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Last active December 13, 2024 15:37
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Draw Pentagon using C#. For more details:
using System;
using Aspose.Drawing;
class PentagonDrawer
static void Main()
var drawingLicense = new License();
drawingLicense.SetLicense("license.lic"); // Set the Aspose license
// Define the pentagon's parameters
int len = 100;
double circumcircleRadius = len / (2 * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 5));
int canvasCenterX = 100;
int canvasCenterY = 100;
// Calculate the vertices of the pentagon
PointF[] vertices = new PointF[5];
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < 5; vertexIndex++)
double angleRadians = 2 * Math.PI * vertexIndex / 5 - Math.PI / 2; // Rotate to start from top
float xCoordinate = (float)(canvasCenterX + circumcircleRadius * Math.Cos(angleRadians));
float yCoordinate = (float)(canvasCenterY + circumcircleRadius * Math.Sin(angleRadians));
vertices[vertexIndex] = new PointF(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
// Create and save the pentagon image
using (Bitmap canvas = new Bitmap(200, 200))
using (Graphics graphicsContext = Graphics.FromImage(canvas))
graphicsContext.Clear(Color.Blue); // Set background color
graphicsContext.FillPolygon(Brushes.Cyan, vertices); // Fill pentagon with color
// graphicsContext.DrawPolygon(Pens.Black, vertices); // Optional outline
canvas.Save("pentagon.png"); // Save the image to file
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