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Created December 20, 2017 10:58
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//Alessandro Stamatto, Advent of Code Day 19:
//Mini-visualization at:
import { readFileSync } from "fs"
import { setTimeout } from "timers"
const print = console.log.bind(console)
const abs = Math.abs.bind(Math),
min = Math.min.bind(Math),
max = Math.max.bind(Math)
function fileToLines(filename: string): string[][] {
return readFileSync(filename, "utf8")
.map(line => line.split(""))
type Direction = [1, 0] | [-1, 0] | [0, 1] | [0, -1]
type State = {
Matrix: string[][]
row: number
col: number
m: number
n: number
dir: Direction
letters: string
const tileRe = /[|\-+]/
const letterRe = /[A-Z]/
function padLines(M: string[][]): string[][] {
const m = M.length,
n = M[0].length
for (const line of M) while (line.length < n) line.push(" ")
return M
function setupState(fileName: string): State {
const Matrix = padLines(fileToLines(fileName))
const row = 0
const col = Matrix[0].indexOf("|")
const letters = "",
dir: Direction = [1, 0]
const state = {
m: Matrix.length,
n: Matrix[0].length
return state
function printMatrix(state: State) {
const { Matrix, row, col, dir, letters, m, n } = state
const height = 16,
width = 32
const min_i = max(row - height, 0),
min_j = max(col - width, 0),
max_i = min(row + height, m),
max_j = min(col + width, n)
for (let i = min_i; i < max_i; ++i) {
const line = [...Matrix[i]]
if (row === i) line[col] = "*"
print(line.slice(min_j, max_j).join(""))
const tile = Matrix[row][col]
print("Dir:", dir, "Letters:", letters)
const verticalDirs: Direction[] = [[1, 0], [-1, 0]]
const horizontalDirs: Direction[] = [[0, 1], [0, -1]]
function changeDirection(state: State) {
const { dir, Matrix, row, col, m, n } = state
const isHorizontal = abs(dir[1]) === 1
const outOfBounds = row < 0 || row >= m || col < 0 || col >= n
const crossDirs = isHorizontal ? verticalDirs : horizontalDirs
const correctTile = isHorizontal ? "|" : "-"
for (const nDir of crossDirs) {
const [ni, nj] = [row + nDir[0], col + nDir[1]]
if (outOfBounds) continue
const tile = Matrix[ni][nj]
if (tile === correctTile || letterRe.test(tile)) {
state.dir = nDir
//do one step, returns true if out of grid
function step(state: State): boolean {
const { Matrix, row, col, dir, letters, m, n } = state
//Remember that row, col, and letters DO NOT UPDATE state
const [ni, nj] = [row + dir[0], col + dir[1]]
//if out of bounds we got out of the grid
const outOfBounds = ni < 0 || ni >= m || nj < 0 || nj >= n
if (outOfBounds) return true
const tile = Matrix[ni][nj]
//end of grid!
if (tile === " ") return true
//if not out of bounds and not end of grid; its always safe to take the step
state.row = ni
state.col = nj
//if its a letter, we add it to the visited ones
const isLetter = letterRe.test(tile)
if (isLetter) state.letters += tile
//if its a cross we must change direction!
if (tile === "+") changeDirection(state)
return false
function visualStep(state: State, speed: number) {
console.log("\x1Bc") //clears console
if (!step(state) && !state.letters.includes("H"))
setTimeout(visualStep.bind(undefined, state, speed), speed)
function solve(filename: string) {
const S = setupState(filename)
let i = 1
while (!step(S)) ++i
print(S.letters, "in", i, "steps")
function visualize(fileName: string, speed: number) {
const S = setupState(fileName)
visualStep(S, speed)
visualize(process.argv[2], Number(process.argv[3]))
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