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Created November 6, 2009 20:19
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# Mahesh Asolkar (c) 2006
# Reference :
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $to = 1;
my $from = 0;
# Get options and arguments
my $correct_usage = GetOptions ('from' => \$from,
'to' => \$to);
$to = 0 if ($from);
my $morse = { 'A' => '.-' ,
'B' => '-...' ,
'C' => '-.-.' ,
'D' => '-..' ,
'E' => '.' ,
'F' => '..-.' ,
'G' => '--.' ,
'H' => '....' ,
'I' => '..' ,
'J' => '.---' ,
'K' => '-.-' ,
'L' => '.-..' ,
'M' => '--' ,
'N' => '-.' ,
'O' => '---' ,
'P' => '.--.' ,
'Q' => '--.-' ,
'R' => '.-.' ,
'S' => '...' ,
'T' => '-' ,
'U' => '..-' ,
'V' => '...-' ,
'W' => '.--' ,
'X' => '-..-' ,
'Y' => '-.--' ,
'Z' => '--..' ,
'0' => '-----' ,
'1' => '.----' ,
'2' => '..---' ,
'3' => '...--' ,
'4' => '....-' ,
'5' => '.....' ,
'6' => '-....' ,
'7' => '--...' ,
'8' => '---..' ,
'9' => '----.' ,
'.' => '.-.-.-' ,
',' => '--..--' ,
'?' => '..--..' ,
'intra_char_gap' => '' ,
'intra_letter_gap' => ' ' ,
'intra_word_gap' => ' ' ,
' ' => ' ' ,
'intra_scent_gap' => ' ' };
my $unmorse = { '.-' => 'A' ,
'-...' => 'B' ,
'-.-.' => 'C' ,
'-..' => 'D' ,
'.' => 'E' ,
'..-.' => 'F' ,
'--.' => 'G' ,
'....' => 'H' ,
'..' => 'I' ,
'.---' => 'J' ,
'-.-' => 'K' ,
'.-..' => 'L' ,
'--' => 'M' ,
'-.' => 'N' ,
'---' => 'O' ,
'.--.' => 'P' ,
'--.-' => 'Q' ,
'.-.' => 'R' ,
'...' => 'S' ,
'-' => 'T' ,
'..-' => 'U' ,
'...-' => 'V' ,
'.--' => 'W' ,
'-..-' => 'X' ,
'-.--' => 'Y' ,
'--..' => 'Z' ,
'-----' => '0' ,
'.----' => '1' ,
'..---' => '2' ,
'...--' => '3' ,
'....-' => '4' ,
'.....' => '5' ,
'-....' => '6' ,
'--...' => '7' ,
'---..' => '8' ,
'----.' => '9' ,
'.-.-.-' => '.' ,
'--..--' => ',' ,
'..--..' => '?' ,
'' => '' ,
' ' => '' ,
' ' => ' ' ,
' ' => ' ' ,
' ' => '. ' };
if ($to) {
my $msg = uc(join (' ', @ARGV));
my @chars = split (//, $msg);
print "$msg is:\n";
foreach my $char (@chars) {
print $morse->{$char};
print $morse->{'intra_letter_gap'};
} else {
my @chars = @ARGV;
my $msg = join ($morse->{'intra_letter_gap'}, @ARGV);
print "$msg is:\n";
foreach my $char (@chars) {
print $unmorse->{$char};
print "\n";
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