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1. Create a Basic Server with Express

  • npm init -y
  • npm i express
  • touch index.js
  • Use nodemon for file change detections which helps with automated server reloads

2. Define dynamic routes through Express

// Variable parameters

askharley /
Last active April 19, 2021 16:53
Scrum Methodology

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Scrum Methodology

What is scrum?

Scrum is a form of agile methodology that is iterative and incremental. It focuses on approaching a project in a flexible manner as the team works towards it's goal. Scrum encourages close collaboration and constant communication from each member in the team.

Why use scrum?

askharley /
Last active November 9, 2018 23:47
SSH Keys

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Setting up a SSH Key

What is a SSH Key?

SSH stands for Secure Shell. This is a cryptographic network protocol that's used for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. An SSH key is a way of connecting and authenticating yourself to networks.

Generating a SSH Key on macOS

  1. SSH keys can be generated through the terminal. The code below will begin the process.