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Created September 25, 2021 21:43
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(:emacs-version "GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-suse-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.25, cairo version 1.16.0)" :prettier-el-version "1.1.0" :buffer-file-name "/home/adam/path/to/my/file.sol" :remote-id nil :major-mode solidity-mode :exec-path
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["babel" "babel-flow" "babel-ts" "flow" "typescript" "espree" "meriyah"]
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["deno" "ts-node"]
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[".jsonc" ".sublime-build" ".sublime-commands" ".sublime-completions" ".sublime-keymap" ".sublime-macro" ".sublime-menu" ".sublime-mousemap" ".sublime-project" ".sublime-settings" ".sublime-theme" ".sublime-workspace" ".sublime_metrics" ".sublime_session"]
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[(:since "1.9.0" :value "avoid")
(:since "2.0.0" :value "always")]
:description "Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter." :choices
[(:value "always" :description "Always include parens. Example: `(x) => x`")
(:value "avoid" :description "Omit parens when possible. Example: `x => x`")])
(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default t :description "Print spaces between brackets." :oppositeDescription "Do not print spaces between brackets.")
(:since "0.17.0" :category "JavaScript" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Put > on the last line instead of at a new line.")
(:since "1.0.0" :category "JavaScript" :type "boolean" :default t :description "Print semicolons." :oppositeDescription "Do not print semicolons, except at the beginning of lines which may need them.")
(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Use single quotes instead of double quotes.")
(:since "1.15.0" :category "JavaScript" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Use single quotes in JSX.")
(:since "1.17.0" :category "JavaScript" :type "choice" :default "as-needed" :description "Change when properties in objects are quoted." :choices
[(:value "as-needed" :description "Only add quotes around object properties where required.")
(:value "consistent" :description "If at least one property in an object requires quotes, quote all properties.")
(:value "preserve" :description "Respect the input use of quotes in object properties.")])
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[(:since "0.0.0" :value nil)
(:since "0.19.0" :value "none")
(:since "2.0.0" :value "es5")]
:description "Print trailing commas wherever possible when multi-line." :choices
[(:value "es5" :description "Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc.)")
(:value "none" :description "No trailing commas.")
(:value "all" :description "Trailing commas wherever possible (including function arguments).")]))
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[".pcss" ".postcss"]
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(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Use single quotes instead of double quotes."))
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[".handlebars" ".hbs"]
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[".graphql" ".gql" ".graphqls"]
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(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default t :description "Print spaces between brackets." :oppositeDescription "Do not print spaces between brackets."))
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(:astFormat "graphql")))
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[(:since "1.8.2" :value t)
(:since "1.9.0" :value "preserve")]
:description "How to wrap prose." :choices
[(:since "1.9.0" :value "always" :description "Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.")
(:since "1.9.0" :value "never" :description "Do not wrap prose.")
(:since "1.9.0" :value "preserve" :description "Wrap prose as-is.")])
(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Use single quotes instead of double quotes."))
(:mdast nil)
(:astFormat "mdast")
(:astFormat "mdast")
(:astFormat "mdast")))
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[".html" ".htm" ".html.hl" ".inc" ".xht" ".xhtml" ".mjml"]
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(:html nil)
(:since "1.15.0" :category "HTML" :type "choice" :default "css" :description "How to handle whitespaces in HTML." :choices
[(:value "css" :description "Respect the default value of CSS display property.")
(:value "strict" :description "Whitespaces are considered sensitive.")
(:value "ignore" :description "Whitespaces are considered insensitive.")])
(:since "1.19.0" :category "HTML" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Indent script and style tags in Vue files."))
(:astFormat "html")
(:astFormat "html")
(:astFormat "html")
(:astFormat "html")))
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[".yml" ".mir" ".reek" ".rviz" ".sublime-syntax" ".syntax" ".yaml" ".yaml-tmlanguage" ".yaml.sed" ".yml.mysql"]
[".clang-format" ".clang-tidy" ".gemrc" "glide.lock" ".prettierrc"]
:aceMode "yaml" :codemirrorMode "yaml" :codemirrorMimeType "text/x-yaml" :since "1.14.0" :parsers
["yaml" "ansible" "home-assistant"])]
(:yaml nil)
(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default t :description "Print spaces between brackets." :oppositeDescription "Do not print spaces between brackets.")
(:since "0.0.0" :category "Common" :type "boolean" :default nil :description "Use single quotes instead of double quotes.")
(:since "1.8.2" :category "Common" :type "choice" :default
[(:since "1.8.2" :value t)
(:since "1.9.0" :value "preserve")]
:description "How to wrap prose." :choices
[(:since "1.9.0" :value "always" :description "Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.")
(:since "1.9.0" :value "never" :description "Do not wrap prose.")
(:since "1.9.0" :value "preserve" :description "Wrap prose as-is.")]))
(:astFormat "yaml")))]
:arrowParens "always" :bracketSpacing t :cursorOffset -1 :embeddedLanguageFormatting "auto" :endOfLine "lf" :htmlWhitespaceSensitivity "css" :insertPragma nil :jsxBracketSameLine nil :jsxSingleQuote nil :pluginSearchDirs
:printWidth 80 :proseWrap "preserve" :quoteProps "as-needed" :rangeEnd 1 :rangeStart 0 :requirePragma nil :trailingComma "es5" :vueIndentScriptAndStyle nil :astFormat "estree" :printer
(:avoidAstMutation t)))))
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