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Created May 2, 2012 19:53
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percent encoding in C
#include "percent_encoding.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char* input = "Hello, world!";
int out_len = max_encoded_buffer_size(strlen(input));
char output[out_len+1];
out_len = percent_encode(input, strlen(input), output, out_len);
output[out_len] = 0;
printf("Input: %s\n", input);
printf("Output: %s\n", output);
char round_trip[out_len+1];
out_len = percent_decode(output, out_len, round_trip, out_len);
round_trip[out_len] = 0;
printf("Decoded: %s\n", round_trip);
return 1;
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "percent_encoding.h"
const reserved_set all_reserved_set =
const reserved_set conservative_reserved_set =
const reserved_set liberal_reserved_set =
void mark_unreserved(reserved_set* set, char c)
if (c > 127) return;
int quot = c / 8;
uint8_t rem = c % 8;
set->set[quot] |= (1 << rem);
void mark_reserved(reserved_set* set, char c)
if (c > 127) return;
int quot = c / 8;
int rem = c % 8;
set->set[quot] &= ~(1 << rem);
bool is_reserved(const reserved_set* set, char c)
if (c > 127) return true;
int quot = c / 8;
int rem = c % 8;
uint8_t mask = ~(1 << rem);
uint8_t bits = set->set[quot];
return (bits & mask) == bits;
// If you need null termination, you'll need to account for that. We don't.
int max_encoded_buffer_size(int decoded_buffer_size)
return 3 * decoded_buffer_size;
static char hex_encode(uint8_t half_byte)
static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
return hex[half_byte & 15];
static char hex_decode_char(uint8_t c)
return isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : c - 'a' + 10;
static char hex_decode(uint8_t hi, uint8_t lo)
return (hex_decode_char(hi) << 4) + hex_decode_char(lo);
static bool is_hex_char(int c)
return (isdigit(c) || (c <= 'f' && c >= 'a'));
// returns number of bytes used in output buffer.
// if the output buffer is not big enough, this returns
// -1.
int percent_encode_custom(const reserved_set *set, char *in_buff, int in_len, char* out_buff, int out_len)
int in_pos, out_pos;
in_pos = out_pos = 0;
while(in_pos < in_len)
char c = in_buff[in_pos++];
if(!is_reserved(set, c))
if(out_pos + 1 > out_len)
return -1;
out_buff[out_pos++] = c;
if(out_pos + 3 > out_len)
return -1;
out_buff[out_pos++] = '%';
out_buff[out_pos++] = hex_encode(c >> 4);
out_buff[out_pos++] = hex_encode(c);
// return space used in out buffer
return out_pos;
int percent_encode(char *in_buff, int in_len, char* out_buff, int out_len)
return percent_encode_custom(&liberal_reserved_set, in_buff, in_len, out_buff, out_len);
// returns length used in the output buffer.
// returns -1 on error, either due to:
// - malformed input
// - unexpected end-of-buffer for input
// - inexpected end-of-buffer for output
int percent_decode(char *in_buff, int in_len, char* out_buff, int out_len)
int in_pos, out_pos;
in_pos = out_pos = 0;
while(in_pos < in_len)
if(out_pos >= out_len)
return -1;
char c = in_buff[in_pos++];
if(c == '%')
if(!(in_pos + 1 < in_len))
return -1;
char h_hi = tolower(in_buff[in_pos++]);
char h_lo = tolower(in_buff[in_pos++]);
if(!is_hex_char(h_hi) || !is_hex_char(h_lo))
return -1;
out_buff[out_pos++] = hex_decode(h_hi, h_lo);
out_buff[out_pos++] = c;
return out_pos;
/* Tools to produce reserved_set constants
void print_reserved_set(FILE* f, reserved_set* set)
fprintf(f, "Unreserved chars: ");
for(int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if(!is_reserved(set, i))
fprintf(f, "%c", i);
fprintf(f, "\n");
void print_set_bytes(FILE* f, reserved_set* set)
fprintf(f, "{");
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
fprintf(f, "%i,", set->set[i]);
fprintf(f, "%i}", set->set[15]);
void set_conservative_unreserved(reserved_set *set)
char c;
for(c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
mark_unreserved(set, c);
mark_unreserved(set, toupper(c));
for(c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
mark_unreserved(set, c);
mark_unreserved(set, '-');
mark_unreserved(set, '_');
mark_unreserved(set, '.');
mark_unreserved(set, '~');
void set_liberal_unreserved(reserved_set *set)
mark_unreserved(set, '!');
mark_unreserved(set, '*');
mark_unreserved(set, '\'');
mark_unreserved(set, '(');
mark_unreserved(set, ')');
mark_unreserved(set, ';');
mark_unreserved(set, ':');
mark_unreserved(set, '@');
mark_unreserved(set, '&');
mark_unreserved(set, '=');
mark_unreserved(set, '+');
mark_unreserved(set, '$');
mark_unreserved(set, ',');
mark_unreserved(set, '/');
mark_unreserved(set, '?');
mark_unreserved(set, '#');
mark_unreserved(set, '[');
mark_unreserved(set, ']');
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
uint8_t set[16]
} reserved_set;
int max_encoded_buffer_size(int decoded_buffer_size);
int percent_encode(char *in_buff, int in_len, char* out_buff, int out_len);
int percent_encode_custom(const reserved_set *set, char *in_buff, int in_len, char* out_buff, int out_len);
int percent_decode(char *in_buff, int in_len, char* out_buff, int out_len);
extern const reserved_set all_reserved_set;
extern const reserved_set conservative_reserved_set;
extern const reserved_set liberal_reserved_set;
void mark_unreserved(reserved_set* set, char c);
void mark_reserved(reserved_set* set, char c);
bool is_reserved(const reserved_set* set, char c);
#endif // header
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