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Last active March 12, 2019 12:34
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Save asmagill/cf1d6398aecc2cee37af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
prevent infinite loop in lua code from locking Hammerspoon up...
-- uses debug.sethook and a timer to break out of infinite loops in lua code within Hammerspoon
-- Haven't had any problems with it or false positives, but YMMV -- standard disclaimers, etc.
-- Updates 2015-12-21:
-- should play nicely with other hooks by storing info about it and chaining
-- you can force an "immediate" break by holding down CMD-CTRL-SHIFT-ALT-CAPSLOCK-FN all at once
-- you'll need to remove "and mods.fn" where noted below if your keyboard does not have this
-- modifier (non-laptops, I suspect)
-- Original Release Notes:
-- Motivation: one day I was happily programming and testing and debugging, you know, fun stuff, right? Well, at some point
-- I commented out something that wasn't working. And it still wasn't working, so I commented out some more... and well,
-- eventually what used to be a nice loop with a well defined terminating condition ended up being the equivalant of
-- while true do end
-- Hammerspoon offers no way to break out of the lua interpreter without killing the whole application... looking closely
-- at the code, it's not an easy problem to fix without introducing a whole slew of issues having to do with the interpreters
-- state and re-entrancy and... well, it's not worth it for me to figure it out right now... so, this is the next best thing:
-- 1) start a timer that updates a global value with the current timestamp every 5 seconds
-- 2) use Lua's own debug library to set a hook which is executed every X # of commands (in this example 100)
-- 3) in this hook, check to see if the time stamp from step 1 is more than 30 seconds out of date... if so,
-- use lua's own error routines to break out of the loop
-- The hs.caffienate stuff is used to catch when the system is going to go to sleep to prevent it from being triggered
-- when the system wakes up.
-- There are probably other issues I haven't come across yet, but its been working quite nicely for me for some time now.
-- Known limitations:
-- it can't do anything about an inifinate loop within an external function (something added via the C-API)
-- other activities that block Hammerspoon could cause false positives (clicking on a menu item created within
-- Hammerspoon is a blocking activity -- all Hammerspoon code halts until you select a menu item or click
-- outside of the menu so it disappears)
-- the stack trace provided may or may not be useful for determining where the loop is occurring... if the lua code
-- which was running was in a callback from an external action (hotkey, timer, basically any callback which is
-- triggered by an action outside of the Hammerspoon console) then the traceback can only go back so far, and
-- can't always figure out what file/line the loop was in
-- if you're using debug.sethook for something else, you'll need to incorporate this code into it somehow...
-- assigning a hook replaces all others -- if anyone knows of a way to easily chain them, let me know in the
-- comments.
-- If you're still interested after reading all that, stick this module somewhere in your .hammerspoon directory and
-- then put something like require("thisfile")
-- in your init.lua file.
-- You can disable it at any time by typing 'debug.sethook()' in the Hammerspoon console.
local module = {}
local timer = require("hs.timer")
local caffeinate = require("hs.caffeinate")
local eventtap = require("hs.eventtap")
-- -- testing infinite loop detector with debug.sethook
local lastFn, lastMask, lastCount = debug.gethook()
local setHook = function(ourFn, ourMask, ourCount)
if ourFn then
lastFn, lastMask, lastCount = debug.gethook()
if lastCount > 0 and lastCount < ourCount then ourCount = lastCount end
for i = 1, #lastMask, 1 do
if not ourMask:match(lastMask:sub(i,i)) then
ourMask = ourMask..lastMask:sub(i,i)
-- print("*** setting Hook:", ourFn, ourMask.."("..#ourMask..")", ourCount)
debug.sethook(ourFn, ourMask, ourCount)
debug.sethook(lastFn, lastMask, lastCount)
module._loopTimeStamp = os.time()
module._loopTimer =, function() module._loopTimeStamp = os.time() end):start()
module._loopChecker = function(t,l)
if lastFn then lastFn(t, l) end
if (os.time() - module._loopTimeStamp) > 60 then
module._loopTimeStamp = os.time()
error("*** timeout -- infinite loop somewhere?\n\n"..debug.traceback(), 0)
local mods = eventtap.checkKeyboardModifiers()
-- remove "and mods.fn" if your keyboard does not have this key (non laptops most likely)
if mods.capslock and mods.fn and mods.cmd and mods.ctrl and mods.alt and mods.shift then
error("*** forced break\n\n"..debug.traceback(), 0)
module._loopSleepWatcher =
if event == caffeinate.watcher.systemDidWake then
module._loopTimeStamp = os.time()
setHook(module._loopChecker, "", 1000)
elseif event == caffeinate.watcher.systemWillSleep then
setHook(module._loopChecker, "", 1000)
return module
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