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Created May 28, 2020 08:33
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/* 001 */ public Object generate(Object[] references) {
/* 002 */ return new GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1(references);
/* 003 */ }
/* 004 */
/* 005 */ // codegenStageId=1
/* 006 */ final class GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1 extends org.apache.spark.sql.execution.BufferedRowIterator {
/* 007 */ private Object[] references;
/* 008 */ private scala.collection.Iterator[] inputs;
/* 009 */ private scala.collection.Iterator localtablescan_input_0;
/* 010 */ private boolean deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0;
/* 011 */ private int deserializetoobject_argValue_0;
/* 012 */ private boolean mapelements_resultIsNull_0;
/* 013 */ private org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter[] deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0 = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter[5];
/* 014 */ private java.lang.Integer[] mapelements_mutableStateArray_0 = new java.lang.Integer[1];
/* 015 */
/* 016 */ public GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1(Object[] references) {
/* 017 */ this.references = references;
/* 018 */ }
/* 019 */
/* 020 */ public void init(int index, scala.collection.Iterator[] inputs) {
/* 021 */ partitionIndex = index;
/* 022 */ this.inputs = inputs;
/* 023 */ localtablescan_input_0 = inputs[0];
/* 024 */
/* 025 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[0] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
/* 026 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[1] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
/* 027 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[2] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
/* 028 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[3] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
/* 029 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 0);
/* 030 */
/* 031 */ }
/* 032 */
/* 033 */ private void mapelements_doConsume_0(java.lang.Integer mapelements_expr_0_0, boolean mapelements_exprIsNull_0_0) throws {
/* 034 */ boolean mapelements_isNull_1 = true;
/* 035 */ org.jetbrains.spark.api.Arity1 mapelements_value_1 = null;
/* 036 */ if (!false) {
/* 037 */ mapelements_resultIsNull_0 = false;
/* 038 */
/* 039 */ if (!mapelements_resultIsNull_0) {
/* 040 */ mapelements_resultIsNull_0 = mapelements_exprIsNull_0_0;
/* 041 */ mapelements_mutableStateArray_0[0] = mapelements_expr_0_0;
/* 042 */ }
/* 043 */
/* 044 */ mapelements_isNull_1 = mapelements_resultIsNull_0;
/* 045 */ if (!mapelements_isNull_1) {
/* 046 */ Object mapelements_funcResult_0 = null;
/* 047 */
/* 048 */ try {
/* 049 */ mapelements_funcResult_0 = (( references[1] /* literal */).call(mapelements_mutableStateArray_0[0]);
/* 050 */ } catch (Exception e) {
/* 051 */ org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform.throwException(e);
/* 052 */ }
/* 053 */
/* 054 */ if (mapelements_funcResult_0 != null) {
/* 055 */ mapelements_value_1 = (org.jetbrains.spark.api.Arity1) mapelements_funcResult_0;
/* 056 */ } else {
/* 057 */ mapelements_isNull_1 = true;
/* 058 */ }
/* 059 */
/* 060 */ }
/* 061 */ }
/* 062 */
/* 063 */ serializefromobject_doConsume_0(mapelements_value_1, mapelements_isNull_1);
/* 064 */
/* 065 */ }
/* 066 */
/* 067 */ private void deserializetoobject_doConsume_0(InternalRow localtablescan_row_0, int deserializetoobject_expr_0_0, boolean deserializetoobject_exprIsNull_0_0) throws {
/* 068 */ deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0 = false;
/* 069 */
/* 070 */ if (!deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0) {
/* 071 */ deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0 = deserializetoobject_exprIsNull_0_0;
/* 072 */ deserializetoobject_argValue_0 = deserializetoobject_expr_0_0;
/* 073 */ }
/* 074 */
/* 075 */ boolean deserializetoobject_isNull_0 = deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0;
/* 076 */ java.lang.Integer deserializetoobject_value_0 = null;
/* 077 */ if (!deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0) {
/* 078 */ deserializetoobject_value_0 = java.lang.Integer.valueOf(deserializetoobject_argValue_0);
/* 079 */ }
/* 080 */
/* 081 */ mapelements_doConsume_0(deserializetoobject_value_0, deserializetoobject_isNull_0);
/* 082 */
/* 083 */ }
/* 084 */
/* 085 */ private void serializefromobject_doConsume_0(org.jetbrains.spark.api.Arity1 serializefromobject_expr_0_0, boolean serializefromobject_exprIsNull_0_0) throws {
/* 086 */ if (serializefromobject_exprIsNull_0_0) {
/* 087 */ throw new NullPointerException(((java.lang.String) references[2] /* errMsg */));
/* 088 */ }
/* 089 */ boolean serializefromobject_isNull_2 = true;
/* 090 */ java.lang.Integer serializefromobject_value_2 = null;
/* 091 */ if (!false) {
/* 092 */ serializefromobject_isNull_2 = false;
/* 093 */ if (!serializefromobject_isNull_2) {
/* 094 */ Object serializefromobject_funcResult_0 = null;
/* 095 */ serializefromobject_funcResult_0 = serializefromobject_expr_0_0.getA();
/* 096 */
/* 097 */ if (serializefromobject_funcResult_0 != null) {
/* 098 */ serializefromobject_value_2 = (java.lang.Integer) serializefromobject_funcResult_0;
/* 099 */ } else {
/* 100 */ serializefromobject_isNull_2 = true;
/* 101 */ }
/* 102 */
/* 103 */ }
/* 104 */ }
/* 105 */ boolean serializefromobject_isNull_1 = true;
/* 106 */ int serializefromobject_value_1 = -1;
/* 107 */ if (!serializefromobject_isNull_2) {
/* 108 */ serializefromobject_isNull_1 = false;
/* 109 */ if (!serializefromobject_isNull_1) {
/* 110 */ serializefromobject_value_1 = serializefromobject_value_2.intValue();
/* 111 */ }
/* 112 */ }
/* 113 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4].reset();
/* 114 */
/* 115 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4].zeroOutNullBytes();
/* 116 */
/* 117 */ if (serializefromobject_isNull_1) {
/* 118 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4].setNullAt(0);
/* 119 */ } else {
/* 120 */ deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4].write(0, serializefromobject_value_1);
/* 121 */ }
/* 122 */ append((deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4].getRow()));
/* 123 */
/* 124 */ }
/* 125 */
/* 126 */ protected void processNext() throws {
/* 127 */ while ( localtablescan_input_0.hasNext()) {
/* 128 */ InternalRow localtablescan_row_0 = (InternalRow);
/* 129 */ ((org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetric) references[0] /* numOutputRows */).add(1);
/* 130 */ boolean localtablescan_isNull_0 = localtablescan_row_0.isNullAt(0);
/* 131 */ int localtablescan_value_0 = localtablescan_isNull_0 ?
/* 132 */ -1 : (localtablescan_row_0.getInt(0));
/* 133 */
/* 134 */ deserializetoobject_doConsume_0(localtablescan_row_0, localtablescan_value_0, localtablescan_isNull_0);
/* 135 */ if (shouldStop()) return;
/* 136 */ }
/* 137 */ }
/* 138 */
/* 139 */ }
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow;
/** @noinspection rawtypes, unused */
final class GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1 extends org.apache.spark.sql.execution.BufferedRowIterator {
private final Object[] references;
private scala.collection.Iterator localtablescan_input_0;
private final org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter[] deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0 = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter[5];
private final java.lang.Integer[] mapelements_mutableStateArray_0 = new java.lang.Integer[1];
public GeneratedIteratorForCodegenStage1(Object[] references) {
this.references = references;
public void init(int index, scala.collection.Iterator[] inputs) {
partitionIndex = index;
localtablescan_input_0 = inputs[0];
deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[0] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[1] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[2] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[3] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 32);
deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4] = new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter(1, 0);
/** @noinspection unchecked*/
private void mapelements_doConsume_0(java.lang.Integer mapelements_expr_0_0, boolean mapelements_exprIsNull_0_0) {
boolean mapelements_isNull_1;
org.jetbrains.spark.api.Arity1 mapelements_value_1 = null;
boolean mapelements_resultIsNull_0;
mapelements_resultIsNull_0 = mapelements_exprIsNull_0_0;
mapelements_mutableStateArray_0[0] = mapelements_expr_0_0;
mapelements_isNull_1 = mapelements_resultIsNull_0;
if (!mapelements_isNull_1) {
Object mapelements_funcResult_0 = null;
try {
mapelements_funcResult_0 = (( references[1] /* literal */).call(mapelements_mutableStateArray_0[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (mapelements_funcResult_0 != null) {
mapelements_value_1 = (org.jetbrains.spark.api.Arity1) mapelements_funcResult_0;
} else {
mapelements_isNull_1 = true;
serializefromobject_doConsume_0(mapelements_value_1, mapelements_isNull_1);
private void deserializetoobject_doConsume_0(InternalRow localtablescan_row_0, int deserializetoobject_expr_0_0, boolean deserializetoobject_exprIsNull_0_0) {
boolean deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0;
deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0 = deserializetoobject_exprIsNull_0_0;
boolean deserializetoobject_isNull_0 = deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0;
java.lang.Integer deserializetoobject_value_0 = null;
if (!deserializetoobject_resultIsNull_0) {
deserializetoobject_value_0 = deserializetoobject_expr_0_0;
mapelements_doConsume_0(deserializetoobject_value_0, deserializetoobject_isNull_0);
private void serializefromobject_doConsume_0(org.jetbrains.spark.api.Arity1 serializefromobject_expr_0_0, boolean serializefromobject_exprIsNull_0_0) {
if (serializefromobject_exprIsNull_0_0) {
throw new NullPointerException(((java.lang.String) references[2] /* errMsg */));
boolean serializefromobject_isNull_2;
java.lang.Integer serializefromobject_value_2 = null;
serializefromobject_isNull_2 = false;
Object serializefromobject_funcResult_0;
serializefromobject_funcResult_0 = serializefromobject_expr_0_0.getA();
if (serializefromobject_funcResult_0 != null) {
serializefromobject_value_2 = (Integer) serializefromobject_funcResult_0;
} else {
serializefromobject_isNull_2 = true;
boolean serializefromobject_isNull_1 = true;
int serializefromobject_value_1 = -1;
if (!serializefromobject_isNull_2) {
serializefromobject_isNull_1 = false;
serializefromobject_value_1 = serializefromobject_value_2;
if (serializefromobject_isNull_1) {
} else {
deserializetoobject_mutableStateArray_0[4].write(0, serializefromobject_value_1);
protected void processNext() {
while (localtablescan_input_0.hasNext()) {
InternalRow localtablescan_row_0 = (InternalRow);
((org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetric) references[0] /* numOutputRows */).add(1);
boolean localtablescan_isNull_0 = localtablescan_row_0.isNullAt(0);
int localtablescan_value_0 = localtablescan_isNull_0 ?
-1 : (localtablescan_row_0.getInt(0));
deserializetoobject_doConsume_0(localtablescan_row_0, localtablescan_value_0, localtablescan_isNull_0);
if (shouldStop()) return;
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