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Last active September 16, 2023 04:36
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// ==UserScript==
// @name esarea
// @namespace esarea
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author esa
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS209: Avoid top-level return
* Full docs:
if (\.io|qiita\.com|esa\.io|docbase\.io|pplog\.net|lvh\.me|slack\.com|mimemo\.io|kibe\.la|hackmd\.io/)) { return; }
let suggesting = null;
$(document).on('keyup', 'textarea', function(e) {
if (\.com/)) {
suggesting = !!$('ul.suggestions:visible').length;
} else if (\.io/)) {
suggesting = !!$('.atwho-view:visible').length;
$(document).on('keydown', 'textarea', function(e) {
if (suggesting) { return; }
switch (e.which || e.keyCode) {
case 9:
case 13:
case 32:
var handleTabKey = function(e) {
let newPos;
const currentLine = getCurrentLine(e);
const text = $(;
const pos = $('getPos');
if (currentLine) { $('setPos', {start: currentLine.start, end: currentLine.end}); }
if (e.shiftKey) {
if (currentLine && (currentLine.text.charAt(0) === '|')) {
// prev cell in table
newPos = text.lastIndexOf('|', pos.start - 1);
if (newPos > 1) { newPos -= 1; }
$('setPos', {start: newPos, end: newPos});
} else {
// re indent
const reindentedText = $(^ {1,4}/gm, '');
const reindentedCount = $( - reindentedText.length;
replaceText(, reindentedText);
if (currentLine) {
$('setPos', {start: pos.start - reindentedCount, end: pos.start - reindentedCount});
} else {
$('setPos', {start: pos.start, end: pos.start + reindentedText.length});
} else {
if (currentLine && (currentLine.text.charAt(0) === '|')) {
// next cell in table
newPos = text.indexOf('|', pos.start + 1);
if ((newPos < 0) || (newPos === text.lastIndexOf('|', currentLine.end - 1))) {
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.end, end: currentLine.end});
} else {
$('setPos', {start: newPos + 2, end: newPos + 2 });
} else {
// indent
const indentedText = ' ' + $("\n").join("\n ");
replaceText(, indentedText);
if (currentLine) {
$('setPos', {start: pos.start + 4, end: pos.start + 4});
} else {
$('setPos', {start: pos.start, end: pos.start + indentedText.length});
return $('input');
var handleEnterKey = function(e) {
let currentLine, match;
if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) { return; } // for cmd + enter
if (!(currentLine = getCurrentLine(e))) { return; }
if (currentLine.start === currentLine.caret) { return; }
if (match = currentLine.text.match(/^(\s*(?:-|\+|\*|\d+\.) (?:\[(?:x| )\] )?)\s*\S/)) {
// smart indent with list
let listMarkMatch;
if (currentLine.text.match(/^(\s*(?:-|\+|\*|\d+\.) (?:\[(?:x| )\] ))\s*$/)) {
// empty task list
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.start, end: (currentLine.end - 1)});
let listMark = match[1].replace(/\[x\]/, '[ ]');
if (listMarkMatch = listMark.match(/^(\s*)(\d+)\./)) {
const indent = listMarkMatch[1];
const num = parseInt(listMarkMatch[2]);
if (num !== 1) { listMark = listMark.replace(/\s*\d+/, `${indent}${num + 1}`); }
replaceText(, "\n" + listMark);
const caretTo = currentLine.caret + listMark.length + 1;
$('setPos', {start: caretTo, end: caretTo});
} else if (currentLine.text.match(/^(\s*(?:-|\+|\*|\d+\.) )/)) {
// remove list
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.start, end: (currentLine.end)});
} else if (currentLine.text.match(/^.*\|\s*$/)) {
// new row for table
if (currentLine.text.match(/^[\|\s]+$/)) {
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.start, end: (currentLine.end)});
if (!currentLine.endOfLine) { return; }
const row = [];
for (match of Array.from(currentLine.text.match(/\|/g))) { row.push("|"); }
const prevLine = getPrevLine(e);
if (!prevLine || (!currentLine.text.match(/---/) && !prevLine.text.match(/\|/g))) {
replaceText(, "\n" + row.join(' --- ') + "\n" + row.join(' '));
$('setPos', {start: (currentLine.caret + (6 * row.length)) - 1, end: (currentLine.caret + (6 * row.length)) - 1});
} else {
replaceText(, "\n" + row.join(' '));
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.caret + 3, end: currentLine.caret + 3 });
return $('input');
var handleSpaceKey = function(e) {
let currentLine, match;
if (!e.shiftKey || !e.altKey) { return; }
if (!(currentLine = getCurrentLine(e))) { return; }
if (match = currentLine.text.match(/^(\s*)(-|\+|\*|\d+\.) (?:\[(x| )\] )(.*)/)) {
const checkMark = match[3] === ' ' ? 'x' : ' ';
const replaceTo = `${match[1]}${match[2]} [${checkMark}] ${match[4]}`;
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.start, end: currentLine.end});
replaceText(, replaceTo);
$('setPos', {start: currentLine.caret, end: currentLine.caret});
return $('input');
var getCurrentLine = function(e) {
const text = $(;
const pos = $('getPos');
if (!text) { return null; }
if (pos.start !== pos.end) { return null; }
const startPos = text.lastIndexOf("\n", pos.start - 1) + 1;
let endPos = text.indexOf("\n", pos.start);
if (endPos === -1) { endPos = text.length; }
return {
text: text.slice(startPos, endPos),
start: startPos,
end: endPos,
caret: pos.start,
endOfLine: !$.trim(text.slice(pos.start, endPos))
var getPrevLine = function(e) {
const currentLine = getCurrentLine(e);
const text = $(, currentLine.start);
const startPos = text.lastIndexOf("\n", currentLine.start - 2) + 1;
const endPos = currentLine.start;
return {
text: text.slice(startPos, endPos),
start: startPos,
end: endPos
// @see
var replaceText = function(target, str) {
let e;
const pos = $(target).selection('getPos');
const fromIdx = pos.start;
const toIdx = pos.end;
let inserted = false;
if (str) {
const expectedLen = (target.value.length - Math.abs(toIdx - fromIdx)) + str.length;
target.selectionStart = fromIdx;
target.selectionEnd = toIdx;
try {
inserted = document.execCommand('insertText', false, str);
} catch (error) {
e = error;
inserted = false;
if (inserted && ((target.value.length !== expectedLen) || (target.value.substr(fromIdx, str.length) !== str))) {
inserted = false;
if (!inserted) {
try {
} catch (error1) { e = error1; }
const {
} = target;
target.value = '' + value.substring(0, fromIdx) + str + value.substring(toIdx);
try {
} catch (error2) { e = error2; }
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