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Created June 17, 2022 14:55
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An implementation of “programmed laziness” for list concatenation
module CatList : sig
(** “Lazy” lists with O(1) concatenation. *)
type +'a t
type (+'a, +'l) view =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'l
val view : 'a t -> ('a, 'a t) view
(** {0 Smart constructors} *)
val nil : 'a t
val cons : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
(** {0 Concatenation} *)
val append : front:'a t -> back:'a t -> 'a t
end = struct
type (+'a, +'l) view =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'l
type +'a t = { view' : unit -> ('a, 'a t) view; peek : unit -> 'a node }
(* Note: instead of just representing `'a t` as a `'a node ref`,
we expose the internals as functions, so that the type
parameter can be covariant. This complicates the presentation
a little, but if we don't, then `nil` can't be defined. *)
and +'a node =
| Forced of ('a, 'a t) view
| Suspended of { front : 'a t; back : 'a t}
(* When calling `append`, we initially form a `Suspended` node,
where we explicitly keep the arguments of the append. We will
execute the append lazily. A list where all the pending appends
have been executed at least down its tail will be represented as
a `Forced`. *)
(** {0 Pattern matching} *)
let view : 'a. 'a t -> ('a, 'a t) view = fun { view' } ->
view' ()
(** {0 Internal stuff} *)
let rec app_view : 'a. front:('a, 'a t) view -> back:'a t -> ('a, 'a t) view = fun ~front ~back ->
match front with
| Nil -> view back
| Cons (x, l) -> Cons (x, append ~front:l ~back)
and app_node : 'a. front:'a node -> back:'a t -> ('a, 'a t) view = fun ~front ~back ->
match front with
| Forced front -> app_view ~front ~back
| Suspended { front; back=middle } -> force ~front ~back:(append ~front:middle ~back)
and force_ref : 'a. front:'a node ref -> back:'a t -> ('a, 'a t) view = fun ~front ~back ->
app_node ~front:(!front) ~back
and force : 'a. front:'a t -> back:'a t -> ('a, 'a t) view = fun ~front ~back ->
app_node ~front:(front.peek ()) ~back
(* This is where the magic happens: instead of blindly forcing the
front node with `view`, like built-in laziness would do, we can
inspect the front node. If it's already a suspended append,
then we fuse the two appends together. As a consequence, next
time the list is forced, they can be pushed together as a
single step.
Effectively, this changes an inefficient `(…(xs1 ++ xs2) ++ …)
++ xsn)` into the more efficient `x1 ++ (x2 ++ (… ++
and view_ref : 'a. 'a node ref -> ('a, 'a t) view = fun l ->
match !l with
| Forced view -> view
| Suspended { front; back } ->
let view = force ~front ~back in
let () = l := Forced view in
and make : 'a. 'a node -> 'a t = fun x ->
let thunk = ref x in
{ view' = (fun () -> view_ref thunk); peek = fun () -> !thunk }
and append : 'a. front:'a t -> back:'a t -> 'a t = fun ~front ~back ->
make @@ Suspended { front; back }
(** {0 Smart constructors} *)
let nil : 'a. 'a t =
make @@ Forced Nil
let cons : 'a. 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t = fun x l ->
make @@ Forced (Cons (x, l))
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