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Created December 8, 2012 15:34
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How to run Perl in an interactive shell

How to run Perl in an interactive shell

by Asim Jalis,

An interactive shell is useful for quickly trying out different commands. While Ruby, Python, and Clojure come with interactive shells, Perl does not. However, it is easy to create one using this one-liner on Unix systems:

perl -e 'do{print("perl> ");$_x=<>;chomp $_x;print(eval($_x)."\n")}while($_x ne "q")'

To quit type q.

To make this easier to remember save the following text in a file called perli:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
do{print("perl> ");$_x=<>;chomp $_x;print(eval($_x)."\n")}while($_x ne "q")
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MooM00 commented Dec 23, 2022

In Windows 10 x64 with ActivePerl it does not work, any idea how to solve it? Thank you.

Same here:

perl -e 'do{print("perl> ");$_x=<>;chomp $_x;print(eval($_x)."\n")}while($_x ne "q")'
> was unexpected at this time.

Windows doesn't understand that ' is also a quote character; you must use " for quoting the inline script
Luckily in perl TIMTOWTDI, so use this in windows:
perl -e "do{print('perl> ');$_x=<>;chomp $_x;print(eval($_x).qq[\n])}while($_x ne 'q')"

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