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Created April 28, 2014 15:12
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The impredicative encoding of list has associativity of concatenation up to conversion! (requires -impredicative-set)
(* -*- coq-prog-args: ("-emacs-U" "-impredicative-set") -*- *)
Require Coq.Lists.List.
Definition IList (A:Set) : Set :=
forall R:Set, (A->R->R) -> R -> R
Definition empty {A:Set} : IList A :=
fun R c e => e
Arguments empty {A} R c e /.
Definition single {A:Set} (x:A) : IList A :=
fun R c e => c x e
Arguments single {A} x R c e /.
Definition app {A:Set} (l r:IList A) : IList A :=
fun R c e => l R c (r R c e)
Arguments app {A} l r R c e /.
Notation "l ++ r" := (app l r).
Definition cons {A:Set} (x:A) (l:IList A) : IList A := (single x)++l.
Arguments cons {A} x l R c e /.
Remark app_empty_neutral_r : forall A (l:IList A), l++empty = l.
intros **.
Remark app_empty_neutral_l : forall A (l:IList A), empty++l = l.
intros **.
Remark app_associative : forall A (l r q:IList A), (l++r)++q = l++(r++q).
intros **.
Definition fold_right {A B:Set} (f:A->B->B) (s:B) (l:IList A) : B := l B f s.
Definition ilist_rec0 {A B:Set} (s:B) (f:A->IList A->B->B) (l:IList A) : B :=
snd (fold_right (fun a lb => (cons a (fst lb) , f a (fst lb) (snd lb))) (empty,s) l)
(** Parametricity and is needed to show that impredicative lists are equivalent to lists *)
Notation "A ⇔ B" := (A->B->Prop) (at level 70).
Definition arrow_rel {A A' B B':Type} (rA:A⇔A') (rB:B⇔B') : (A->B)⇔(A'->B') :=
fun f g => forall x y, rA x y -> rB (f x) (g y)
Arguments arrow_rel {A A' B B'} rA rB f g /.
Notation "rA ⟶ rB" := (arrow_rel rA rB) (at level 70, right associativity).
Definition forall_rel {B₁:Set->Set} {B₂:Set->Set}
(rB:forall (A₁ A₂:Set) (r:A₁⇔A₂), B₁ A₁⇔B₂ A₂) : (forall x, B₁ x) ⇔ (forall x, B₂ x) :=
fun f g => forall (A₁ A₂:Set) (rA:A₁⇔A₂), rB A₁ A₂ rA (f A₁) (g A₂)
Notation "∀ ( r : A₁ ⇔ A₂ ) , rB" := (forall_rel (fun A₁ A₂ r => rB)) (at level 90, r ident, A₁ ident, A₂ ident).
Definition Parametric {A:Set} (rA:A⇔A) (l:IList A) : Prop :=
(∀ (r:R⇔R'), (rA ⟶ r ⟶ r) ⟶ r ⟶ r) l l
Definition list_to_ilist {A:Set} (l:list A) : IList A :=
List.fold_right cons empty l
Definition ilist_to_list {A:Set} (l:IList A) : list A :=
fold_right (@List.cons _) List.nil l
Lemma list_retract : forall (A:Set) (l:list A), ilist_to_list (list_to_ilist l) = l.
intros A l.
induction l as [|x l h].
+ easy.
+ simpl. unfold cons,single,app,ilist_to_list,fold_right in *.
(* Basic usage of parametricity, as an example *)
Remark ilist_param_cons_empty_id : forall (A:Set) (l:IList A), Parametric (@eq A) l ->
forall R c e, l _ cons empty R c e = l R c e.
intros * param *.
specialize (param (IList A) R (fun l z => l R c e = z)). simpl in param.
apply param.
+ intros x y <- l' z' h.
+ easy.
Lemma ilist_param_retract : forall (A:Set) (l:IList A), Parametric (@eq A) l ->
forall R c e, list_to_ilist (ilist_to_list l) R c e = l R c e.
intros * param *.
unfold ilist_to_list,fold_right.
specialize (param (list A) R (fun l z => list_to_ilist l R c e = z)). simpl in param.
apply param.
+ intros x y <- l' z' h.
+ easy.
(** Induction is harder than recursion because it is not true without
parametricity or functional extensionality. Apart from that, it is
basically the same definition as [ilist_rec0], but with [{l:IList
A|P x}] instead of [(IList A*B)]. *)
Theorem ilist_param_ind (A:Set) (P:IList A->Prop)
(s:P empty) (f:forall (x:A) (l:IList A), P l -> P (cons x l)) (l:IList A) :
Parametric (@eq A) l -> (forall l', (forall R c e, l' R c e = l R c e) -> l'=l) -> P l.
intros param ext.
set (ind:= fold_right
(fun a lp => exist P (cons a (proj1_sig lp)) (f a (proj1_sig lp) (proj2_sig lp)))
(exist P empty s)
assert (proj1_sig ind = l) as h.
{ apply ext. intros R c e.
unfold ind, fold_right.
specialize (param {x|P x} R (fun lp z => proj1_sig lp R c e = z)). simpl in param.
apply param.
+ intros x y <- lp z h.
now rewrite <- h.
+ easy. }
rewrite <- h.
exact (proj2_sig ind).
(** Assuming that every [IList A] is parametric together with
functional extensionality allow to recover the convenience of
usual lists with the exception of fixed points. *)
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Axiom ilist_param : forall (A:Set) (r:A⇔A) (l:IList A), Parametric r l.
Corollary ilist_ind (A:Set) (P:IList A->Prop)
(s:P empty) (f:forall (x:A) (l:IList A), P l -> P (cons x l)) (l:IList A) : P l.
intros **.
apply ilist_param_ind; try solve[easy|apply ilist_param].
intros **.
extensionality R; extensionality c; extensionality e.
Lemma fold_right_empty (A B:Set) (f:A->B->B) (s:B) : fold_right f s empty = s.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma fold_right_cons (A B:Set) (f:A->B->B) (s:B) x l :
fold_right f s (cons x l) = f x (fold_right f s l).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem ilist_rec0_empty (A B:Set) (s:B) (f:A->IList A -> B -> B) : ilist_rec0 s f empty = s.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
(** Contrary to the case true inductive type, this property needs to
be proven by induction. *)
Theorem ilist_rec0_cons (A B:Set) (s:B) (f:A->IList A -> B -> B) x l :
ilist_rec0 s f (cons x l) = f x l (ilist_rec0 s f l).
unfold ilist_rec0.
f_equal. clear.
induction l as [ | x l h ] using ilist_ind.
+ easy.
+ simpl.
Remark conj_injective (A:Set) (x₁ x₂:A) (l₁ l₂:IList A) :
cons x₁ l₁ = cons x₂ l₂ -> x₁ = x₂ /\ l₁ = l₂.
intros h.
+ apply
(f_equal (ilist_rec0 x₁(*this x₁ is not used, it just fills the gap*) (fun a _ _ => a)) h).
+ (* The list case is harder because it does not reduce up to conversion. *)
set (tl := (ilist_rec0 l₁ (fun _ l _ => l))).
assert (forall l x, tl (cons x l) = l) as def.
{ clear. subst tl. intros **.
rewrite ilist_rec0_cons.
reflexivity. }
rewrite <- (def l₁ x₁) , <- (def l₂ x₂).
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