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Created November 21, 2012 15:28
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Impredicative Pearl: categories of functor
Impredicative Pearl.
The file below demonstrates that it cannot be shown, in a
predicative theory, that the functors between fixed categories
together with natural transformations form a category. This, in
turn, implies that one cannot prove that the categories with
functors and natural transformations form a bicategory (unless we
give up on the idea that the homs of bicategories are categories).
Note that choosing sets to take their element type in [Set] and
setting the [-impredicative-set] flag will solve this particular
case. However, it's just pushing the issue a little further, as it
will be impossible to show that the bifunctors form a bicategory
(hence the bicategories a tricategory).
Record Sets : Type := {
El : Type
Record Category : Type := {
Obj : Type ;
Hom : Obj -> Obj -> Sets
Record Functor (C D:Category) : Type := {
on_obj : Obj C -> Obj D ;
on_hom : forall X Y, El (Hom C X Y) -> El (Hom D (on_obj X) (on_obj Y))
Arguments on_obj {C D} _ _.
Arguments on_hom {C D} _ _ _ _.
Record NaturalTransformation {C D} (F G:Functor C D) : Type := {
map : forall X, El (Hom D (on_obj F X) (on_obj G X))
(*** The two definitions below are mutually inconsistent. Either of
them can be typechecked, but not both in the same
environment. ***)
Definition FunctorCat (C D:Category) : Category := {|
Obj := Functor C D ;
Hom := fun F G => {| El := NaturalTransformation F G |}
Definition CategoryOfSets : Category := {|
Obj := Sets ;
Hom := fun A B => {| El := El A -> El B |}
By making the universe levels explicit, this files makes clear
where the universe inconsistency comes from.
(* Monomorphic universes *)
Definition Type1 := Type.
Definition Type2 := Type.
Definition Type3 := Type.
(* As [Obj] has type [Type1], [Category] type must be [Type2]. *)
Record Sets : Type2 := {
El : Type1
(* Categories must hence have the following signature, for there to be
a category of sets. *)
Record Category : Type3 := {
Obj : Type2 ;
Hom : Obj -> Obj -> Sets
(* Functors have the right type for objects *)
Record Functor (C D:Category) : Type2 := {
on_obj : Obj C -> Obj D ;
on_hom : forall X Y, El (Hom C X Y) -> El (Hom D (on_obj X) (on_obj Y))
Arguments on_obj {C D} _ _.
Arguments on_hom {C D} _ _ _ _.
(* But NaturalTransformations cannot be a set. *)
Record NaturalTransformation {C D} (F G:Functor C D) : Type2 := {
map : forall X, El (Hom D (on_obj F X) (on_obj G X))
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