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Created January 23, 2015 13:16
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Save asquelt/b3c86f4b76fa5b542cb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#/home/mirror/bin/ -a i386 -H -u xxx -p xxx -c rhel-i386-server-5 -x /home/mirror/db/rhel-i386-server-5.xml -d /home/mirror/db/rhel-i386-server-5.db
#/home/mirror/bin/ -a x86_64 -H -u xxx -p xxx -c rhel-x86_64-server-5 -x /home/mirror/db/rhel-x86_64-server-5.xml -d /home/mirror/db/rhel-x86_64-server-5.db
#/home/mirror/bin/ -a i386 -H -u xxx -p xxx -c rhel-i386-server-6 -x /home/mirror/db/rhel-i386-server-6.xml -d /home/mirror/db/rhel-i386-server-6.db
#/home/mirror/bin/ -a x86_64 -H -u xxx -p xxx -c rhel-x86_64-server-6 -x /home/mirror/db/rhel-x86_64-server-6.xml -d /home/mirror/db/rhel-x86_64-server-6.db
use strict;
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# For use of the RedHat Network Hosted API see
# needed perl modules
my @modCheck = qw(
for (@modCheck) {
eval "use $_"; if ($@) {
die "$_ is not installed
CPAN install: perl -MCPAN -e 'install $_'\n";
# code begin
my( $opt_h, $opt_l, $opt_a, $opt_c, $opt_u, $opt_p, $opt_H, $opt_x, $opt_d, $opt_f, $PROGNAME);
my $arch;
my $rhchannel;
my $rhusername;
my $rhpassword;
my $HOST;
my $client;
my $session;
sub usage ($);
sub list_channels();
sub do_login();
("h|help" => \$opt_h,
"l|list" => \$opt_l,
"a|arch=s" => \$opt_a,
"c|channel=s" => \$opt_c,
"u|rhnusername=s" => \$opt_u,
"p|rhnpassword=s" => \$opt_p,
"H|rhnhostname=s" => \$opt_H,
"x|filename=s" => \$opt_x,
"d|database=s" => \$opt_d,
"f|fullupdate" => \$opt_f);
pod2usage(2) if ($opt_h);
if ($opt_l) {
($opt_u) || usage("RedHat Network username not specified\n");
$rhusername = $opt_u;
($opt_p) || usage("RedHat Network password not specified\n");
$rhpassword = $opt_p;
($opt_H) || usage("RedHat Network hostname not specified\n");
$HOST = $opt_H;
($opt_c) || usage("arch not specified\n");
$arch = $opt_a;
($opt_c) || usage("RedHat channel not specified\n");
$rhchannel = $opt_c;
($opt_u) || usage("RedHat Network username not specified\n");
$rhusername = $opt_u;
($opt_p) || usage("RedHat Network password not specified\n");
$rhpassword = $opt_p;
($opt_H) || usage("RedHat Network hostname not specified\n");
$HOST = $opt_H;
($opt_x) || usage("updateinfo.xml filename not specified\n");
my $updateinfofile = $opt_x;
($opt_d) || usage("sqlite file not specified\n");
my $updateinfodbfile = $opt_d;
# login and get session
# start time measurement
my $t0 = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()];
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$updateinfodbfile", "", "" );
$dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channelerrata ( advisory VARCHAR ( 255 ) PRIMARY KEY, synopsis VARCHAR ( 255 ), issue_date VARCHAR ( 255 ), update_date VARCHAR ( 255 ));" );
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS errata ( advisory VARCHAR ( 255 ) PRIMARY KEY, type VARCHAR ( 255 ) , description VARCHAR ( 255 ) );" );
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS misc ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, lastrundate DATE, channelname VARCHAR ( 255 ) );");
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS erratabugzilla(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, advisory VARCHAR ( 255 ), bugzilla_id VARCHAR ( 255 ), summary VARCHAR ( 255 ));" );
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS erratacves( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, advisory VARCHAR ( 255 ), cve_id VARCHAR ( 255 ) );" );
$dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS erratapackages( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, advisory VARCHAR ( 255 ), name VARCHAR ( 255 ), version VARCHAR ( 255 ), release VARCHAR ( 255 ), epoch VARCHAR ( 255 ), arch_label VARCHAR ( 255 ), file VARCHAR ( 255 ), md5sum VARCHAR ( 255 ));" );
my $lastrundate;
my $lastrundatevalue;
unless ($opt_f) {
$lastrundate = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT lastrundate FROM misc WHERE id=1;");
undef $lastrundatevalue;
eval {
$lastrundatevalue = $dbh->selectrow_array( $lastrundate,{}, );
print "Getting erratas from after $lastrundatevalue\n" if $lastrundatevalue;
print "Performing a full update.\n";
# get list of Erratas for a given channel
my $channelerrata = $client->call('', $session, $rhchannel, $lastrundatevalue);
print "Processing erratas:\n";
for my $errata (@$channelerrata) {
eval {
$dbh->do( "INSERT INTO channelerrata(advisory, synopsis, issue_date, update_date) VALUES( '$errata->{errata_advisory}','$errata->{errata_synopsis}', '$errata->{errata_issue_date}', '$errata->{errata_update_date}');" );
if ($@) {
print "Updating errata $errata->{errata_advisory} in local database\n";
$dbh->do( "UPDATE channelerrata SET advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}', synopsis='$errata->{errata_synopsis}', issue_date='$errata->{errata_issue_date}', update_date='$errata->{errata_update_date}' WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}';" );
else {
print "Inserting errata $errata->{errata_advisory} in local database\n";
# get extra details about an errata
my $package;
my $sql;
eval {
$package = $client->call('errata.getDetails', $session, $errata->{errata_advisory}) || die;
if ($@) {
print "WARNING: cannot get $errata->{errata_advisory} details\n";
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO errata(advisory,type, description) VALUES('$errata->{errata_advisory}', '$package->{errata_type}', '" . HTML::Entities::encode_entities_numeric($package->{errata_description}) . "');";
eval {
$dbh->do( $sql);
if ($@) {
print "Updating errata $errata->{errata_advisory} details in local database\n";
$dbh->do( "UPDATE errata SET advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}',type='$package->{errata_type}', description='" . HTML::Entities::encode_entities_numeric($package->{errata_description}) . "' WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}';");
else {
print "Inserting errata $errata->{errata_advisory} details in local database\n";
# get a list (if any) of bugzilla references for a given errata
my $erratabugzillaFixes;
my $erratabugzillaFixeserr=0;
eval {
$erratabugzillaFixes = $client->call('errata.bugzillaFixes', $session, $errata->{errata_advisory});
if ($@) {
print "WARNING: cannot get $errata->{errata_advisory} bugzilla\n";
# get a list (if any) of CVE references for a given errata
my $erratacves;
my $erratacveserr=0;
eval {
$erratacves = $client->call('errata.listCves', $session, $errata->{errata_advisory});
if ($@) {
print "WARNING: cannot get $errata->{errata_advisory} CVEs\n";
if (! $erratabugzillaFixeserr) {
while ((my $bugzilla_id, my $bug_summary) = each(%$erratabugzillaFixes)){
my $myid;
eval {
$myid = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT id FROM erratabugzilla WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}' AND bugzilla_id='$bugzilla_id';");
if (@$myid == 0) {
print "Inserting bugzilla $bugzilla_id in local database\n";
$sql = "INSERT INTO erratabugzilla(advisory, bugzilla_id, summary) VALUES ('$errata->{errata_advisory}', '$bugzilla_id', '". HTML::Entities::encode_entities_numeric($bug_summary) . "');";
$dbh->do( $sql );
else {
print "Updating bugzilla $bugzilla_id in local database\n";
$dbh->do( "UPDATE erratabugzilla SET advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}', bugzilla_id='$bugzilla_id', summary='" . HTML::Entities::encode_entities_numeric($bug_summary) . "' WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}' AND bugzilla_id='$bugzilla_id';");
} elsif (! $erratacveserr) {
for my $erratacve (@$erratacves) {
my $mycveid;
eval {
$mycveid = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT id FROM erratacves WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}' AND cve_id='$erratacve';");
if (@$mycveid == 0) {
print "Inserting $erratacve in local database\n";
$sql = "INSERT INTO erratacves(advisory,cve_id) VALUES ('$errata->{errata_advisory}', '$erratacve');";
$dbh->do( $sql );
else {
print "Updating cves $erratacve in local database\n";
$dbh->do( "UPDATE erratacves SET advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}',cve_id='$erratacve' WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}' AND cve_id='$erratacve';" );
# get the list of program packages for the errata
my $erratapackages;
eval {
$erratapackages = $client->call('errata.listPackages', $session, $errata->{errata_advisory});
if ($@) {
print "WARNING: cannot get $errata->{errata_advisory} packages\n";
} else {
$sql = "DELETE FROM erratapackages WHERE advisory='$errata->{errata_advisory}';";
eval {
$dbh->do( $sql );
for my $erratapackage (@$erratapackages) {
# only select channel architecture and noarch packages
if($erratapackage->{package_arch_label} =~ m/$arch|noarch/i) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO erratapackages(advisory, name, version, release, epoch, arch_label, file, md5sum) VALUES ('$errata->{errata_advisory}', '$erratapackage->{package_name}', '$erratapackage->{package_version}', '$erratapackage->{package_release}', '$erratapackage->{package_epoch}', '$erratapackage->{package_arch_label}', '$erratapackage->{package_file}', '$erratapackage->{package_md5sum}');";
eval {
$dbh->do( $sql );
print "Inserting erratapackages $erratapackage->{package_name} in local database\n";
my $channelname;
my $channellist = $client->call('channel.listSoftwareChannels', $session);
for my $channel (@$channellist) {
if($channel->{channel_label} =~ m/^$rhchannel$/i) {
$channelname = $channel->{channel_name};
eval {
$dbh->do( "INSERT INTO misc VALUES (1, date('now'), '$channelname'); ");
if ($@) {
$dbh->do( "UPDATE misc SET ID=1, lastrundate=date('now'), channelname='$channelname' WHERE ID=1; ");
print "Generating xml file.\n";
my $xmloutput = new IO::File(">$updateinfofile");
my $writer = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => $xmloutput);
my $erratarows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT advisory,type,description FROM errata ORDER BY advisory ASC;");
foreach my $erratarow (@$erratarows) {
my ($advisory,$type,$description) = @$erratarow;
my $xml_update_type;
if($type =~ m/bug fix/i) { $xml_update_type = "bugfix"; }
if($type =~ m/security/i) { $xml_update_type = "security"; }
if($type =~ m/enhancement/i) { $xml_update_type = "enhancement"; }
$writer->startTag( "update", from => '', status => 'final', type => $xml_update_type, version => '1');
$writer->dataElement( 'id', $advisory);
my $channelerratarows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT synopsis, issue_date, update_date FROM channelerrata WHERE advisory='$advisory';");
foreach my $channelerratarow (@$channelerratarows) {
my ($synopsis, $issue_date, $update_date) = @$channelerratarow;
$writer->dataElement( 'title', $synopsis);
$writer->emptyTag( 'issued', 'date' => $issue_date);
$writer->emptyTag( 'updated', 'date' => $update_date);
my $erratarows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT type, description FROM errata where advisory='$advisory';" );
foreach my $erratarow (@$erratarows) {
my ($type, $description) = @$erratarow;
$writer->dataElement( 'description', $description);
my $erratabugzillaFixesrows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT bugzilla_id, summary FROM erratabugzilla WHERE advisory='$advisory';" );
my $erratabugzillaCount = scalar(@$erratabugzillaFixesrows);
my $erratacvesrows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT cve_id FROM erratacves WHERE advisory='$advisory';" );
my $erratacvesCount = scalar(@$erratacvesrows);
if ($erratabugzillaCount > 0 || $erratacvesCount > 0) {
$writer->startTag( "references" );
foreach my $erratabugzillaFixesrow (@$erratabugzillaFixesrows) {
my ($bugzilla_id, $summary) = @$erratabugzillaFixesrow;
$writer->dataElement( 'reference', $summary, 'href' => "$bugzilla_id", 'id' => $bugzilla_id, 'type' => 'bugzilla');
foreach my $erratacvesrow (@$erratacvesrows) {
my ($cve_id) = @$erratacvesrow;
$writer->emptyTag( 'reference', 'href' => "$cve_id", 'id' => $cve_id, 'type' => 'cve');
else {
$writer->emptyTag( 'references');
$writer->startTag( "pkglist");
$writer->startTag( "collection", short => $rhchannel);
my $xmlchannelname = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT channelname FROM misc WHERE id=1;");
my $xmlchannelnamevalue = $dbh->selectrow_array( $xmlchannelname,{}, );
$writer->dataElement( 'name', $xmlchannelnamevalue);
my $erratapackagesrows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT name, version, release, epoch, arch_label, file, md5sum FROM erratapackages WHERE advisory='$advisory';" );
foreach my $erratapackagesrow (@$erratapackagesrows) {
my ($name, $version, $release, $epoch, $arch_label, $file, $md5sum) = @$erratapackagesrow;
$writer->startTag( "package", name => $name, version => $version, release => $release, epoch => $epoch, arch => $arch_label, src => "");
$writer->dataElement( 'filename', $file);
$writer->dataElement( 'sum', $md5sum, type => "md5");
print "Finished:\n";
printf ("run time was: %d seconds.\n", Time::HiRes::tv_interval($t0));
# usage help text
sub usage ($) {
print @_;
print "Usage: $PROGNAME -a <arch> -c <rhn channel> -u <rhn username> -p <rhn password> -H <rhn hostname> -x <filename> -d <sqlitedbfilename>\n";
print "Example: $PROGNAME -a i386 -c rhel-i386-server-5 -u myuser\ -p secret -H -x updateinfo.xml -d updateinfo.db\n";
# list channels
sub list_channels() {
# login and get a session key
# get the list of available software channels for the user
my $channellist = $client->call('channel.listSoftwareChannels', $session);
for my $channel (@$channellist) {
printf ("%-40s, %s\n",$channel->{channel_label}, $channel->{channel_name});
# login routine
sub do_login() {
# create a new XML RPC client
$client = new Frontier::Client(url => "https://$HOST/rpc/api");
# login and get a valid session key
$session = $client->call('auth.login', $rhusername, $rhpassword);
=head1 NAME - Generating the updateinfo.xml
=head1 SYNOPSIS [options]
-h or --help brief help message
--man full documentation
-l or --list List available channels for you
-a or --arch Platform architecture
-c or --channel RHN Channel
-u or --rhnusername Your RHN username
-p or --rhnpassword Your RHN password
-H or --rhnhost RedHat Network host address (or a RHN Satelite host)
-x or --filename output xml filename
-d or --database output sqlite database filename
-f or --fullupdate Perform a full update
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<--list>
List available channels for you.
Usefull for new users of mrepo and you do not know the exact channel name.
=item B<--arch>
Platform architecture.
Ie. i386, x86_64, ppc, ia64, s390, s390x, alpha, sparc, iSeries, pSeries.
=item B<--channel>
RedHat Network software channel
Ie. rhel-i386-server-5
Use --list to get a list of available channel names.
=item B<--rhnusername>
Your RedHat Network username.
You must have a valid RedHat subscription.
=item B<--rhnpassword>
Your valid Redhat Network password.
You must have a valid RedHat subscription.
=item B<--rhnhost>
Target RedHat Network hostname.
A RedHat Satelite server can also be used.
=item B<--filename>
Output xml file.
Ie. updateinfo.xml.
=item B<--database>
Output sqlite file
Ie. updateinfo.db
=item B<--fullupdate>
Perform a full update.
This will download all erratas from RedHat.
If omitted the script will only download erratas
released after the last time the script has been run.
B<This program> will generate a updateinfo.xml file
for mrepo for use of the yum-security yum plugin.
=head1 AUTHOR
Bjarne Saltbaek <>
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