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Created September 6, 2010 02:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to generate a yearly-timeline google Chart API graph,
using pygooglechart for the graph and PIL to join the graphs together.
2010/09/05 22:04:45
Matt Behrens <>
Assuming date data in some format like this:
import calendar
import glob, os
import pygooglechart
import Image
def graphThreeYears(orig_start_year):
total_years = 3
#start empty
months = []
years = []
#setup graph
chart = pygooglechart.GroupedVerticalBarChart(825, 250, y_range=(0, 20))
chart.set_grid(0, 10, 5, 5)
#build empty arrays of month/year combo
start_year = orig_start_year
for y in xrange(total_years):
#build the monthly abbrevations
months += [x for x in calendar.month_abbr if x]
#build the empty year array
years += [''] * 12
#then fill in January position
years[y * 12] = ' %s' % start_year
start_year += 1
#fill in the dates
dates = []
start_year = orig_start_year
for y in xrange(total_years):
for m in xrange(1,13):
count = 0
start_year += 1
#setup the double label axes
chart.set_axis_labels('x', months)
chart.set_axis_labels('x', years)
#y labels every 2 points, except for the starting point, which is going to be empty
chart.set_axis_labels('y', [''] + [x for x in range(21) if x % 2 == 0 and x != 0 ])'%s-%s.png' % (orig_start_year, orig_start_year+total_years))
#actually create the graphs
start_year = 2002
end_year = 2002+3*5
for year in xrange(start_year,end_year, 3):
#new large canvas to work with
nim ="RGB", (5000,300), "white")
#most of the cropping and specific pixel values come from trial/error tweaking
x = 809
counter = 0
for file in glob.iglob('20*-*.png'):
#if the first graph, start at 0
if counter == 0:
im =
nim.paste(im, (0,40))
#otherwise, crop the y labels from future graphs
im =
im = im.crop((18,0,825,250))
nim.paste(im, (x,40))
x += 790
counter += 1'graph.png')
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