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Forked from nkryptic/gist:53602
Created January 28, 2009 08:02
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The error refers to the first line of the second multi-line pre-scenario comments
## sessions.feature file
Users want to know that nobody can masquerade as them. We want to extend trust
only to visitors who present the appropriate credentials. Everyone wants this
identity verification to be as secure and convenient as possible.
Feature: Logging in
As an anonymous user with an account
I want to log in to my account
So that I can be myself
# Log in: get form
Scenario: Anonymous user can get a login form.
Given I am logged out
When I go to "/login"
Then I should be at the "sessions/new" page
# Log in successfully, but don't remember me
Scenario: Anonymous user can log in
Given an "activated" user named "reggie" exists
And I am logged out
When I go to "/login"
And I fill in "Login" with "reggie"
And I fill in "Password" with "password"
And I press "Log in"
Then I should be at the "dashboard/index" page
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