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apparentlymart /
Last active December 24, 2022 17:10
Terraform State Integrity Issues

Issues with Terraform State Management

The idea of "state" is the lynchpin of Terraform, and yet Terraform's workflow is fraught with gotchas that can lead to the loss or destruction of state. This doc is a set of notes about issues I've encountered, what caused them, and in many cases ideas about how to improve Terraform to avoid or reduce the chances of them.

Each of these scenarios has occured at least within my team. Each time one of these occurs it erodes people's confidence in Terraform, giving it a reputation for being fragile and unforgiving of errors. This this document is not written just to criticize but rather to identify ways in which the situation could be improved.

ryan0x44 /
Created November 19, 2015 21:57
Blue-Green AWS Auto Scaling Deployments with Terraform

A quick note on how I'm currently handling Blue/Green or A/B deployments with Terraform and AWS EC2 Auto Scaling.

In my particular use case, I want to be able to inspect an AMI deployment manually before disabling the previous deployment.

Hopefully someone finds this useful, and if you have and feedback please leave a comment or email me.


I build my AMI's using Packer and Ansible.