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Last active March 24, 2022 15:53
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  • Save aspose-cloud/7b6fd21096e2fbbda3548cdd8c565b96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aspose-cloud/7b6fd21096e2fbbda3548cdd8c565b96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. blog gists
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "3DTest.pdf");
HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions
SplitIntoPages = false,
FixedLayout = true,
CompressSvgGraphicsIfAny = false,
SaveTransparentTexts = true,
SaveShadowedTextsAsTransparentTexts = true,
RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsEmbeddedPartsOfPngPageBackground,
PartsEmbeddingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.PartsEmbeddingModes.EmbedAllIntoHtml
document.Save(dataDir + "3Doutput.html", options);
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "3D.pdf");
using (FileStream imageStream = new FileStream(dataDir + "3DPDF.png", FileMode.Create))
// Create Resolution object
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(300);
// Create PNG device with specified attributes (Width, Height, Resolution)
PngDevice pngDevice = new PngDevice(resolution);
// Convert a particular page and save the image to stream
pngDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[1], imageStream);
// Close stream
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string sourceFileName = dataDir + "ColorFillLayer.psd";
string exportPath = dataDir + "ColorFillLayer_output.psd";
var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);
using (im)
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is FillLayer)
var fillLayer = (FillLayer)layer;
if (fillLayer.FillSettings.FillType != FillType.Color)
throw new Exception("Wrong Fill Layer");
var settings = (IColorFillSettings)fillLayer.FillSettings;
settings.Color = Color.Red;
string fileName = dataDir + "FillLayerGradient.psd";
GradientType[] gradientTypes = new[]
GradientType.Linear, GradientType.Radial, GradientType.Angle, GradientType.Reflected, GradientType.Diamond
using (var image = Image.Load(fileName))
PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)image;
FillLayer fillLayer = (FillLayer)psdImage.Layers[0];
GradientFillSettings fillSettings = (GradientFillSettings)fillLayer.FillSettings;
foreach (var gradientType in gradientTypes)
fillSettings.GradientType = gradientType;
psdImage.Save(fileName + "_" + gradientType.ToString() + ".png", new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });
string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "output.psd");
using (var image = new PsdImage(100, 100))
FillLayer colorFillLayer = FillLayer.CreateInstance(Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.FillType.Color);
colorFillLayer.DisplayName = "Color Fill Layer";
FillLayer gradientFillLayer = FillLayer.CreateInstance(Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.FillType.Gradient);
gradientFillLayer.DisplayName = "Gradient Fill Layer";
FillLayer patternFillLayer = FillLayer.CreateInstance(Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.FillType.Pattern);
patternFillLayer.DisplayName = "Pattern Fill Layer";
patternFillLayer.Opacity = 50;
// Add support of Fill layers: Pattern
string sourceFileName = dataDir + "PatternFillLayer.psd";
string exportPath = dataDir + "PatternFillLayer_Edited.psd";
double tolerance = 0.0001;
var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);
using (im)
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is FillLayer)
FillLayer fillLayer = (FillLayer)layer;
PatternFillSettings fillSettings = (PatternFillSettings)fillLayer.FillSettings;
if (fillSettings.HorizontalOffset != -46 ||
fillSettings.VerticalOffset != -45 ||
fillSettings.PatternId != "a6818df2-7532-494e-9615-8fdd6b7f38e5" ||
fillSettings.PatternName != "$$$/Presets/Patterns/OpticalSquares=Optical Squares" ||
fillSettings.AlignWithLayer != true ||
fillSettings.Linked != true ||
fillSettings.PatternHeight != 64 ||
fillSettings.PatternWidth != 64 ||
fillSettings.PatternData.Length != 4096 ||
Math.Abs(fillSettings.Scale - 50) > tolerance)
throw new Exception("PSD Image was read wrong");
// Editing
fillSettings.Scale = 300;
fillSettings.HorizontalOffset = 2;
fillSettings.VerticalOffset = -20;
fillSettings.PatternData = new int[]
Color.Red.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(),
Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.Red.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(),
Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.Red.ToArgb()
fillSettings.PatternHeight = 3;
fillSettings.PatternWidth = 3;
fillSettings.AlignWithLayer = false;
fillSettings.Linked = false;
fillSettings.PatternId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Document.docx");
TextWatermarkOptions options = new TextWatermarkOptions()
FontFamily = "Arial",
FontSize = 36,
Color = Color.Black,
Layout = WatermarkLayout.Diagonal,
IsSemitrasparent = true
doc.Watermark.SetText("CONFIDENTIAL", options);
doc.Save(dataDir + "AddTextWatermark_out.docx");
string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]
for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
string name = sourcesFiles[i];
string sourceFileName = dataDir + name + ".ai";
string outFileName = dataDir + name + ".jpg";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
ImageOptionsBase options = new JpegOptions() { Quality = 85 };
image.Save(outFileName, options);
string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]
for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
string name = sourcesFiles[i];
string sourceFileName = dataDir + name + ".ai";
string outFileName = dataDir + name + ".pdf";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
ImageOptionsBase options = new PdfOptions();
image.Save(outFileName, options);
string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]
for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
string name = sourcesFiles[i];
string sourceFileName = dataDir + name + ".ai";
string outFileName = dataDir + name + ".png";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
ImageOptionsBase options = new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha };
image.Save(outFileName, options);
string[] sourcesFiles = new string[]
for (int i = 0; i < sourcesFiles.Length; i++)
string name = sourcesFiles[i];
string sourceFileName = dataDir + name + ".ai";
string outFileName = dataDir + name + ".psd";
using (AiImage image = (AiImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
ImageOptionsBase options = new PsdOptions();
image.Save(outFileName, options);
// Save base64 string in TXT file because string is long
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(dataDir + "base64.txt");
String base64 = IOUtils.toString(fis, "UTF-8");
String base64ImageString = base64.replace("data:image/png;base64,", "");
byte[] imageBytes = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(base64ImageString);
String path = dataDir + "Base64 to Image.png";
// Convert Base64 to PNG or JPG Image
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);
try {
finally {
BufferedImage readImage = null;
try {
readImage = File(path));
int h = readImage.getHeight();
int w = readImage.getWidth();
com.aspose.pdf.Document doc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document();
com.aspose.pdf.Page page = doc.getPages().add();
com.aspose.pdf.Image image = new com.aspose.pdf.Image();
page.getParagraphs().add(image); + "Base64-to-PDF.pdf");
} catch (Exception e) {
readImage = null;
// Save base64 string in TXT file because string is long
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(dataDir + "base64.txt");
String base64 = IOUtils.toString(fis, "UTF-8");
String base64ImageString = base64.replace("data:image/png;base64,", "");
byte[] imageBytes = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(base64ImageString);
// Convert Base64 to JPG or PNG Image
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dataDir + "Base64 to Image.jpg");
//FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dataDir + "Base64 to Image.png");
try {
finally {
Initialize empty PDF document
using (Document pdfDocument = new Document())
Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
// Load sample BMP image file
image.File = dataDir + @"Sample.bmp";
// Save output PDF document
pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + @"BMPtoPDF.pdf");
Document pdfdoc = new Document();
Page page = pdfdoc.Pages.Add();
TextBoxField nameBox = new TextBoxField(pdfdoc, new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(275, 740, 440, 770));
nameBox.PartialName = "nameBox1";
nameBox.DefaultAppearance.FontSize = 10;
nameBox.Multiline = true;
Border nameBorder = new Border(nameBox);
nameBorder.Width = 1;
nameBox.Border = nameBorder;
nameBox.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
nameBox.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
TextBoxField mrnBox = new TextBoxField(pdfdoc, new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(275, 718, 440, 738));
mrnBox.PartialName = "Box1";
mrnBox.DefaultAppearance.FontSize = 10;
Border mrnBorder = new Border(mrnBox);
mrnBorder.Width = 1;
mrnBox.Border = mrnBorder;
mrnBox.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
mrnBox.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
// Add form fields to first page of PDF document
pdfdoc.Form.Add(nameBox, 1);
pdfdoc.Form.Add(mrnBox, 1);
//Add Radiobuttons at specific position coordinates in PDF
Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();
//Set position here
table.Left = 200;
table.Top = 300;
table.ColumnWidths = "120";
Aspose.Pdf.Row r1 = table.Rows.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Row r2 = table.Rows.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Cell c1 = r1.Cells.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Cell c2 = r2.Cells.Add();
RadioButtonField rf = new RadioButtonField(page);
rf.PartialName = "radio";
pdfdoc.Form.Add(rf, 1);
RadioButtonOptionField opt1 = new RadioButtonOptionField();
RadioButtonOptionField opt2 = new RadioButtonOptionField();
opt1.OptionName = "Yes";
opt2.OptionName = "No";
opt1.Width = 15;
opt1.Height = 15;
opt2.Width = 15;
opt2.Height = 15;
opt1.Border = new Border(opt1);
opt1.Border.Width = 1;
opt1.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
opt1.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
opt1.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
opt1.Caption = new TextFragment("Yes");
opt2.Border = new Border(opt1);
opt2.Border.Width = 1;
opt2.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
opt2.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
opt2.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
opt2.Caption = new TextFragment("No");
pdfdoc.Save(dataDir + "Fillable_PDF_Form.pdf");
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfdoc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document();
com.aspose.pdf.Page page = pdfdoc.getPages().add();
TextBoxField nameBox = new TextBoxField(pdfdoc, new com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle(275, 740, 440, 770));
com.aspose.pdf.Border nameBorder = new com.aspose.pdf.Border(nameBox);
TextBoxField mrnBox = new TextBoxField(pdfdoc, new com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle(275, 718, 440, 738));
com.aspose.pdf.Border mrnBorder = new com.aspose.pdf.Border(mrnBox);
// Add form fields to first page of PDF document
pdfdoc.getForm().add(nameBox, 1);
pdfdoc.getForm().add(mrnBox, 1);
//Add Radiobuttons at specific position coordinates in PDF
com.aspose.pdf.Table table = new com.aspose.pdf.Table();
//Set position here
com.aspose.pdf.Row r1 = table.getRows().add();
com.aspose.pdf.Row r2 = table.getRows().add();
com.aspose.pdf.Cell c1 = r1.getCells().add();
com.aspose.pdf.Cell c2 = r2.getCells().add();
com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonField rf = new com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonField(page);
pdfdoc.getForm().add(rf, 1);
com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonOptionField opt1 = new com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonOptionField();
com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonOptionField opt2 = new com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonOptionField();
opt1.setBorder(new com.aspose.pdf.Border(opt1));
opt1.setCaption(new com.aspose.pdf.TextFragment("Yes"));
opt2.setBorder(new com.aspose.pdf.Border(opt1));
opt2.setCaption(new com.aspose.pdf.TextFragment("No"));
c2.getParagraphs().add(opt2); + "Fillable_PDF_Form.pdf");
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf");
// Delete a particular field by name
dataDir = dataDir + "Delete_Form_Field.pdf";
// Save modified document
// Open document
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf");
// Delete a particular field by name
dataDir = dataDir + "Delete_Form_Field.pdf";
// Save modified document;
// Load the document from disk.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.docx");
HtmlSaveOptions opts = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.HTML);
opts.setExportPageMargins(true); + "TestFile.html", opts);
// Initialize new PDF document
var doc = new Document();
// Spcify path of input EMF image file
var imageFile = dataDir + "drawing.emf";
var page = doc.Pages.Add();
string file = imageFile;
FileStream filestream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(filestream);
long numBytes = new FileInfo(file).Length;
byte[] bytearray = reader.ReadBytes((int)numBytes);
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(bytearray);
var b = new Bitmap(stream);
// Specify page dimesion properties
page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 0;
page.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 0;
page.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 0;
page.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 0;
page.PageInfo.Width = b.Width;
page.PageInfo.Height = b.Height;
var image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
image.File = imageFile;
//Save output PDF document
doc.Save(dataDir + "EMFtoPDF.pdf");
string file = "input.emf";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".emz";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions() { PageSize = image.Size };
image.Save(outFile, new EmfOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions, Compress = true });
string file = "example.emz";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".emf";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions { PageSize = image.Size };
image.Save(outFile, new EmfOptions { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions });
string file = "example.emz";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".png";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = (VectorRasterizationOptions)image.GetDefaultOptions(new object[] { Color.White, image.Width, image.Height });
image.Save(outFile, new PngOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions });
using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(dataDir + "Sample.epub"))
// Create an instance of PdfEncryptionInfo
Aspose.Html.Rendering.Pdf.Encryption.PdfEncryptionInfo info = new Aspose.Html.Rendering.Pdf.Encryption.PdfEncryptionInfo("user" , "owner" , Aspose.Html.Rendering.Pdf.Encryption.PdfPermissions.AssembleDocument, Aspose.Html.Rendering.Pdf.Encryption.PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4_128);
// Create an instance of the PdfSaveOptions
var options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
options.Encryption = info;
// Call the ConvertEPUB method to convert the EPUB to PDF.
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertEPUB(stream, options, dataDir + "EPUBpasswordPDF.pdf");
// Open an existing EPUB file for reading.
using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(dataDir + "Sample.epub"))
Aspose.Html.Saving.PdfSaveOptions options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
// Call the ConvertEPUB method to convert the EPUB to PDF
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertEPUB(stream, options, dataDir + "EPUBtoPDF.pdf");
// Read the source PDF form with FileAccess of Read and Write.
// We need ReadWrite permission because after modification,
// We need to save the updated contents in same document/file.
FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
// Instantiate Document instance
Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDocument = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(fs);
// Get values from all fields
foreach (Field formField in pdfDocument.Form)
// If the fullname of field contains A1, perform the operation
if (formField.FullName.Contains("nameBox1"))
// Cast form field as TextBox
TextBoxField textBoxField = formField as TextBoxField;
// Modify field value
textBoxField.Value = "Preserve Extended Features";
// Save the updated document in save FileStream
// Close the File Stream object
// Instantiate Document instance
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf");
// Get values from all fields
for (com.aspose.pdf.Field formField : pdfDocument.getForm().getFields())
// If the fullname of field contains nameBox1, perform the operation
if (formField.getFullName().contains("nameBox1"))
// Cast form field as TextBox
TextBoxField textBoxField = (TextBoxField) formField;
// Modify field value
textBoxField.setValue("Preserve Extended Features");
// Save the updated document;
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "ExtractHighlightedText.pdf");
// Loop through all the annotations
foreach (Annotation annotation in doc.Pages[1].Annotations)
// Filter TextMarkupAnnotation
if (annotation is TextMarkupAnnotation)
TextMarkupAnnotation highlightedAnnotation = annotation as TextMarkupAnnotation;
// Retrieve highlighted text fragments
TextFragmentCollection collection = highlightedAnnotation.GetMarkedTextFragments();
foreach (TextFragment tf in collection)
// Display highlighted text
// Open PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "ExtractTextAll.pdf");
// Access required page in PDF document
Page page = pdfDocument.Pages[1];
// Create TextAbsorber object to extract text
TextAbsorber textAbsorber = new TextAbsorber();
// Accept the absorber for specified page
// Get the extracted text
string extractedText = textAbsorber.Text;
// Create a writer and open the file
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(dataDir + "extracted-text.txt");
// Write a line of text to the file
// Close the stream
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "ExtractTextAll.pdf");
// Create TextAbsorber object to extract text
TextAbsorber absorber = new TextAbsorber();
absorber.TextSearchOptions.LimitToPageBounds = true;
absorber.TextSearchOptions.Rectangle = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 200, 250, 350);
// Accept the absorber for first page
// Get the extracted text
string extractedText = absorber.Text;
// Create a writer and open the file
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(dataDir + "extracted-text.txt");
// Write a line of text to the file
// Close the stream
// Open PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "ExtractTextAll.pdf");
// Create TextAbsorber object to extract text
TextAbsorber textAbsorber = new TextAbsorber();
// Accept the absorber for all pages
// Get the extracted text
string extractedText = textAbsorber.Text;
// Create a writer and open the file
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(dataDir + "extracted-text.txt");
// Write a line of text to the file
// Close the stream
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + @"ITF-TTF Manual.pdf");
TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(new TextEditOptions(TextEditOptions.FontReplace.RemoveUnusedFonts));
foreach (Page page in pdfDocument.Pages)
//Read something from fragments
count += absorber.TextFragments.Count;
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "Test.pdf");
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
// String to hold extracted text
string extractedText = "";
foreach (Page pdfPage in pdfDocument.Pages)
using (MemoryStream textStream = new MemoryStream())
// Create text device
TextDevice textDevice = new TextDevice();
// Set text extraction options - set text extraction mode (Raw or Pure)
TextExtractionOptions textExtOptions = new
textDevice.ExtractionOptions = textExtOptions;
// Convert a particular page and save text to the stream
textDevice.Process(pdfPage, textStream);
// Convert a particular page and save text to the stream
textDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[1], textStream);
// Close memory stream
// Get text from memory stream
extractedText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(textStream.ToArray());
dataDir = dataDir + "Memory_Text_Extracted.txt";
// Save the extracted text in text file
File.WriteAllText(dataDir, builder.ToString());
// open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + @"Test.pdf");
// create TextAbsorber object to find all instances of the input search phrase
TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(@"\d{4}"); //like 1999-2020 // set text search option to specify regular expression usage
TextSearchOptions textSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(true);
textFragmentAbsorber.TextSearchOptions = textSearchOptions;
// accept the absorber for all the pages
// get the extracted text fragments
TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber.TextFragments;
// loop through the fragments
foreach (TextFragment textFragment in textFragmentCollection)
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "Test.pdf");
TableAbsorber absorber = new TableAbsorber();
foreach (AbsorbedTable table in absorber.TableList)
foreach (AbsorbedRow row in table.RowList)
foreach (AbsorbedCell cell in row.CellList)
TextFragment textfragment = new TextFragment();
TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = cell.TextFragments;
foreach (TextFragment fragment in textFragmentCollection)
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "Fillable_PDF_Form.pdf");
// Get the fields
TextBoxField textBoxField1 = pdfDocument.Form["nameBox1"] as TextBoxField;
TextBoxField textBoxField2 = pdfDocument.Form["Box1"] as TextBoxField;
// Fill form fields' values
textBoxField1.Value = "A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.";
textBoxField2.Value = "A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.";
// Get radio button field
RadioButtonField radioField = pdfDocument.Form["radio"] as RadioButtonField;
// Specify the index of radio button from group
radioField.Selected = 1;
dataDir = dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf";
// Save updated document
// Open document
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(dataDir + "Fillable_PDF_Form.pdf");
// Get the fields
TextBoxField textBoxField1 = (TextBoxField) pdfDocument.getForm().get("nameBox1");
TextBoxField textBoxField2 = (TextBoxField) pdfDocument.getForm().get("Box1");
// Fill form fields' values
textBoxField1.setValue("A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.");
textBoxField2.setValue("A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog.");
// Get radio button field
RadioButtonField radioField = (RadioButtonField) pdfDocument.getForm().get("radio");
// Specify the index of radio button from group
dataDir = dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf";
// Save updated document;
// Initialize an HTML document from the html file
using (var document = new Aspose.Html.HTMLDocument(dataDir + "document.html"))
// Initialize ImageSaveOptions
var options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Html.Rendering.Image.ImageFormat.Bmp);
// Convert HTML to BMP
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertHTML(document, options, dataDir + "output.bmp");
// Initialize an HTML document from the html file
using (var document = new Aspose.Html.HTMLDocument(dataDir + "document.html"))
// Initialize ImageSaveOptions
var options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Html.Rendering.Image.ImageFormat.Gif);
// Convert HTML to GIF
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertHTML(document, options, dataDir + "output.gif");
// Set up the page-size 7x7 inches and change the background color to light gray
var options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Html.Rendering.Image.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
PageSetup =
AnyPage = new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Page()
Size = new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Size(Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(7), Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(7))
BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray,
// Call the ConvertHTML to convert 'document.html' into jpeg image
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertHTML(dataDir + "HTMLtoImage.html", options, dataDir + "HTMLtoJPG.jpg");
// Initialize an HTML document from the html file
using (var document = new Aspose.Html.HTMLDocument(dataDir + "document.html"))
// Initialize ImageSaveOptions
var options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Html.Rendering.Image.ImageFormat.Png);
// Convert HTML to PNG
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertHTML(document, options, dataDir + "output.png");
// Load input JPG file
String path = dataDir + "Aspose.jpg";
// Initialize new PDF document
Document doc = new Document();
// Add empty page in empty document
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
image.File = (path);
// Add image on a page
// Save output PDF file
doc.Save(dataDir + "ImagetoPDF.pdf");
// Load input JPG image file
String path = dataDir + "Aspose.jpg";
System.Drawing.Image srcImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path);
// Read Height of input image
int h = srcImage.Height;
// Read Height of input image
int w = srcImage.Width;
// Initialize a new PDF document
Document doc = new Document();
// Add an empty page
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
image.File = (path);
// Set page dimensions and margins
page.PageInfo.Height = (h);
page.PageInfo.Width = (w);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = (0);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Top = (0);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Right = (0);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Left = (0);
// Save output PDF file
doc.Save(dataDir + "ImagetoPDF_HeightWidth.pdf");
Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfdoc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document();
Aspose.Pdf.Forms.TextBoxField textBoxField = new Aspose.Pdf.Forms.TextBoxField(pdfdoc.Pages[1], new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(85, 750, 215, 770));
textBoxField.PartialName = "textbox1";
textBoxField.Value = "Text Box";
//TextBoxField.Border = new Border();
Border border = new Border(textBoxField);
border.Width = 2;
border.Dash = new Dash(1, 1);
textBoxField.Border = border;
textBoxField.DefaultAppearance.FontSize = 10;
textBoxField.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Green);
// Add field to the document
pdfdoc.Form.Add(textBoxField, 1);
string JS = @"var w = this.getField('" + textBoxField.PartialName + "'); var today = new Date(); w.value = today.toLocaleString();";
pdfdoc.OpenAction = new JavascriptAction(JS);
pdfdoc.Save(dataDir + "JS_Form.pdf");
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfdoc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document();
TextBoxField textBoxField = new TextBoxField(pdfdoc.getPages().get_Item(1), new com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle(85, 750, 215, 770));
textBoxField.setValue("Text Box");
//TextBoxField.Border = new Border();
com.aspose.pdf.Border border = new com.aspose.pdf.Border(textBoxField);
border.setDash(new com.aspose.pdf.Dash(1, 1));
// Add field to the document
pdfdoc.getForm().add(textBoxField, 1);
String JS = "var w = this.getField('" + textBoxField.getPartialName() + "'); var today = new Date(); w.value = today.toLocaleString();";
pdfdoc.setOpenAction(new com.aspose.pdf.JavascriptAction(JS)); + "JS_Form.pdf");
// Load a workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "Merge_Range.xlsx");
// Access the first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
// Specify a range
Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:D4");
range.Name = "Named_Range";
// Get the range.
Range range1 = workbook.Worksheets.GetRangeByName("Named_Range");
// Define a style object.
Style style = workbook.CreateStyle();
// Set the alignment.
style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;
// Create a StyleFlag object.
StyleFlag flag = new StyleFlag();
// Make the relative style attribute ON.
flag.HorizontalAlignment = true;
// Apply the style to the range.
range1.ApplyStyle(style, flag);
// Input data into range.
range1[0, 0].PutValue("Aspose");
// Merge range
// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(dataDir + "Merge_NamedRange.xlsx");
// Create a workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
// Access the first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
// Input data into C6 Cell.
worksheet.Cells[0, 0].PutValue("Merge Range");
// Create a range
Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:D4");
// Merge range into a single cell
// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(dataDir + "Merge_Range.xlsx");
// Create a Workbook.
Workbook wbk = new Workbook();
// Create a Worksheet and get the first sheet.
Worksheet worksheet = wbk.Worksheets[0];
// Create a Cells object ot fetch all the cells.
Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;
// Merge some Cells (C6:E7) into a single C6 Cell.
cells.Merge(5, 2, 2, 3);
// Input data into C6 Cell.
worksheet.Cells[5, 2].PutValue("This is my value");
// Create a Style object to fetch the Style of C6 Cell.
Style style = worksheet.Cells[5, 2].GetStyle();
// Create a Font object
Font font = style.Font;
// Set the name.
font.Name = "Times New Roman";
// Set the font size.
font.Size = 18;
// Set the font color
font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
// Bold the text
font.IsBold = true;
// Make it italic
font.IsItalic = true;
// Set the backgrond color of C6 Cell to Red
style.ForegroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;
// Apply the Style to C6 Cell.
cells[5, 2].SetStyle(style);
// Save the Workbook.
wbk.Save(dataDir + "MergeCells.xlsx");
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf");
// Get a field
TextBoxField textBoxField = pdfDocument.Form["nameBox1"] as TextBoxField;
// Modify field value
textBoxField.Value = "Changed Value";
textBoxField.ReadOnly = true;
dataDir = dataDir + "ModifyFormField.pdf";
// Save updated document
// Open document
com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(dataDir + "Fill_PDF_Form_Field.pdf");
// Get a field
TextBoxField textBoxField = (TextBoxField) pdfDocument.getForm().get("nameBox1");
// Modify field value
textBoxField.setValue("Changed Value");
dataDir = dataDir + "ModifyFormField.pdf";
// Save updated document;
// Initialize PDF output stream
using (System.IO.Stream pdfStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "OXPStoPDF.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
// Initialize OXPS input stream
//using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "input.oxps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "sample.oxps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
// Load OXPS document form the stream
Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument document = new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument(xpsStream, new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsLoadOptions());
// or load OXPS document directly from file. No xpsStream is needed then.
// XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(inputFileName, new XpsLoadOptions());
// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions options = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions()
JpegQualityLevel = 100,
ImageCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg,
TextCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfTextCompression.Flate,
// Create rendering device for PDF format
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice device = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice(pdfStream);
document.Save(device, options);
// Initialize PDF output stream
using (System.IO.Stream pdfStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "OXPStoPDF.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
// Initialize OXPS input stream
//using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "input.oxps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "sample.oxps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
// Load OXPS document form the stream
Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument document = new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument(xpsStream, new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsLoadOptions());
// or load XPS document directly from file. No xpsStream is needed then.
// XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(inputFileName, new XpsLoadOptions());
// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions options = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions()
JpegQualityLevel = 100,
ImageCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg,
TextCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfTextCompression.Flate,
PageNumbers = new int[] {1}
// Create rendering device for PDF format
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice device = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice(pdfStream);
document.Save(device, options);
// Open an existing EPUB file for reading.
using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(dataDir + "Sample.epub"))
// Create an instance of the PdfSaveOptions with a custom page-size, margins and a background-color.
var options = new Aspose.Html.Saving.PdfSaveOptions()
PageSetup =
AnyPage = new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Page()
Size = new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Size(Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(12), Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(10)),
Margin = new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Margin(Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(1),Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(1),Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(1),Aspose.Html.Drawing.Length.FromInches(1))
BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue,
// Call the ConvertEPUB method to convert the EPUB to PDF.
Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertEPUB(stream, options, dataDir + "PageSetup.pdf");
LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions();
// Load the document from disk.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.docx" , options);
//Save the document in HTML format. + "DocxToHTML.html",SaveFormat.HTML);
// Load input PNG file
String path = dataDir + "Aspose.png";
System.Drawing.Image srcImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path);
int h = srcImage.Height;
int w = srcImage.Width;
// Initialize new Document
Document doc = new Document();
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Image image = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
image.File = (path);
// Set page dimensions
page.PageInfo.Height = (h);
page.PageInfo.Width = (w);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = (0);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Top = (0);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Right = (0);
page.PageInfo.Margin.Left = (0);
// Save output PDF
doc.Save(dataDir + "ImagetoPDF.pdf");
var files = new List<string>();
files.Add(dataDir + "First.pdf");
files.Add(dataDir + "Second.pdf");
foreach (String file in files)
//Create PdfViewer object
PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer();
//Open input PDF file
//Print PDF document
//Close PDF file
Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfViewer pdfv = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfViewer();
pdfv.PdfQueryPageSettings += PdfvOnPdfQueryPageSettings;
System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings pgs = new System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings();
System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings prin = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
pdfv.BindPdf(dataDir + "Print-PageRange.pdf");
prin.PrinterName = "HP LaserJet M9050 MFP PCL6";
prin.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169);
Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfPageEditor pageEditor = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfPageEditor();
pageEditor.BindPdf(dataDir + "input.pdf");
pgs.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(0, 0, 0, 0);
pgs.PaperSize = prin.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize;
pdfv.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, prin);
private static void PdfvOnPdfQueryPageSettings(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.QueryPageSettingsEventArgs queryPageSettingsEventArgs, PdfPrintPageInfo currentPageInfo)
bool isOdd = currentPageInfo.PageNumber % 2 != 0;
System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PaperSourceCollection paperSources = queryPageSettingsEventArgs.PageSettings.PrinterSettings.PaperSources;
if (isOdd)
queryPageSettingsEventArgs.PageSettings.PaperSource = paperSources[0];
queryPageSettingsEventArgs.PageSettings.PaperSource = paperSources[1];
//Create PdfViewer object
PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer();
//Open input PDF file
viewer.BindPdf(dataDir + "Test.pdf");
//Print PDF document
//Close PDF file
Document doc = new Document("Test.pdf");
PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer();
viewer.PrinterJobName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(doc.FileName);
viewer.Resolution = 110;
// Set attributes for printing
viewer.AutoResize = true; // Print the file with adjusted size
viewer.AutoRotate = false; // Print the file with adjusted rotation
viewer.PrintPageDialog = false; // Do not produce the page number dialog when printing
viewer.RenderingOptions.UseNewImagingEngine = true;
// Create objects for printer and page settings and PrintDocument
System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings pgs = new System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings();
// Set printer name
ps.PrinterName = "Microsoft Print to PDF";
pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize(paperTypeName, paperWidth, paperHeight);
pgs.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(margins.Left, margins.Right, margins.Top, margins.Bottom);
pgs.PaperSource = GetPaperSource(printerName, trayName);
// Print document using printer and page settings
viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, ps);
/// <summary>
/// Return the PaperSource object for the provided printer and tray name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="printerName"></param>
/// <param name="trayName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource GetPaperSource(string printerName, string trayName)
System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource ps = null;
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument prtDoc = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
prtDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = printerName;
for (int i = 0; i < prtDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSources.Count; i++)
if (prtDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSources[i].SourceName.ToLower().Equals(trayName.ToLower()))
ps = prtDoc.PrinterSettings.PaperSources[i];
return ps;
// Instantiate PdfViewer object
PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer();
// Bind source PDF file
viewer.BindPdf(dataDir + "Sample Document with Bookmark.pdf");
viewer.AutoResize = true;
// Hide printing dialog
viewer.PrintPageDialog = false;
// Create Printer Settings object
System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings pgs = new System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings();
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument prtdoc = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
// Specify the printer anme
//ps.PrinterName = "Microsoft XPS Document Writer";
ps.PrinterName = "Microsoft Print to PDF";
// Resultant Printout name
//ps.PrintFileName = "ResultantPrintout.xps";
ps.PrintFileName = "ResultantPrintout.pdf";
// Print the output to file
ps.PrintToFile = true;
ps.FromPage = 1;
ps.ToPage = 2;
ps.PrintRange = System.Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.SomePages;
// Specify the page size of printout
pgs.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 827, 1169);
ps.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = pgs.PaperSize;
pgs.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Print the document with settings specified above
viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, ps);
// Check the print status
if (viewer.PrintStatus != null)
// An exception was thrown
Exception ex = viewer.PrintStatus as Exception;
if (ex != null)
// Get exception message
// No errors were found. Printing job has completed successfully
Console.WriteLine("printing completed without any issue..");
//Load secure PDF document while specifying User or Owner password
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "Password.pdf" , "userORowner");
//Create PdfViewer object
PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer();
//Open input PDF file
//Print PDF document
//Close PDF file
string inPdf = dataDir + "Test.pdf";
string output = dataDir;
IList<PrintingJobSettings> printingJobs = new List<PrintingJobSettings>();
PrintingJobSettings printingJob1 = new PrintingJobSettings();
printingJob1.FromPage = 2;
printingJob1.ToPage = 3;
PrintingJobSettings printingJob2 = new PrintingJobSettings();
printingJob2.FromPage = 5;
printingJob2.ToPage = 7;
for (var printingJobIndex = 0; printingJobIndex < printingJobs.Count; printingJobIndex++)
System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings pgs = new System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings();
System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();
ps.PrinterName = "Microsoft Print to PDF";
ps.PrintRange = System.Drawing.Printing.PrintRange.SomePages;
ps.FromPage = printingJobs[printingJobIndex].FromPage;
ps.ToPage = printingJobs[printingJobIndex].ToPage;
using (var theViewer = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfViewer())
// Document printing code goes here
// Print document using printer and page settings
theViewer.AutoResize = true;
theViewer.AutoRotate = true;
theViewer.PrintPageDialog = false;
theViewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, ps);
System::String filePub = dataDir() + u"";
System::String filePdf = dataDir() + u"1.pdf";
System::Console::WriteLine(u"Convert starting...");
System::SharedPtr<IPubParser> parser = PubFactory::CreateParser(filePub);
System::SharedPtr<Document> document = parser->Parse();
PubFactory::CreatePdfConverter()->ConvertToPdf(document, filePdf);
System::Console::WriteLine(u"Convert done.");
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "AddTextWatermark_out.docx");
if (doc.Watermark.Type == WatermarkType.Text)
doc.Save(dataDir + "RemoveWatermark_out.docx");
string file = "Example.svg";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".svgz";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new SvgRasterizationOptions() { PageSize = image.Size };
image.Save(outFile, new SvgOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions, Compress = true });
string file = "example.svgz";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".png";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = (VectorRasterizationOptions)image.GetDefaultOptions(new object[] { Color.White, image.Width, image.Height });
image.Save(outFile, new PngOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions });
string file = "example.svgz";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".svg";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new SvgRasterizationOptions() { PageSize = image.Size };
image.Save(outFile, new SvgOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions });
// Initalize new Document
Document pdf = new Document();
//Load TIFF image into stream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
new FileStream(dataDir + @"Aspose.tiff", FileMode.Open).CopyTo(ms);
Bitmap myimage = new Bitmap(ms);
// Convert multi page or multi frame TIFF to PDF
FrameDimension dimension = new FrameDimension(myimage.FrameDimensionsList[0]);
int frameCount = myimage.GetFrameCount(dimension);
// Iterate through each frame
for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx <= frameCount - 1; frameIdx++)
Page sec = pdf.Pages.Add();
myimage.SelectActiveFrame(dimension, frameIdx);
MemoryStream currentImage = new MemoryStream();
myimage.Save(currentImage, ImageFormat.Tiff);
Aspose.Pdf.Image imageht = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
imageht.ImageStream = currentImage;
// Save output PDF file
pdf.Save(dataDir + "TifftoPDF.pdf");
// Create a workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "Merge_Range.xlsx");
// Access the first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
// Create a range
Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:D4");
// UnMerge range
// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(dataDir + "UnmergeRange.xlsx");
// Open the excel file.
Workbook wbk = new Workbook(dataDir + "MergeCells.xlsx");
// Create a Worksheet and get the first sheet.
Worksheet worksheet = wbk.Worksheets[0];
// Create a Cells object ot fetch all the cells.
Cells cells = worksheet.Cells;
// Unmerge the cells.
cells.UnMerge(5, 2, 2, 3);
// Save the file.
wbk.Save(dataDir + "UnmergeCells.xlsx");
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Document.doc");
ImageWatermarkOptions options = new ImageWatermarkOptions()
IsWashout = false
doc.Watermark.SetImage(Image.FromFile(dataDir + "Watermark.jpg"), options);
doc.Save(dataDir + "AddImageWatermark_out.docx");
string file = "castle.wmf";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".wmz";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new WmfRasterizationOptions() { PageSize = image.Size };
image.Save(outFile, new WmfOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions, Compress = true });
string file = "example.wmz";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".png";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = (VectorRasterizationOptions)image.GetDefaultOptions(new object[] { Color.White, image.Width, image.Height });
image.Save(outFile, new PngOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions });
string file = "example.wmz";
string inputFile = dataDir + file;
string outFile = inputFile + ".wmf";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFile))
VectorRasterizationOptions vectorRasterizationOptions = new WmfRasterizationOptions() { PageSize = image.Size };
image.Save(outFile, new WmfOptions() { VectorRasterizationOptions = vectorRasterizationOptions });
// Load the document from disk.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.docx");
// Save the document into HTML. + "Document_out.html", SaveFormat.HTML);
// Load word document from disk.
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "TestFile.docx");
// Save the document into MHTML. + "Document.mhtml", SaveFormat.MHTML);
// Instantiate Document object
Document doc = new Document();
// Bind source XML file
doc.BindXml(dataDir + "XML.xml");
// Convert XML to PDF
doc.Save(dataDir + "XMLToPDF.pdf");
//Create pdf document
Aspose.Pdf.Document pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document();
//Bind XML and XSLT files to the document
pdf.BindXml(dataDir + "\\HelloWorld.xml", dataDir + "\\HelloWorld.xslt");
catch (System.Exception)
//Save the document
pdf.Save(dataDir + "HelloWorldUsingXmlAndXslt.pdf");
// Initialize PDF output stream
using (System.IO.Stream pdfStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "XPStoPDF.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
// Initialize XPS input stream
//using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "input.xps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "sample.xps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
// Load XPS document form the stream
Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument document = new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument(xpsStream, new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsLoadOptions());
// or load XPS document directly from file. No xpsStream is needed then.
// XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(inputFileName, new XpsLoadOptions());
// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions options = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions()
JpegQualityLevel = 100,
ImageCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg,
TextCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfTextCompression.Flate,
// Create rendering device for PDF format
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice device = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice(pdfStream);
document.Save(device, options);
// Initialize PDF output stream
using (System.IO.Stream pdfStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "XPStoPDF.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
// Initialize XPS input stream
//using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "input.xps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
using (System.IO.Stream xpsStream = System.IO.File.Open(dataDir + "sample.xps", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
// Load XPS document form the stream
Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument document = new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsDocument(xpsStream, new Aspose.Page.XPS.XpsLoadOptions());
// or load XPS document directly from file. No xpsStream is needed then.
// XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(inputFileName, new XpsLoadOptions());
// Initialize options object with necessary parameters.
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions options = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfSaveOptions()
JpegQualityLevel = 100,
ImageCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg,
TextCompression = Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfTextCompression.Flate,
PageNumbers = new int[] {1, 3}
// Create rendering device for PDF format
Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice device = new Aspose.Page.XPS.Presentation.Pdf.PdfDevice(pdfStream);
document.Save(device, options);
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