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Created January 2, 2016 20:49
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A proof of ∀ A, A∨¬A explained with continuation
(** To give a direct proof of the constructive result that [forall
A:Prop, ~~(A\/~A)], it is useful to see [~A] as meaning a
"continuation of [A]". That is, [~A] is a computation that takes an
[A] and "returns".*)
(** Here is a first proof by forward chaining. *)
Lemma Proof₁ : forall A:Prop, ~~(A\/~A).
intros A k₀.
(** We have [k₀:~(A\/~A)]. That is [k₀] is a continuation of either
an [A] or a [~A]. The conclusion is [False], i.e. unreachable,
so we must build a computation that returns. *)
pose proof ((fun x:A => k₀ (or_introl x)) : ~A) as k₁.
(** In other words, [k₀] is both a continuation [k₁] of [A]. *)
pose proof ((fun k:~A => k₀ (or_intror k)) : ~~A) as k₂.
(** And a continuation [k₂] of [~A]: a continuation of a
continuation of [A]. *)
exact (k₂ k₁).
(** Since [k₁:~A] and [k₂] returns on a [~A], we can return. *)
(** Here is a backward chaining version of the same proof. *)
Lemma Proof₂ : forall A:Prop, ~~(A\/~A).
intros A k₀.
(** We have [k₀:~(A\/~A)]. That is [k₀] is a continuation of either
an [A] or a [~A]. The conclusion is [False], i.e. unreachable,
so we must build a computation that returns. *)
apply k₀. right.
(** The only way to return is to use [k₀], so we must provide an
[A\/~A]. We have no [A] available, but we have computations, so
we shall provide a [~A]. *)
intros x.
(** In other word, a computation that returns from an [x:A]. *)
apply k₀. left.
(** The only way to return is to use [k₀], so we must provide an
[A\/~A]. We have now have an [A] available, so we shall provide
an [A]. *)
exact x.
(** [x:A]. *)
(** The forward chaining [Proof₂] contains β-redexes. *)
Print Proof₁.
(* Proof₁ =
fun (A : Prop) (k₀ : ~ (A \/ ~ A)) =>
(fun k₁ : ~ A =>
(fun k₂ : ~ ~ A => k₂ k₁) ((fun k : ~ A => k₀ (or_intror k)):~ ~ A))
((fun x : A => k₀ (or_introl x)):~ A)
: forall A : Prop, ~ ~ (A \/ ~ A) *)
(** By reducing these β-redexes we can obtain a simple, concise proof
term for [forall A, ~~(A\/~A)], which may look more confortable to
someone well-versed in the arcanas of [call/cc] and similar
programming constructs. *)
Lemma Proof₁' : forall A, ~~(A\/~A).
exact (fun A k₀ => k₀ (or_intror (fun x:A => k₀ (or_introl x)))).
(** [Proof₁'] is, incidentally, the same proof term as [Proof₂]. *)
Print Proof₂.
(* Proof₂ =
fun (A : Prop) (k₀ : ~ (A \/ ~ A)) =>
k₀ (or_intror (fun x : A => k₀ (or_introl x)))
: forall A : Prop, ~ ~ (A \/ ~ A) *)
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