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Last active November 18, 2020 15:20
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Calculator Challenge

Part One

Build a console application that presents the user with the following menu:

Welcome to Calculatron 3000!
1) Add two numbers
2) Subtract two numbers
3) Multiply two numbers
4) Divide two numbers
0) Exit

> _

When the user selects an option (1-4) they should be prompted to enter two numbers, one at a time.

Please enter the first number: _
Please enter the second number: _

After entering the second number the program should calculate the answer and display it to the user. The message should remind the user of the numbers they entered and the operation they chose.

For example of the user choose subtraction and entered numbers 5 and 2, they should see this message

The result of subtracting 5 and 2 is 3

The user should be allowed to continue performing calculations until choosing the 0) Exit option.


  • Convert text to ints with Int32.Parse()
  • Use a try/catch when parsing an int. If parsing fails, inform the user and prompt them to enter a number again.
  • Use a try/catch to handle divide by zero errors.
  • Make a separate Calculator class that has methods for each operation. The Program class should be responsible for user input and displaying output while the Calculator class does the math. (see: Single Responsibility Principle)

Part Two

Enhancing user experience.

Instead of prompting the user twice for numbers, prompt them only once.

Please enter two numbers with a space in between: _

You should not have to change your Calculator class to make this enhancement.

Part Three

Add Square and Square Root operations to your calculator.

Part Four

Add an advanced option that lets users enter a simple math formula and calculates the answer.

For example:

2 * 2
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