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Created December 11, 2014 14:55
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A Table data structure to support UITableView
struct Table<valueType:Equatable>{
var table:[[valueType]] = [[valueType]]()
var sectionCount:Int{
return table.count
subscript(section:Int) -> [valueType]?{
var sectionArray:[valueType]?
if (section < sectionCount){
sectionArray = table[section]
return sectionArray
subscript(indexPath:NSIndexPath) -> valueType?{
var value:valueType?
if let section = self[indexPath.section]{
if section.count > indexPath.row {
value = section[indexPath.row]
return value
mutating set{
if var section = self[indexPath.section]{
if section.count > indexPath.row {
table[indexPath.section][indexPath.row] = newValue!
subscript(indexPath:(forRow:Int,inSection:Int)) -> valueType?{
return self[NSIndexPath(forRow: indexPath.forRow, inSection: indexPath.inSection)]
mutating set{
self[NSIndexPath(forRow: indexPath.forRow, inSection: indexPath.inSection)] = newValue
mutating func add(value:valueType, toSection section:Int = 0){
if (section >= sectionCount){
for index in (sectionCount...section){
mutating func insert(value:valueType, inRow row:Int, section:Int = 0){
table[section].insert(value, atIndex: row)
mutating func remove(atRow row:Int, inSection section:Int = 0){
mutating func removeSection(section:Int){
func indexPathOf(value:valueType, inSection:Int? = nil) -> NSIndexPath?{
var indexPath:NSIndexPath?
if let section = inSection {
if let row = find(table[section], value){
indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: row, inSection: section)
} else {
for (section, sectionArray) in enumerate(table){
if let row = find(sectionArray, value){
indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: row, inSection: section)
return indexPath
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