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Created March 26, 2023 14:37
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opencv project wizard for using msys2's opencv library
// OpenCV project wizard
// globals (Windows platform only)
// This is the value string/macro be set as the initial value
// for the AddGenericSelectPathPage page when selecting the OpenCV root folder
OpenCVPathDefault <- _T("$(#cv)");
OpenCVPath <- _T("");
// default paths
OpenCVPathDefaultInc <- _T("$(#cv.include)");
OpenCVPathDefaultLib <- _T("$(#cv.lib)");
OpenCVPathDefaultBin <- _T("$(#cv.bin)");
// If there are already saved in configure file, read them, otherwise, use default values
OpenCVPathInc <- GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/options/inc"), OpenCVPathDefaultInc);
OpenCVPathLib <- GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/options/lib"), OpenCVPathDefaultLib);
OpenCVPathBin <- GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/options/bin"), OpenCVPathDefaultBin);
// OpenCV version
MajorVersion <- GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/versions/major"), 2);
MinorVersion <- GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/versions/minor"), 4);
RevisionVersion <- GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/versions/revision"), 4);
//For OpenCV 2.4.4, this string is "244"
VersionString <- _T("")
// whether we are using the header files and libraries from Msys2 installed by pacman
// 0 - normal Windows build, 1 = Unix build or MSYS2
IsMsys2Lib <- 1;
function BeginWizard()
local intro_msg = _("Welcome to the new OpenCV project wizard!\n\n") +
_("This wizard will guide you to create a new project\nusing the OpenCV C++ library.\n\n") +
_("When you're ready to proceed, please click \"Next\"...");
Wizard.AddInfoPage(_T("OpenCVIntro"), intro_msg);
// select the directory where you place the new project files
// Note, here OpenCVPathDefault is just "$(#cv)"
// Get the values (major, minor, and revision number), and construct a version string
if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW && !IsMsys2Lib)
local opencv_path_descr = _("Please select the location of OpenCV library on your computer.\n") +
_("This is the top-level folder where OpenCV was installed (unpacked).\n") +
_("To help you, this folder must contain the subfolders\n\"include\" and \"lib\".\n\n") +
_("You can also use a global variable, p.e. $(#cv)\n");
Wizard.AddGenericSelectPathPage(_T("OpenCVPath"), opencv_path_descr, _("Please select OpenCV's location:"), OpenCVPathDefault);
// default setting for debug/release options
Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T(""), _T("*"), true, true);
// OpenCV's path page
function OnLeave_OpenCVPath(fwd)
if (fwd)
// txtFolder is the text control in GenericSelectPathPage
local dir = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtFolder"));
local dir_nomacro = VerifyDirectory(dir); //expand macros
if (dir_nomacro.IsEmpty())
return false;
OpenCVPath = dir; // Remember the original selection.
return true;
// Select the OpenCV version, because different OpenCV have different library names
function OnEnter_VersionSelection(forward)
// we only care to initialize if going forward
if (forward)
if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW && !IsMsys2Lib)
Wizard.SetSpinControlValue(_T("ID_SPINCTRL1"), MajorVersion);
Wizard.SetSpinControlValue(_T("ID_SPINCTRL2"), MinorVersion);
Wizard.SetSpinControlValue(_T("ID_SPINCTRL3"), RevisionVersion);
Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("ID_TEXTCTRL1"), OpenCVPathInc);
Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("ID_TEXTCTRL2"), OpenCVPathLib);
Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("ID_TEXTCTRL3"), OpenCVPathBin);
return true;
function OnLeave_VersionSelection(fwd)
if (fwd)
local Major = Wizard.GetSpinControlValue(_T("ID_SPINCTRL1"));
local Minor = Wizard.GetSpinControlValue(_T("ID_SPINCTRL2"));
local Revision = Wizard.GetSpinControlValue(_T("ID_SPINCTRL3"));
VersionString = _T(""); // set to empty string, then append three version numbers
VersionString += Major;
VersionString += Minor;
VersionString += Revision;
OpenCVPathInc = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("ID_TEXTCTRL1"));
OpenCVPathLib = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("ID_TEXTCTRL2"));
OpenCVPathBin = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("ID_TEXTCTRL3"));
// check whether include file exist
local inc_nomacro = ReplaceMacros(OpenCVPathInc);
local test_inc_file = inc_nomacro + _T("\\opencv2\\opencv.hpp");
if (!IO.FileExists(test_inc_file))
local msg = _("The include path you entered seems invalid,\ncan't find file $1");
msg.Replace(_T("$1"), test_inc_file);
return false;
// check whether lib file exist
local lib_nomacro = ReplaceMacros(OpenCVPathLib);
// first we check whether a release OpenCV library exists, which could have the name libopencv_core244.dll.a
// if we can't find a release version of OpenCV library, check a debug version exists, which
// may have the name libopencv_core244d.dll.a
local test_release_lib_file = lib_nomacro + _T("\\libopencv_core") + VersionString + _T(".dll.a");
local test_debug_lib_file = lib_nomacro + _T("\\libopencv_core") + VersionString + _T("d.dll.a");
if (IO.FileExists(test_release_lib_file))
; // find release version of OpenCV library
else if (IO.FileExists(test_debug_lib_file))
VersionString = VersionString + _T("d"); //find debug version of OpenCV library
local msg = _("The lib path you entered seems invalid,\ncan't find files $1 or $2");
msg.Replace(_T("$1"), test_release_lib_file);
msg.Replace(_T("$2"), test_debug_lib_file);
return false;
// save them in the configure file
GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/options/inc"), OpenCVPathInc);
GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/options/lib"), OpenCVPathLib);
GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/options/bin"), OpenCVPathBin);
GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/versions/major"), Major);
GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/versions/minor"), Minor);
GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/opencv_project_wizard/versions/revision"), Revision);
return true;
// return the files this project contains
function GetFilesDir()
return _T("opencv/files");
// setup the already created project
function SetupProject(project)
if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW && !IsMsys2Lib)
// set project options
// This folder contains Dll files, when C::B start an App, it will
// automatically add the LibDir to PATH variable, so those Dll files
// can be find by the App.
project.SetVar(_T("CV_VERSION"), VersionString, false);
// add link libraries (basically, three libraries)
// For example, "opencv_core244.dll"
local prefix = _T("opencv_")
project.AddLinkLib(prefix + _T("imgproc") + _T("$(CV_VERSION).dll"));
project.AddLinkLib(prefix + _T("core") + _T("$(CV_VERSION).dll"));
project.AddLinkLib(prefix + _T("highgui") + _T("$(CV_VERSION).dll"));
else // PLATFORM != PLATFORM_MSW or IsMsys2Lib == 1
if (IsMsys2Lib == 1)
project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`pkg-config --cflags opencv4`"));
project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`pkg-config --libs opencv4`"));
project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`opencv-config --cxxflags`"));
project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`opencv-config --ldstaticflags`"));
// opencv-config based: things are ultra-simple :)
// Debug
local target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetDebugName());
if (!IsNull(target))
target.SetTargetType(ttConsoleOnly); // ttConsoleOnly: console for debugging
target.SetOutputFilename(Wizard.GetDebugOutputDir() + Wizard.GetProjectName() + DOT_EXT_EXECUTABLE);
if (Wizard.GetCompilerID().Matches(_T("gcc")))
// enable generation of debugging symbols for target
// Note: DebugSymbolsOn() won't work because -Wall produces far too many warnings
// Release
target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetReleaseName());
if (!IsNull(target))
target.SetTargetType(ttExecutable); // ttExecutable: no console
target.SetOutputFilename(Wizard.GetReleaseOutputDir() + Wizard.GetProjectName() + DOT_EXT_EXECUTABLE);
if (Wizard.GetCompilerID().Matches(_T("gcc")))
// enable optimizations for target.
// Note: OptimizationsOn() won't work because of -I-!
return true;
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