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Forked from Kattjakt/cv.tex
Created May 12, 2016 20:20
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\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} % Font size (10-12pt) and paper size (a4paper, letterpaper, legalpaper, etc)
\include{structure} % Include structure.tex which contains packages and document layout definitions
\hyphenation{Some-long-word} % Specify custom hyphenation points in words with dashes where you would like hyphenation to occur, or alternatively, don't put any dashes in a word to stop hyphenation altogether
\maintitle{Leo Sandström}{November 4, 1997} % Your name and date of birth or subtitle
\noindent\href{}{}\bull % Your email address
Sörfors 192\bull Umeå, 90588
\spacedhrule{0.9em}{-0.4em} % Horizontal rule - the first bracket is whitespace before and the second is after
\noindent Student som för närvarande läser Teknik med programmeringsinriktning på NTI-Gymnasiet i centrala Umeå. Har ett stort intresse av Linux, Open Source, Reverse Engineering och Code Golf. Självlärd och har programmerat i C/C++ i sedan tidig 2010 och har medelmåttig erfarenhet av C++11, Python, Java, JS, HTML och CSS. \\Har även erfarenhet av LaTeX och vissa Adobe-produkter såsom Photoshop, Illustrator och InDesign. Deltod i Ludum Dare 29 med ett bidrag skrivet i C++/SDL2. Har deltagit i \textit{Dohi Sweden's 24h Bootup} hackathon där jag och min lagkamrat tog hem förstapriset med hela 44\% av rösterna.
\roottitle{Education} % Top level section
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{Erasmus University Rotterdam}
{\textsc{Rotterdam, The Netherlands}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{Bachelor degree in Computer Science \& Economics}
{2004 -- 2007}
{\bodytext{Focussed on the economics of open source, rapid application development (\acr{RAD}) and the semantic web technology stack (\acr{RDF}/\acr{RDFS}, \acr{OWL} and \acr{SPARQL}).}}
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{Technical University Delft}
{\textsc{Delft, The Netherlands}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{Industrial Design Engineering \textnormal{(discontinued)}}
{2001 -- 2002} {}
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{Libanon Lyceum}
{\textsc{Rotterdam, The Netherlands}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{\acr{VWO} \textnormal{(pre-university secondary education)}}
{1994 -- 2000} {}
\spacedhrule{0.5em}{-0.4em} % Horizontal rule - the first bracket is whitespace before and the second is after
\roottitle{Experience} % Top level section
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{\textsc{Mumbai, Pune \& Hyderabad, India}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{\acr{IT} Consultant}
{Nov '08 -- Feb '09}
{\bodytext{Intellecap is a social-sector advisory firm serving corporates, non-profits, development agencies and governments working in developing markets. I assessed their software development team and methodologies, trained their developers and build several web applications. One of those apps is \href{}{Mostfit}, an open source \acr{MIS} for \href{}{microcredit} lenders.}}
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{\acr{IT} \& Strategy Consultant}
{Jan '10 -- Aug '11}
{\bodytext{\href{}{Mostfit} became a success and I was called in to solve several technical challenges, look at potential growth strategies, and assist in making a business case for this product in a company of its own.}}
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{Chief Technology Officer}
{Oct '11 -- present}
{\bodytext{Joined the \acr{C}-family to make \href{}{Mostfit} the nr.1 software solution for micro credit lenders around the globe.}}
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{\href{}{Dharma Publishing}}
{\textsc{near San Francisco (\acr{CA}), \acr{USA}}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{\acr{IT} Consultant}
{Nov '09 -- Dec '09}
{\bodytext{Dharma Publishing, the worlds largest Buddhist publisher, is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization that helps to preserve Tibetan Buddhism and culture. I build them a \href{}{web store}, and moved the infrastructure of all their web media to a nearly zero maintenance setup that they can maintain themselves.}}
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{\href{}{}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{Software Engineer}
{Dec '03 -- present}
{\bodytext{KTurtle is an educational programming environment that simplifies learning the basics of programming. At early age I learned programming using \acr{MSX-LOGO}, by creating KTurtle I want to ensure future generation's access to a similar piece of software. I was honored when KTurtle got admitted to \acr{KDE} in 2003.}}
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{\href{}{Truetopia Project}}
{\href{}{}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{Nov '07 -- Apr '10}
{\bodytext{The Truetopia Project is an open source web application (Rails) to facilitate self-governing communities. It provides a workflow for collaborative problem identification and solution design.}}
\headedsection % Employer name which can include a hyperlink and location/URL on the right side of the page
{\textsc{Bangkok, Thailand}} {
\headedsubsection % Job title entry for the current employer
{\acr{IT} Consultant}
{Aug '09 -- Sep '09}
{\bodytext{Architected and largely implemented an open source media sharing web service (\acr{REST} api) that facilitates video uploads, transcoding and streaming. Coached their development team on system design, Ruby development (using Merb/Rails) and testing strategies such as \acr{TDD}/\acr{BDD}.}}
\textit{Please refer to \href{}{my Linkedin profile} for the complete list of work experiences along with recommendations.}
\spacedhrule{-0.2em}{-0.4em} % Horizontal rule - the first bracket is whitespace before and the second is after
\roottitle{Skills} % Top level section
\inlineheadsection % Special section that has an inline header with a 'hanging' paragraph
{Technical specialties:}
{Software design and implementation, with(in) a team. I love Ruby/Python/Java/C++ and flirt regularly with Haskell. Solid knowledge of web technologies:\ \acr{HTML+CSS}, \acr{XML}, \acr{RDF}, \acr{REST}, \acr{SOAP} and JavaScript (mainly jQuery). Linux administration skills:\ bash, Apache, My\acr{SQL}, Postgres\acr{SQL}, virtualization/cloud (Open\acr{VZ}, \acr{VM}ware, \acr{KVM}, Xen and \acr{EC}2), datacenter automation (Puppet and Chef), continuous integration (Hudson/Jenkins).}
\inlineheadsection % Special section that has an inline header with a 'hanging' paragraph
{Natural languages:}
{Dutch \textit{(mother tongue)}, English \textit{(full professional proficiency)}, German \textit{(limited working proficiency)}, French \textit{(elementary proficiency)} and Mandarin Chinese \textit{(beginner)}.}
\spacedhrule{1.6em}{-0.4em} % Horizontal rule - the first bracket is whitespace before and the second is after
\roottitle{Interests} % Top level section
\inlineheadsection % Special section that has an inline header with a 'hanging' paragraph
{Non-exhaustive and in alphabetical order:}
{Art, Buddhism, cryptography, music, open source, philosophy, software engineering, travel, typography (e.g.\ graphic design, \LaTeX), \acr{UI}/\acr{UX} and vegetarian cooking.}
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