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Created September 29, 2011 12:30
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Save astanin/1250635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Embed links to all Flickr photos of a user, separately for every photoset.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import with_statement
from cgi import escape
from os.path import expanduser
from string import Template
from sys import argv, version_info, exit
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
# import pickle
import warnings
# for md5 in flickrapi
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
from flickrapi import FlickrAPI
USAGE = """ username
Create an HTML index in the local directory for each photoset of the
user username. Flickr API keys should be available in ~/.flickrapi_keys file.
# Create file ~/.flickrapi_keys with keys
# ----
# KEY = 12345678901234567890123456789012
# SECRET = 1234567890123456
# ----
# or define them inline.
# To get a key, see
KEY = ""
INDEX_HTML=Template(u"""<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Photosets of $user</title></head>
<body><h1>Photosets of $user</h1>
LINK_HTML=Template(u"""<li><a href="$url">$title</a></li>""")
HTML=Template(u"""<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="description">$desc</div>
<div class="photos">
<a href="$orig_src" target="_blank">
<img src="$src" alt="$alt" title="$title" width="$width" height="$height">
<figcaption><div class="title"><strong>$caption</strong></p>
<div class="description">$desc</div>
def authorize():
"Connect to Flickr and authorize."
global KEY, SECRET
if not KEY or not SECRET:
ls = file(expanduser("~/.flickrapi_keys")).readlines()
d = dict([[w.strip(' "') for w in l.strip().split("=",1)]
for l in ls ])
KEY = d["KEY"]
flck = FlickrAPI(KEY, SECRET)
(token, frob) = flck.get_token_part_one(perms='read')
if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
flck.get_token_part_two((token, frob))
return flck
def get_photosets(flickr, username):
"Fetch a list of username's photosets: [(photoset_id, title, description)]"
if "@N" in username: # likely an nsid
nsid = username
elif "@" in username: # likely an e-mail
resp = flickr.people_findByEmail(username=username)
nsid = resp.find("user").get("nsid")
else: # likely a username
resp = flickr.people_findByUsername(username=username)
nsid = resp.find("user").get("nsid")
resp = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id=nsid)
psets = [ (ps.get("id"), ps.findtext(".//title"), ps.findtext(".//description"))
for ps in resp.findall(".//photoset") ]
return psets
def get_largest(resp, szs=["Large","Medium 640","Medium","Small","Thumbnail"]):
"Process getSizes' response. Find the largest available size of the image."
def is_size(elm, size="Large"):
return elm.get("label") == size
elms = resp.findall(".//size")
for sz in szs:
found = [ s for s in elms if is_size(s, sz) ]
if found:
return found[0]
return None
def write_index(psets, username):
"Write index.html where all photosets are listed."
links = [ LINK_HTML.substitute(url=id + ".html", title=ttl)
for id,ttl,desc in psets ]
index_html = INDEX_HTML.substitute(user=username,links="\n".join(links))
with file("index.html", "w") as out:
print >>out, index_html.encode("utf8")
def write_photoset_index(flickr, pset):
"Write photoset_id.html where all set photos are embedded."
ps_id, ps_title, ps_desc = pset
ps_desc = ps_desc.replace("\n", "<br>")
resp = flickr.photosets_getPhotos(photoset_id=ps_id)
photos = [ (p.get("id"), p.get("title")) for p in resp.findall(".//photo") ]
def gen_photo_html((p_id, p_title)):
resp = flickr.photos_getSizes(photo_id=p_id)
large = get_largest(resp)
orig = get_largest(resp, ["Original","Large","Medium 640","Medium"])
resp = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id=p_id)
desc = resp.findtext(".//description").replace("\n", "<br>")
p_html = PHOTO_HTML.substitute(src=large.get("source"),
alt=p_title, title=p_title, width=large.get("width"),
height=large.get("height"), caption=p_title, desc=desc,
return p_html
photos_html = u"\n\n".join(map(gen_photo_html, photos))
with file(str(ps_id) + ".html", "w") as out:
html = HTML.substitute(title=ps_title,desc=ps_desc,photos=photos_html)
print >>out, html.encode("utf8")
def main():
global USAGE
if len(argv) != 2 or "-h" in argv or "--help" in argv:
print USAGE
flck = authorize()
username = argv[1]
psets = get_photosets(flck, username)
write_index(psets, username)
for pset in psets:
print "photoset:", pset[0], pset[1]
write_photoset_index(flck, pset)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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