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How to Access the Presentation Properties in Python. For more details:
import aspose.slides as slides
# The path to source files directory
filePath = "C://Words//"
#Load the license in your application to read the presentation document properties
pptxDocsPropertiesLicense = slides.License()
pptxDocsPropertiesLicense.set_license(filePath + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic")
# Use the IPresentationInfo object to read the presentation info from the presentation factory
presInfo = slides.PresentationFactory.instance.get_presentation_info(filePath + "NewPresentation.pptx")
# Fetch the presentation document properties
props = presInfo.read_document_properties()
# Access and display the presentation document properties
print("Subject :"+ props.subject)
print("Title : "+props.title)
print("Author : "
print("Comments : "+props.comments)
print("RevisionNumber : "+ str(props.revision_number))
print("CreatedTime :" + props.created_time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'))
print("Process Completed")
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