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Created May 20, 2017 18:03
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Rolling hash for ACGT sequences
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
template<typename chartype = uint8_t>
class DNASeqHash {
/// The hash digest type.
typedef uint64_t digest;
static constexpr digest dA = 0x3c8bfbb395c60474;
static constexpr digest dC = 0x3193c18562a02b4c;
static constexpr digest dG = 0x20323ed082572324;
static constexpr digest dT = 0x295549f54be24456;
digest dtab_[256] = {
[0] = dA, [1] = dC, [2] = dG, [3] = dT,
['a'] = dA, ['c'] = dC, ['g'] = dG, ['t'] = dT,
['A'] = dA, ['C'] = dC, ['G'] = dG, ['T'] = dT
DNASeqHash(digest maxval, uint32_t seed = 42)
: maxval_(maxval), seed_(seed)
digest operator()(chartype val) const {
digest hval = dtab_[(unsigned)val];
return hval ^ ((hval * seed_) >> 23);
digest maxval_;
uint32_t seed_;
template<typename chartype = uint8_t>
class NDNASeqHash {
/// The hash digest type.
typedef uint64_t digest;
static constexpr digest dA = 0x3c8bfbb395c60474;
static constexpr digest dC = 0x3193c18562a02b4c;
static constexpr digest dG = 0x20323ed082572324;
static constexpr digest dT = 0x295549f54be24456;
NDNASeqHash(digest maxval, uint32_t seed = 42)
: maxval_(maxval), seed_(seed)
digest operator()(chartype val) const {
digest hval = 0;
switch (val) {
case 0:
hval = dA;
case 1:
hval = dC;
case 2:
hval = dG;
case 3:
hval = dT;
return hval ^ ((hval * seed_) >> 23);
digest maxval_;
uint32_t seed_;
template<unsigned precision = 64, typename chartype = uint8_t,
typename hasher = DNASeqHash<chartype>>
class CyclicHash {
/// The hash digest type.
typedef uint64_t digest;
constexpr digest mask(unsigned bits) const {
return (digest(1) << (bits - 1)) ^
((digest(1) << (bits - 1)) - 1);
constexpr digest roln(digest x) const {
return ((x & maskn_) << r_) | (x >> (precision-r_));
constexpr digest rol1(digest x) const {
return ((x & mask1_) << 1) | (x >> (precision-1));
constexpr digest ror1(digest x) const {
return (x >> 1) | ((x & 1) << (precision-1));
// @param n is the length of the sequences, e.g., 3 means that you want to hash
// sequences of 3 characters
CyclicHash(unsigned n)
: hashvalue(0),
n_(n), r_(n % precision),
mask1_(mask(precision - 1)),
maskn_(mask(precision - r_)) {
static_assert(precision <= 8 * sizeof(digest), "Precision is too much");
// This is a convenience function, use eat, update and .hashvalue to use as
// a rolling hash function
template<class Seq>
digest hash(const Seq &s) {
digest answer(0);
for (size_t k = 0; k < s.size(); ++k)
answer = rol1(answer) ^ hasher_(s[k]);
return answer;
digest hashz(chartype outchar, unsigned n) {
digest answer = hasher_.hashvalues[static_cast<unsigned int>(outchar)];
for (unsigned k = 0; k < n; ++k)
answer = rol1(answer);
return answer;
// Add inchar as an input and remove outchar, the hashvalue is updated. This
// function can be used to update the hash value from the hash value of
// [outchar]ABC to the hash value of ABC[inchar]
digest update(chartype outchar, chartype inchar) {
hashvalue = rol1(hashvalue) ^ roln(hasher_(outchar)) ^ hasher_(inchar);
return hashvalue;
// This is the reverse of the update function. This function can be used to
// update the hash value from the hash value of ABC[inchar] to the hash
// value of [outchar]ABC
digest reverse_update(chartype outchar, chartype inchar) {
hashvalue ^= roln(hasher_(outchar)) ^ hasher_(inchar);
hashvalue = ror1(hashvalue);
return hashvalue;
// Add inchar as an input, this is used typically only at the start the hash
// value is updated to that of a longer string (one where inchar was
// appended)
digest eat(chartype inchar) {
hashvalue = rol1(hashvalue) ^ hasher_(inchar);
return hashvalue;
// Add inchar as an input and remove outchar, the hashvalue is updated. This
// function can be used to update the hash value from the hash value of
// [outchar]ABC to the hash value of ABC[inchar]
digest hash_update(digest hashvalue, chartype outchar, chartype inchar) {
return rol1(hashvalue) ^ roln(hasher_(outchar)) ^ hasher_(inchar);
// For an n-gram X it returns hash value of (n + 1)-gram XY without changing
// the object X. For example, if X = "ABC", then X.hash_extend("D") returns
// value of "ABCD" without changing the state of X
digest hash_extend(chartype Y) {
return rol1(hashvalue) ^ hasher_(Y);
// Same as hash_extend, but with prepending the n-gram with character Y. If
// X = "ABC", then X.hash_prepend("D") returns value of "DABC" without
// changing the state of X
digest hash_prepend(chartype Y) {
return roln(hasher_(Y)) ^ hashvalue;
digest hashvalue;
const unsigned n_;
const unsigned r_;
hasher hasher_;
const digest mask1_;
const digest maskn_;
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