to cleanup branches on Github that match master
# This script will delete all branches that have been merged to master.
# Usage:
# ruby cleanup_branches.rb
# Or to delete all remote branches:
# ruby cleanup_branches.rb remote
remote = '-r ' if ARGV.first == 'remote'
asiansteev / check.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
hasbrotoyshop checker
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'restclient'
require 'twitter'
require 'yaml'
@i = 0
exclusives = {
AARON: An extra A, to match your extra chromasome.
DJANGO: Did you mean the over-rated musician with the stupid name or the overcomplicatd web framework with the stupid name?
ABBY: Abby. Gets stabby. Don't make her crabby! Abby.
KANYE: Watch the Throne was really disappointing.
ABDUL: Abdul. What a ghoul. Smells like drool. Abdul.
WIL: You watch sports with a horse head on. And your name is stupid.
ABE: Let's be honest. Your name is stupid.
BIZ: Biz is as bad a name for a person as Jelly is for a company.
ABEL: I hope your brother kills you.
ABIGAIL: Hebrew for "her father's joy." Your father's joy must have been making his daughter live with a shitty name.
asiansteev / shinypokemon
Created September 18, 2012 02:52
Walk around in the grass
require "gd"
for i=1,5000 do
for j=1,1000 do
r = math.random(10)
if r == 1 then joypad.set(1, {up=1})
elseif r == 2 then joypad.set(1, {up=1, right=1})
elseif r == 3 then joypad.set(1, {right=1})
elseif r == 4 then joypad.set(1, {right=1, down=1})
SCRIPT_TITLE = "Mega Man 3 - Weapon Select"
require "m_utils"
Just a quick script to allow Mega Man to cycle through his weapons with the select button without having to pause.
It works, but it's pretty buggy.
SCRIPT_TITLE = "Mega Man 2 - Weapon Select"
require "m_utils"
Just a quick script to allow Mega Man to cycle through his weapons with the select button without having to pause.
It works, but it's pretty buggy.
require 'test/unit'
# The goal for this exercise is to get the tests to pass while not using
# the expected functionality. The 'multiply' method shouldn't actually
# multiply, but it should get the tests to pass _somehow_.
# CompTest may be renamed, as may CompEntry, so don't rely on names.
class CompEntry
startshape flower_step
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x 2.5}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x -2.5}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x 5}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x -5}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x 7.5}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x -7.5}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x 10}}
rule flower_step {flower{} flower_step{size 1.1 y -5 z 1 x -10}}