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Last active July 27, 2021 16:11
Read the complete article about extracting images from PDF files using C++ by visiting the following link.
// Load the PDF document
auto pdfDocument = MakeObject<Document>(u"SourceDirectory\\PDF\\SampleImages2.pdf");
// Initialize the image counter
int imageCounter = 1;
// Iterate through the pages of the document
for (auto page : pdfDocument->get_Pages())
// Iterate through the images of the page
for (auto image : page->get_Resources()->get_Images())
// Create an instance of the FileStream
System::SharedPtr<System::IO::FileStream> outputImage = System::IO::File::Create(String::Format(u"OutputDirectory\\Image{0}.jpg", imageCounter));
// Save the image
image->Save(outputImage, System::Drawing::Imaging::ImageFormat::get_Jpeg());
// Close the FileStream
// Increment the image counter
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