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Teamviewer ID Reset

Remove Registry HKLM(ClientIC, ClientID, MIDInitiativeGUID), etc.

The above registry only applies if the user is not logged in.

I just used it as a way to delete the entire registry of TeamViewer.

That approach actually reassigns the TeamViewer ID value by replacing the UUID value.

Windows ONLY

@echo off
for /f "delims={}" %%I in ('bitsadmin /rawreturn /create guid') do set "GUID=%%~I"
>NUL bitsadmin /cancel {%GUID%}
taskkill /f /im tv*
taskkill /f /im teamviewer*
cd "C:\\Program Files\\TeamViewer"
wmic csproduct set uuid="%GUID%"
reg delete "HKLM\software\teamviewer" /f
reg delete "HKCU\software\teamviewer" /f
reg add "HKCU\Software\TeamViewer" /v "IntroShown" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
sc start teamviewer
start TeamViewer.exe
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