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Created January 20, 2025 13:05
Aspose.Words for .NET. Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) using C#.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document();
Paragraph paragraph = (Paragraph) doc.GetChild(NodeType.Paragraph, 0, true);
NodeCollection children = paragraph.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, false);
foreach (Node child in children)
// A paragraph may contain children of various types such as runs, shapes, and others.
if (child.NodeType == NodeType.Run)
Run run = (Run) child;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document();
NodeType type = doc.NodeType;
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document();
// The section is the first child node of the document.
Node section = doc.FirstChild;
// The section's parent node is the document.
Console.WriteLine("Section parent is the document: " + (doc == section.ParentNode));
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document();
// Creating a new node of any type requires a document passed into the constructor.
Paragraph para = new Paragraph(doc);
// The new paragraph node does not yet have a parent.
Console.WriteLine("Paragraph has no parent node: " + (para.ParentNode == null));
// But the paragraph node knows its document.
Console.WriteLine("Both nodes' documents are the same: " + (para.Document == doc));
// The fact that a node always belongs to a document allows us to access and modify
// properties that reference the document-wide data, such as styles or lists.
para.ParagraphFormat.StyleName = "Heading 1";
// Now add the paragraph to the main text of the first section.
// The paragraph node is now a child of the Body node.
Console.WriteLine("Paragraph has a parent node: " + (para.ParentNode != null));
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
public void RecurseAllNodes()
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Paragraphs.docx");
// Invoke the recursive function that will walk the tree.
/// <summary>
/// A simple function that will walk through all children of a specified node recursively
/// and print the type of each node to the screen.
/// </summary>
public void TraverseAllNodes(CompositeNode parentNode)
// This is the most efficient way to loop through immediate children of a node.
for (Node childNode = parentNode.FirstChild; childNode != null; childNode = childNode.NextSibling)
// Recurse into the node if it is a composite node.
if (childNode.IsComposite)
TraverseAllNodes((CompositeNode) childNode);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document();
Section section = doc.FirstSection;
Body body = section.Body;
// Quick typed access to all Table child nodes contained in the Body.
TableCollection tables = body.Tables;
foreach (Table table in tables)
// Quick typed access to the first row of the table.
// Quick typed access to the last row of the table.
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