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Created May 29, 2021 22:36
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React Native for Windows native module for raising Toast notifications
#pragma once
#include <NativeModules.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Notifications.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.h>
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Notifications;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Data::Xml::Dom;
struct Notifications {
void Initialize(React::ReactContext const& context) noexcept {
m_context = context;
REACT_METHOD(Raise, L"raise");
void Raise(const React::JSValue& notification) noexcept
ToastTemplateType type = ToastTemplateType::ToastText01;
React::JSValueObject obj;
if (notification.Type() == React::JSValueType::String)
obj["text"] = notification.AsString();
else {
obj = notification.AsObject().Copy();
auto typeEntry = obj.find("template");
if (typeEntry != obj.end() && typeEntry->second.Type() == React::JSValueType::Int64) {
type = static_cast<ToastTemplateType>(typeEntry->second.AsInt32());
auto xml = ToastNotificationManager::GetTemplateContent(type);
for (const auto& entry : obj)
const auto tagName = winrt::to_hstring(entry.first);
auto xmlElements = xml.GetElementsByTagName(tagName);
if (entry.second.Type() == React::JSValueType::String) {
React::JSValueArray strToArray;
FillXmlElements(xml, xmlElements, strToArray);
else if (entry.second.Type() == React::JSValueType::Object) {
React::JSValueArray objToArray;
FillXmlElements(xml, xmlElements, objToArray);
} else {
FillXmlElements(xml, xmlElements, entry.second.AsArray());
auto toast = winrt::Windows::UI::Notifications::ToastNotification(xml);
React::ReactContext m_context;
void FillXmlElements(const XmlDocument& xml, const XmlNodeList& xmlElements, const React::JSValueArray& arr) {
int i = 0;
for (const auto& arrValue : arr) {
auto node = xmlElements.GetAt(i++);
if (arrValue.Type() == React::JSValueType::String) {
const auto value = winrt::to_hstring(arrValue.AsString());
else if (arrValue.Type() == React::JSValueType::Object) {
const auto& arrValueObj = arrValue.AsObject();
for (const auto& entry : arrValueObj) {
auto attrName = winrt::to_hstring(entry.first);
auto attr = node.Attributes().GetNamedItem(attrName);
if (!attr) {
attr = xml.CreateAttribute(attrName);
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