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asifr / example_implementation.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
An email-based authentication system
$IsAuth = false;
$User = array();
// connect to database
try { $db = new PDO('sqlite:'.BASEPATH.DBNAME); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); } catch (PDOException $e) { die('Unable to open database. SQLite reported: '.$e->getMessage()); }
// create table if it doesn't already exist
if (count($db->query('SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = \'users\' AND type=\'table\'')->fetchAll()) == 0) { $db->exec("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER NOT NULL,name VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',email VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',token VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',vars TEXT,created INTEGER,status INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,PRIMARY KEY (id));"); }
// Set token for user and send email
asifr / data.json
Last active September 19, 2015 01:30
Punchcard visualization using D3.js
[{"articles": [[2010, 6], [2011, 10], [2012, 11], [2013, 23], [2006, 1]],
"total": 51, "name": "The Journal of neuroscience"},
{"articles": [[2008, 1], [2010, 3], [2011, 4], [2012, 17], [2013, 10]],
"total": 35, "name": "Nature neuroscience"}]