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Last active October 9, 2015 10:11
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Mentoring [Find mentors]
- Set goal - define successful mentorship
- Set frenquency and duration
- Set Clear deadline?
- Set Milestones
- Mentee to set agenda before each meeting
- Mentee should take notes through meeting
- Mentee sumarise at the end of the meeting
What makes a great developer [The Long Road / Concre skills Drwa your own map]
- Polyglot
* Object oriented
* Functional
* Static
* Dynamic
* Refactoring
* Transformation priority promises
- Code Design
* Clean code
* 4 rules of simple design
* SOLID principles
* Clean code development path:
* Object calisthenics
* GoF Design patterns
* DRY & The Rule Of Three
- Architecture
* Clean architecture / hexagonal architecture
* Packages princliples (Uncle Bob)
* Event storming
* SOA architecture
* Message buses
- Domain Driven Design
- Spec by example / ATDD / BDD
- Deployment pipeline / Walking skeleton
- Infrasctructure as code
- Work with legacy code
* Working efectively with legacy code.
* Sandro Mancusos kata.
* Golden master
- Master your tools. IDE, command line, browser.. learn shortcuts
- Communication skills
* Blog frequently
* Know how to talk with team mates, project maanager, stakeholders
* Learn to say NO - profesionalism.
* Public speaking
- Methodologies
* Agile
* XP
* Scrum
* Lean software development
* Lean startup
How to improve
- Expose your ignorance
- Seek for feedback constantly [Create Feedback Loops]
- Spacial repetition and recall
- Blog / Keep a journal [Record what you learn / Relfect as you work]
- Deliverate practice [Practice, practice, practice]
* Katas
- Read [Read constantly]
* books [Reading List]
* blogs
* What is software design?
- Listen to podcast
- Go to [Expand your bandwith]
* meetups [Kindred Spirits]
* conferences
- Meet different people, talk to them, code with them
- Pet projects [Breakable toys]
- Contribute to open source [Rubbing Elbows]
- Teach to others
[Use the source]
[Learn how you fail]
[Dig Deeper]
[Kindre spirits]
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