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Last active September 28, 2023 06:42
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Functional CDCL
module Cdcl where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
type Atom = Int
type Literal = (Bool, Atom)
neg :: Literal -> Literal
neg (p, a) = (not p, a)
-- Invariants: clause non-empty, no duplicate or contradictory literal
type Clause = [Literal]
-- 'Nothing' => contradiction
set_lit :: Literal -> [Clause] -> Maybe [Clause]
set_lit (p, a) cs =
catMaybes <$> traverse set_in_clause cs
-- 'Nothing' => empty clause (conflict), `Just Nothing` => true clause (must
-- be dropped)
set_in_clause :: Clause -> Maybe (Maybe Clause)
set_in_clause c = case catMaybes <$> traverse set_in_literal c of
Nothing -> Just Nothing
Just [] -> Nothing
Just c' -> Just (Just c')
-- 'Nothing' => set to true (clause must be dropped), `Just Nothing` => set
-- to false (literal must be dropped from clause)
set_in_literal :: Literal -> Maybe (Maybe Literal)
set_in_literal (p', a') | a == a' = if p == p' then Nothing else Just Nothing
set_in_literal l' = Just (Just l')
-- Possible refinement: make it obvious in the type that the returned clauses
-- all have at least two elements. Though honestly, without liquid types it's
-- probably a pain.
propagate :: [Clause] -> Maybe [Clause]
propagate cs =
case find_maybe unit cs of
Nothing -> Just cs
Just l -> do
cs' <- set_lit l cs
propagate cs'
unit :: Clause -> Maybe Literal
unit [l] = Just l
unit _ = Nothing
data Result = Sat | Unsat
data Intermediate
= Sat'
| Conflict [Clause]
sat :: [Clause] -> Result
sat cs =
case sat' cs of
Sat' -> Sat
Conflict _ -> Unsat
choose :: [Clause] -> Intermediate
choose [] = Sat'
choose ([] : _) = error "Can't happen"
choose cs@((l : _) : _) =
-- Because everything has two elements, can't yield the empty clause
let Just cs' = set_lit l cs
in case sat' cs' of
Sat' -> Sat'
Conflict conflicts ->
let conflicts' = map (neg l :) conflicts
in case sat' (cs' ++ conflicts') of
Sat' -> Sat'
Conflict conflicts'' -> Conflict (conflicts' ++ conflicts'')
sat' :: [Clause] -> Intermediate
sat' cs =
case propagate cs of
Nothing -> Conflict [[]]
Just cs' -> choose cs'
-- | 'find', but with a 'Maybe'
find_maybe :: (Foldable t) => (a -> Maybe b) -> t a -> Maybe b
find_maybe p = getFirst . foldMap (First . p)
set_in_literal (p',a') | a == a' = if p == p' then Nothing else Just Nothing
set_in_literal l' = Just (Just l')
-- Possible refinement: make it obvious in the type that the returned clauses
-- all have at least two elements. Though honestly, without liquid types it's
-- probably a pain.
propagate :: [Clause] -> Maybe [Clause]
propagate cs =
case find_maybe unit cs of
| Nothing -> Just cs
| Just l -> do
cs' <- set_lit l cs
propagate cs'
data Result = Sat | Unsat
data Intermediate
= Sat'
| Conflict [Clause]
sat :: [Clause] -> Result
sat cs =
case sat' cs of
Sat' -> Sat
Conflict _ -> Unsat
choose :: [Clause] -> Intermediate
choose [] = Sat'
choose ([]:_) = error "Can't happen"
choose cs@((l:_):_) =
-- Because everything has two elements, can't yield the empty clause
let Just cs' = set_lit l cs in
case sat' cs' of
Sat' -> Sat'
Conflict conflicts ->
let conflicts' = map (neg l:) conflicts in
case sat' (cs' ++ conflicts') of
Sat' -> Sat'
Conflict conflicts'' -> Conflict (conflicts' ++ conflicts'')
sat' :: [Clause] -> Intermediate
sat' cs =
case propagate cs of
Nothing -> Conflict [[]]
Just cs' -> choose cs'
--| 'find', but with a 'Maybe'
find_maybe :: Foldable t => (a -> Maybe b) -> t a -> Maybe b
find_maybe p = getFirst . fold (First . p)
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