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Last active April 3, 2017 06:10
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  • Save aspose-pdf/9f0b01c075bd0f5df6d7d74056fd14a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aspose-pdf/9f0b01c075bd0f5df6d7d74056fd14a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Stamp
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "SampleImage"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
imageFile = "aspose-cloud.png"
body = Stamp.Stamp()
body.FileName = imageFile
body.Background = True
body.Type = "Image"
body.PageIndex = 0
body.LeftMargin = 0.0
body.Opacity = 0.5
body.RightMargin = 0.0
body.TopMargin = 0.0
body.YIndent = 100.0
body.XIndent = 100.0
body.Zoom = 1.0
body.Width = 300.0
body.Height = 300.0
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to insert watermark image as stamp to a PDF page
response = pdfApi.PutPageAddStamp(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to a add new page
response = pdfApi.PutAddNewPage(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download appended pdf from response
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Stamp
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
body = Stamp.Stamp()
body.PageIndex = 1
body.Value = "Page # of 2"
body.Type = "PageNumber"
body.LeftMargin = 0.0
body.Opacity = 0.5
body.RightMargin = 0.0
body.TopMargin = 0.0
body.YIndent = 100.0
body.XIndent = 100.0
body.Zoom = 1.0
body.Width = 300.0
body.Height = 300.0
body.StartingNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to insert page number stamp to a PDF page
response = pdfApi.PutPageAddStamp(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Stamp
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pdfName = "Sample.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
body = Stamp.Stamp()
body.FileName = pdfName
body.PageIndex = 1
body.Value = ""
body.Background = True
body.Type = "Page"
body.LeftMargin = 0.0
body.Opacity = 0.5
body.RightMargin = 0.0
body.TopMargin = 0.0
body.YIndent = 100.0
body.XIndent = 100.0
body.Zoom = 1.0
body.Width = 300.0
body.Height = 300.0
body.StartingNumber = 0
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
response = storageApi.PutCreate(pdfName, data_folder + pdfName)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to insert page of one PDF as watermark or stamp to another PDF page
response = pdfApi.PutPageAddStamp(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Stamp
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
body = Stamp.Stamp()
body.Value = ""
body.Background = True
body.Type = "Text"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to insert watermark text as stamp to a PDF page
response = pdfApi.PutPageAddStamp(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Signature
from asposepdfcloud.models import Rectangle
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
signatureFileName = "pkc7-sample.pfx"
pageNumber = 1
body = Signature.Signature()
body.Authority = "Farooq Sheikh"
body.Location = "Rawalpindi"
body.Contact = ""
body.Date = "06/24/2015 2:00:00.000 AM"
body.FormFieldName = "Signature1"
body.Password = "aspose"
rect = Rectangle.Rectangle();
rect.X = 100
rect.Y = 100
rect.Height = 100
rect.Width = 200
body.Rectangle = rect
body.SignaturePath = signatureFileName
body.SignatureType = "PKCS7"
body.Visible = True
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
response = storageApi.PutCreate(signatureFileName, data_folder + signatureFileName)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to sign PDF document
response = pdfApi.PostSignPage(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download signed pdf from response
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "123"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
url = "" + name
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to Document File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to HTML File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "123"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
url = "" + name
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to Document File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to HTML File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "sample-input"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
format = "jpeg"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to a add new page
response = pdfApi.GetPageWithFormat(name, pageNumber, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download appended pdf from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + str(pageNumber) + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "sample-input"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
format = "jpeg"
width = 300
height = 300
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert a PDF page to image with specified size
response = pdfApi.GetPageWithFormat(name, pageNumber, format, width=width, height=height)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download appended pdf from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + str(pageNumber) + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "Sample"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentWithFormat(name, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to DOC
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentWithFormat(name, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to DOC
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentWithFormat(name, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "Sample"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF without cloud storage
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = data_folder + name, format=format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response stream
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF without cloud storage
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = data_folder + name, format=format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF without cloud storage
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = data_folder + name, format=format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
import random
import string
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8))
name = name + ".pdf"
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to create an empty PDF file
response = pdfApi.PutCreateDocument(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
print "Empty Pdf has been created successfully"
#download pdf from storage server
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample.pdf"
templateFile = "Sample.html"
templateType = "html"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(templateFile, data_folder + templateFile)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to create PDF file from HTML
response = pdfApi.PutCreateDocument(name, templateFile=templateFile, templateType=templateType)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "123"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
url = "" + name
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to Document File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to HTML File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "123"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
url = "" + name
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to Document File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to HTML File Format using remote hosted pdf
response = pdfApi.PutConvertDocument(file = None, format=format,url=url)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-xml.pdf"
templateFile = "sample.xsl"
dataFile = "sample.xml"
templateType = "xml"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(templateFile, data_folder + templateFile)
response = storageApi.PutCreate(dataFile, data_folder + dataFile)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to create PDF file from TIFF
response = pdfApi.PutCreateDocument(name, templateFile=templateFile, templateType=templateType, dataFile=dataFile)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import AppendDocument
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "Sample"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
format = "tiff"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to TIFF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentWithFormat(name, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "DOC";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to DOC
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentWithFormat(name, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
format = "html";
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to convert PDF to DOC
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentWithFormat(name, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#save converted format file from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + "." + ".zip"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to a add new page
response = pdfApi.PutAddNewPage(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download appended pdf from response
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "SampleAttachment"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
attachmentIndex = 1
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to download a specific attachment from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDownloadDocumentAttachmentByIndex(name, attachmentIndex)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download attachment from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + str(attachmentIndex) + ".text"
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "SampleImage"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
imageNumber = 1
format = "jpeg"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to extract a particular image from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetImageWithFormat(name, pageNumber, imageNumber, format)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download image from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + str(imageNumber) + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "SampleImage"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
imageNumber = 1
format = "jpeg"
width = 200
height = 200
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to extract a particular image from a PDF page with specified size
response = pdfApi.GetImageWithFormat(name, pageNumber, imageNumber, format, width=width, height=height)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download image from response
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + fileName + str(imageNumber) + "." + format
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all annotations from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageAnnotations(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
annotatonLinks = response.Annotations.Links
for annotatonLink in annotatonLinks:
print "Annotation Link :: " + annotatonLink.Href
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "SampleAttachment.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all attachments from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentAttachments(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
attachments = response.Attachments
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Bookmark.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all bookmarks from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentBookmarks(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
bookmarks = response.Bookmarks
for bookmark in bookmarks.List:
print "Boorkmark Href :: " + bookmark.Links[0].Href
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
#response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all document properties
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentProperties(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
for docProp in response.DocumentProperties.List:
print docProp.Name + " :: " + docProp.Value
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-field.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all of the form fields from the PDF document
response = pdfApi.GetFields(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
fields = response.Fields.List
for field in fields:
print "Name" + field.Name
print "Value" + field.Values[0]
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Bookmark.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a specific link from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageLinkAnnotations(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
linkAnnotations = response.Links
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all text items from PDF
response = pdfApi.GetTextItems(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
textItems = response.TextItems.List
for textItem in textItems:
print "Text :: " + textItem.Text
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all text items from a particular PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageTextItems(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
textItems = response.TextItems.List
for textItem in textItems:
print "Text :: " + textItem.Text
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
fragmentNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all text items from a particular fragment
response = pdfApi.GetFragment(name, pageNumber, fragmentNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
textItems = response.TextItems.List
for textItem in textItems:
print "Text :: " + textItem.Text
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all annotations from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageAnnotations(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
count = len(response.Annotations.Links)
print "Annotation Count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "SampleAttachment.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all attachments from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentAttachments(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
attachments = response.Attachments
count = len(attachments.List)
print "Count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Bookmark.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all bookmarks from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentBookmarks(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
bookmarks = response.Bookmarks
count = len(bookmarks.List)
print "Bookmark Count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-field.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get all of the form fields from the PDF document
response = pdfApi.GetFields(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
count = len(response.Fields.List)
print "Count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get fragments from a particular page
response = pdfApi.GetFragments(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
count = len(response.TextItems.List)
print "count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "SampleImage.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get image count from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetImages(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
count = len(response.Images.List)
print "Image Count " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Bookmark.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a specific link from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageLinkAnnotations(name, pageNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
linkAnnotations = response.Links
count = len(linkAnnotations.List)
print "Count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
propertyName = "Creator"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a particular document property
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentProperty(name, propertyName)
if response.Status == "OK":
docProp = response.DocumentProperty
print docProp.Name + " :: " + docProp.Value
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-field.pdf"
fieldName = "textbox1"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a particular form field from the PDF document
response = pdfApi.GetField(name, fieldName)
if response.Status == "OK":
field = response.Field
print "Name" + field.Name
print "Value" + field.Values[0]
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get PDF document page count
response = pdfApi.GetPages(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
count = len(response.Pages.List)
print "Total Page Count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
fragmentNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get segments from a particular fragment
response = pdfApi.GetSegments(name, pageNumber, fragmentNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
count = len(response.TextItems.List)
print "count :: " + str(count)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
annotationNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to extract a particular image from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageAnnotation(name, pageNumber, annotationNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
annotation = response.Annotation
print "Annotation Content :: " + annotation.Contents
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "SampleAttachment.pdf"
attachmentIndex = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
#response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a specific attachment from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentAttachmentByIndex(name, attachmentIndex)
if response.Status == "OK":
attach = response.Attachment
print "Name :: " + attach.Name
print "MimeType :: " + attach.MimeType
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Bookmark.pdf"
bookmarkPath = "1"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a specific bookmark from a PDF
response = pdfApi.GetDocumentBookmarksChildren(name, bookmarkPath=bookmarkPath)
if response.Status == "OK":
bookmark = response.Bookmark
print "Title " + bookmark.Title
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Bookmark.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
linkIndex = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get a specific link from a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetPageLinkAnnotationByIndex(name, pageNumber, linkIndex)
if response.Status == "OK":
linkAnnotation = response.Link
print "Action Type :: " + str(linkAnnotation.ActionType)
print "Action :: " + linkAnnotation.Action
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
fragmentNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get text format of a particular fragment
response = pdfApi.GetFragmentTextFormat(name, pageNumber, fragmentNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
segTextFormat = response.TextFormat
print "FontName:: " + segTextFormat.FontName
print "FontSize:: " + str(segTextFormat.FontSize)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
fragmentNumber = 1
segmentNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get text format of a particular segment
response = pdfApi.GetSegmentTextFormat(name, pageNumber, fragmentNumber, segmentNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
segTextFormat = response.TextFormat
print "count :: " + segTextFormat.FontName
print "count :: " + str(segTextFormat.FontSize)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
fragmentNumber = 1
segmentNumber = 1
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to get text format of a particular segment
response = pdfApi.GetSegmentTextFormat(name, pageNumber, fragmentNumber, segmentNumber)
if response.Status == "OK":
segTextFormat = response.TextFormat
print "count :: " + segTextFormat.FontName
print "count :: " + str(segTextFormat.FontSize)
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import TextReplaceListRequest
from asposepdfcloud.models import TextReplace
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
# set input file name
fileName = "sample-input.pdf"
data_folde = ""
name = "new-sample.pdf"
# Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
# Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
# upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(fileName, data_folder + name)
# invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to insert watermark image as stamp to a PDF page
response = pdfApi.GetWordsPerPage(fileName)
if response.Status == "OK":
print("Words per page done")
except ApiException as ex:
print ("ApiException:")
print ("Code:" + str(ex.code))
print ("Message:" +ex.message)
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
format = "pdf"
ffrom = 1
to = 2
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to split all or specific pages of a PDF
response = pdfApi.PostSplitDocument(name, format=format, ffrom=ffrom, to=to)
if response.Status == "OK":
splitDocs = response.Result.Documents
#download splitted pdf from storage
for splitDoc in splitDocs:
#splittedFileName = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).split("\\?")[0].split("#")[0];
urlString = splitDoc.Href
splittedFileName = urlString.split('/')[-1]
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=splittedFileName)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + splittedFileName
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-merged.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
newIndex = 2
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to move a page to new locations in a PDF
response = pdfApi.PostMovePage(name, pageNumber, newIndex)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download appended pdf from response
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to remove all document properties
response = pdfApi.DeleteProperties(name)
if response.Status == "OK":
print "File properties have been removed successfully"
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "SampleImage"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
imageNumber = 1
imageFile = "aspose-cloud.png"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
response = storageApi.PutCreate(imageFile, data_folder + imageFile)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to replace an image in a PDF
response = pdfApi.PostReplaceImage(name, pageNumber, imageNumber, imageFile=imageFile, file = None)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
fileName = "SampleImage"
name = fileName + ".pdf"
pageNumber = 1
imageNumber = 1
imageFile = "aspose-cloud.png"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to replace an image in a PDF
response = pdfApi.PostReplaceImage(name, pageNumber, imageNumber, file = data_folder + imageFile)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import TextReplaceListRequest
from asposepdfcloud.models import TextReplace
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
body = TextReplaceListRequest.TextReplaceListRequest()
tr1 = TextReplace.TextReplace()
tr1.OldValue = "Sample"
tr1.NewValue = "Sample Aspose"
tr2 = TextReplace.TextReplace()
tr2.OldValue = "PDF"
tr2.NewValue = "PDF Document"
body.TextReplaces = [tr1, tr2]
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to replace multiple texts in a PDF page
response = pdfApi.PostPageReplaceTextList(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import TextReplace
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
body = TextReplace.TextReplace()
body.OldValue = "Sample PDF"
body.NewValue = "Sample Aspose PDF"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to replace text in a PDF
response = pdfApi.PostDocumentReplaceText(name, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import TextReplace
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
pageNumber = 1
body = TextReplace.TextReplace()
body.OldValue = "Sample PDF"
body.NewValue = "Sample Aspose PDF"
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to replace text within a pdf page
response = pdfApi.PostPageReplaceText(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download updated pdf from cloud storage
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import DocumentProperty
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "Sample-Annotation.pdf"
propertyName = "author"
body = DocumentProperty.DocumentProperty()
body.Name = "author"
body.Value = "Farooq Sheikh"
body.BuiltIn = True
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to set a PDF document property
response = pdfApi.PutSetProperty(name, propertyName, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
docProp = response.DocumentProperty
print docProp.Name + " :: " + docProp.Value
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Signature
from asposepdfcloud.models import Rectangle
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
signatureFileName = "pkc7-sample.pfx"
pageNumber = 1
body = Signature.Signature()
body.Authority = "Farooq Sheikh"
body.Location = "Rawalpindi"
body.Contact = ""
body.Date = "06/24/2015 2:00:00.000 AM"
body.FormFieldName = "Signature1"
body.Password = "aspose"
rect = Rectangle.Rectangle();
rect.X = 100
rect.Y = 100
rect.Height = 100
rect.Width = 200
body.Rectangle = rect
body.SignaturePath = signatureFileName
body.SignatureType = "PKCS7"
body.Visible = True
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
response = storageApi.PutCreate(signatureFileName, data_folder + signatureFileName)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to sign PDF document
response = pdfApi.PostSignPage(name, pageNumber, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
#download signed pdf from response
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=name)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + name
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-input.pdf"
format = "pdf"
ffrom = 1
to = 2
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to split all or specific pages of a PDF
response = pdfApi.PostSplitDocument(name, format=format, ffrom=ffrom, to=to)
if response.Status == "OK":
splitDocs = response.Result.Documents
#download splitted pdf from storage
for splitDoc in splitDocs:
#splittedFileName = urlString.substring(urlString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).split("\\?")[0].split("#")[0];
urlString = splitDoc.Href
splittedFileName = urlString.split('/')[-1]
response = storageApi.GetDownload(Path=splittedFileName)
outfilename = "c:/temp/" + splittedFileName
with open(outfilename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.InputStream:
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import PdfApi
from asposepdfcloud.PdfApi import ApiException
from asposepdfcloud.models import Field
import asposestoragecloud
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import StorageApi
from asposestoragecloud.StorageApi import ResponseMessage
apiKey = "XXXXX" #sepcify App Key
appSid = "XXXXX" #sepcify App SID
apiServer = ""
data_folder = "../../data/"
#Instantiate Aspose Storage API SDK
storage_apiClient = asposestoragecloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
storageApi = StorageApi(storage_apiClient)
#Instantiate Aspose Pdf API SDK
api_client = asposepdfcloud.ApiClient.ApiClient(apiKey, appSid, True)
pdfApi = PdfApi(api_client);
#set input file name
name = "sample-field.pdf"
fieldName = "textbox1"
body = Field.Field()
body.Name = "textbox1"
body.Values = ["Aspose"]
#upload file to aspose cloud storage
response = storageApi.PutCreate(name, data_folder + name)
#invoke Aspose.Pdf Cloud SDK API to update form fields in a PDF document
response = pdfApi.PutUpdateField(name, fieldName, body)
if response.Status == "OK":
field = response.Field
print "Name :: " + field.Name
print "Value :: " + field.Values[0]
except ApiException as ex:
print "ApiException:"
print "Code:" + str(ex.code)
print "Message:" + ex.message
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