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Created November 18, 2013 15:21
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Impredicative encoding of functions. Using an impredicative encoding, the function type α→β can be alternatively represented as the continuation passing style ∀κ, (β→κ)→(α→κ). I give a Coq proof that, assuming parametricity (and functional extensionality), both types are indeed isomorphic.
Definition compose {A B C:Type} (f:A->B) (g:B->C) : A->C := fun x => g (f x).
Arguments compose {A B C} f g x /.
Notation "g ∘ f" := (compose f g) (at level 3, left associativity).
Definition id {A:Type} : A -> A := fun x => x.
Arguments id {A} x /.
(** The impredicative encoding of functions. There is a bit of
cheating as it is not actually an impredicative
quantification. But it is fine for the purpose of this
demonstration. *)
Definition Fun_i (A B:Type) : Type := forall R, (B->R)->A->R.
Definition encode (A B:Type) (f:A->B) : Fun_i A B :=
fun R k a => k (f a)
Definition decode (A B:Type) (f:Fun_i A B) : A -> B :=
f B (fun x => x)
Lemma the_function_space_is_a_retract_of_the_impredicative_encoding (A B:Type) :
forall f, decode A B (encode A B f) = f.
intros f.
(** In order to prove that the other composition is also the identity,
βη does not suffice: we need parametricity. We assume that the
type [Fun_i A B] is indeed parametric, i.e. that every function is
related to itself by the relation [RFun_i A B]. The definition of
[RFun_i A B] follows the structure of [Fun_i A B]. See Philip
Wadler's Theorems for free! for further documentation. *)
(** Relations *)
Notation "A ⇔ B" := (A->B->Prop) (at level 70).
Definition RFun {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂:Type} (RA:A₁⇔A₂) (RB:B₁⇔B₂) : (A₁->B₁)⇔(A₂->B₂) :=
fun f g => forall x y, RA x y -> RB (f x) (g y)
Arguments RFun {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂} RA RB f g /.
Notation "RA ⟶ RB" := (RFun RA RB) (at level 70, right associativity).
Definition RForall {B₁:Type->Type} {B₂:Type->Type}
(RB:forall (A₁ A₂:Type) (R:A₁⇔A₂), B₁ A₁⇔B₂ A₂) : (forall x, B₁ x) ⇔ (forall x, B₂ x) :=
fun f g => forall (A₁ A₂:Type) (RA:A₁⇔A₂), RB A₁ A₂ RA (f A₁) (g A₂)
Notation "∀ ( R : A₁ ⇔ A₂ ) , RB" := (RForall (fun A₁ A₂ R => RB)) (at level 90, R ident, A₁ ident, A₂ ident).
Definition RFun_i {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂:Type} (RA:A₁⇔A₂) (RB:B₁⇔B₂) : Fun_i A₁ B₁ ⇔ Fun_i A₂ B₂ :=
∀ (R:U⇔V), (RB ⟶ R) ⟶ RA ⟶ R
Eval compute in @RFun_i.
(* … => forall (U V : Type) (R : U ⇔ V),
forall (k₁ : B₁ -> U) (k₂ : B₂ -> V),
(forall (s : B₁) (t : B₂), RB s t -> R (k₁ s) (k₂ t)) ->
forall (x : A₁) (y : A₂), RA x y -> R (f U k₁ x) (g V k₂ y) *)
Axiom Fun_i_parametric : forall {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂:Type} (RA:A₁⇔A₂) (RB:B₁⇔B₂),
forall (f:Fun_i A₁ B₁) (g:Fun_i A₂ B₂), RFun_i RA RB f g.
(** The relations we will need are all graphs of functions. *)
Definition Graph {A B:Type} (f:A->B) : A⇔B := fun x y => f x = y.
Arguments Graph {A B} f x y /.
Lemma the_impredicative_encoding_is_a_retract_of_the_function_space (A B:Type) :
forall f R k x, encode A B (decode A B f) R k x = f R k x.
intros f R k x.
(** specializes the parametricity lemma to graphs. *)
generalize (fun (g:A->A) (h:B->B) (U V:Type) (i:U->V) =>
Fun_i_parametric (Graph g) (Graph h) f f U V (Graph i)
); intros p; simpl in p.
apply (p id id).
+ intros ** <-; reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
(** Up to functional extensionality, we hence have that [encode A B]
and [decode A B] form an isomorphism. *)
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Theorem impredicative_encoding_isomorphic (A B:Type) :
(decode A B) ∘ (encode A B) = id /\ (encode A B) ∘ (decode A B) = id.
+ extensionality f; simpl.
apply the_function_space_is_a_retract_of_the_impredicative_encoding.
+ extensionality f; simpl.
extensionality R; extensionality k; extensionality x.
apply the_impredicative_encoding_is_a_retract_of_the_function_space.
Print Assumptions impredicative_encoding_isomorphic.
(* Axioms:
functional_extensionality_dep *)
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