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Last active January 4, 2019 23:04
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riddler wtf bits
import math
import pygame
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
class Bit:
def __init__(self, chart_size, x, y, value=None):
self.chart_size = chart_size
self.x = x
self._y = y
self.value = value
# pygame starts at the top left, this allows us to easily invert.
def y(self):
return self.chart_size[1] - 1 - self._y
def draw(self, screen):
# Don't render undefined bits(0,0)
if self.value is None:
if self.value:
color = RED
color = BLUE
# This just lets us scale the thing up a bit so we don't have to stare at single pixels.
screen_size = screen.get_size()
stretch_x = screen_size[0] // self.chart_size[0]
stretch_y = screen_size[1] // self.chart_size[1]
x = self.x * stretch_x
y = self.y * stretch_y
big_pixel = pygame.Rect(
(x, y , stretch_x, stretch_y)
def mod_sierpinski_triangles(chart_size, screen):
# Create and store all the bits. They have to be stored instead of rendered so we can look at
# them in future iterations.
bit_rows = []
for x in range(0, chart_size[0]):
row = []
for y in range(0, chart_size[1]):
diff = 1
# Here is the main difference with sierpinski. Instead of looking 1 bit to the left and down, we look
# a variable amount, depending on the location.
if x > diff and y > diff:
diff = max(x % y, y % x)
# Look to the left.
# If it exists but is undefined (0, 0), just assign 0.
prev_x = bit_rows[x - diff][y].value or 0
except IndexError:
# This isn't on the grid! But unlike sierpinski, we can't just ignore it because
# there will be values (x = y) that will be comparing 2 None values, and thus be
# undefined. Instead just set it to True (x value is truthy except at 0, which is
# correct because it can be undefined at 0).
prev_x = x or None
# Look down.
# If it exists but is undefined (0, 0), just assign 0.
prev_y = row[y - diff].value or 0
# This isn't on the grid! Let it be undefined.
except IndexError:
# This isn't on the grid! But unlike sierpinski, we can't just ignore it because
# there will be values (x = y) that will be comparing 2 None values, and thus be
# undefined. Instead just set it to True (y value is truthy except at 0, which is
# correct because it can be undefined at 0).
prev_y = y or None
# This is (0,0) which is undefined. None is rendered as black.
if prev_x is None and prev_y is None:
value = None
# If the bits we looked at are the same, this is a 1, otherwise 0
value = (prev_x == prev_y)
bit = Bit(chart_size, x, y, value)
# Render the thing.
for row in bit_rows:
for bit in row:
def sierpinski_triangles(chart_size, screen):
# Create and store all the bits. They have to be stored instead of rendered so we can look at
# them in future iterations.
bit_rows = []
for x in range(0, chart_size[0]):
row = []
for y in range(0, chart_size[1]):
diff = 1
# Look to the left.
# If it exists but is undefined (0, 0), just assign 0.
prev_x = bit_rows[x - diff][y].value or 0
except IndexError:
# This isn't on the grid! Let it be undefined.
prev_x = None
# Look down.
# If it exists but is undefined (0, 0), just assign 0.
prev_y = row[y - diff].value or 0
# This isn't on the grid! Let it be undefined.
except IndexError:
prev_y = None
# This is (0,0) which is undefined. None is rendered as black.
if prev_x is None and prev_y is None:
value = None
# If the bits we looked at are the same, this is a 1, otherwise 0
value = (prev_x == prev_y)
bit = Bit(chart_size, x, y, value)
# Render the thing.
for row in bit_rows:
for bit in row:
if __name__ == "__main__":
chart_size = (100, 100)
size_modifier = 5
display_size = [dimension * size_modifier for dimension in chart_size]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(display_size)
# Halfway there
# sierpinski_triangles(chart_size, screen)
mod_sierpinski_triangles(chart_size, screen)
#, "wtf-bits.bmp")
# This just doesn't close the thing until you click X
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
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