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Last active July 12, 2023 21:26
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How to scroll in Appium
// Will be added to soon
// helper class
data class ScrollBy(val uiSelector: String) {
companion object {
fun toId(id: String) = ScrollBy("new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(\".*id/$id\")")
fun toText(text: String) = ScrollBy("new UiSelector().text(\"${text}\")")
// helper method in BaseTest
protected fun scroll(selector: ScrollBy): WebElement {
val container = "new UiSelector().scrollable(true)"
val script = "new UiScrollable($container).scrollIntoView(${selector.uiSelector})"
return driver().findElement(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator(script))
// usage
scroll(toText("Hello world")).click()
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I don't know. Maybe not.
But if we add method $.scrollTo() to Selenide, it should work both in Android and iOS, right?
We cannot add a method that works only in Android...

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Sure: just return nothing in method for iOS ><
BTW, for RecycleView component, this code should be little bit modified. So I created two methods:
scroll() and scrollRv().
For RV we need to use:

var container = "new UiSelector().scrollable(true).className(\"androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView\")";
var script = "new UiScrollable(%s).setAsVerticalList().scrollIntoView(%s)".formatted(container, locator.uiSelector());

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