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Last active September 1, 2020 01:06
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Asmita WeekThreeHomework.apxc
public with sharing class WeekThreeHomework{
public static void homeworkAssignmentMethod() {
//Read through the setup below and then complete the code following the prompts. When you're done, make sure to compile (save) your work
//Open Execute Anonymous in the Developer Console and execute your code by typing in: WeekThreeHomework.homeworkAssignmentMethod();
//Read through the debug statements to make sure you're done your work correctly.
// 1. Add two more whole numbers to this list using .add()
List<Integer> numberList = new List<Integer>{ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 };
//Checking our work:
System.debug('This number should be 12: ' + numberList.size());
// 2. Create a new Lead and insert it in the database. (If you're stuck, look back at the WeekThreeClassExercises class for an example of creating a new SObject Record)
//You can give it any values you like, but remember that last name and Company are required fields (both are simple text fields.)
Lead l = new Lead();
l.LastName = 'Portually';
l.Company = 'HP';
//Checking our work:
insert l;
System.debug('We should see One DML was executed: ' + Limits.getDMLRows());
//3. For the loop that is commented out below, update the while condition by replacing the ?? so that the loop runs 5 times
//delete the slashes so that the loop is no longer commented out and compile the class.
//Can you add a debug statement to print out the counter value every time it runs through the loop?
Integer counter = 0;
while (counter < 5) {
counter++; //without this line to increment counter, we'd have an infinite loop!
System.debug('Done with the loop, it ran: ' + counter);
public static void forLoopsExercise(){
//1. Let's review iterating over a list of stuff. How about Strings?
List < String > myStringList = new List < String >{'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue'};
for(String st : myStringList){
System.debug('loop over the list of strings:' +st);
// 2. How about some SObjects?
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'Dunkin';
opp.StageName = 'process';
System.debug('New Opportunity values:' +opp);
// I'll do the data setup here to create a list of contacts that all have a first name:
Contact c1 = new Contact(FirstName='Sam', LastName='Laguiny' );
Contact c2 = new Contact(FirstName='Diane', LastName='Bernardi');
Contact c3 = new Contact(FirstName='Coach', LastName='Huge');
List<Contact> myContacts = new List<Contact> {c1,c2,c3};
// Your turn! Using a for loop, print out the first name of each contact on a different line
//hint, you will need to use dot notation!
for(Contact co : myContacts){
System.debug('looping through contact list:' +co.FirstName);
//Bonus question to ponder: Do these contacts actually exist in our database? no
//What would it take to get them there?
insert myContacts;
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ln 2: comments call for insertion before calling the the System.debug on ln 28. It doesn't particularly matter since you end up inserting the lead (as asked, so that's good), just wanted to point out that the ln 28 System.debug will print out 0 instead of 1.

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ln 74-76, can you just print out the contact first names instead of all of the fields within the contact?

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Good job! Also appreciating that you are getting things in so early. Please let me know if you've got any questions

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Good job with the update-- addressed the things I called out!

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