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Created November 28, 2011 10:34
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Uncrop a sequence of Cropped TIFFs
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Public Domain
Uncrop a sequence of Cropped TIFFs[1] generated by Hugin, nona or
Pad images with transparent background to the minimum common extent
according to XPosition, YPosition tags. Images are save to uncrop/
Requirements: tiffdump and convert utilities.
from sys import argv, exit
from os import popen, system, path, environ
OUTPUT_DIR = "uncrop/"
def usage():
print path.basename(argv[0]), " image.tiff [image.tiff ...]"
print __doc__
def readtags(tiff):
def readtag(fields):
name = fields[0]
type_ = fields[3]
types = { "(1)": int, # BYTE
"(2)": chr, # ASCII
"(3)": int, # SHORT
"(4)": int, # LONG
"(5)": float # RATIONAL
readfn = types.get(type_, lambda x:x)
vals = fields[-1].strip()
vals_ = [ s for s in vals[vals.find("<")+1:-1].split()]
vals = map(readfn, vals_)
val = vals[0] if len(vals) == 1 and (type_ in types.keys()) else vals
return (name,val)
lines = [ ln.strip().split(" ", 4)
for ln in popen("tiffdump '%s'" % tiff).readlines()[3:] ]
tags = [ readtag(ln) for ln in lines ]
return dict(tags)
def extent_px(tagged_pairs):
tops = []
lefts = []
bottoms = []
rights = []
for img,tags in tagged_pairs:
xpos = tags["XPosition"]
ypos = tags["YPosition"]
xdpi = tags["XResolution"]
ydpi = tags["YResolution"]
w = tags["ImageWidth"]
h = tags["ImageLength"]
l = int(round(xpos*xdpi))
t = int(round(ypos*ydpi))
return ((min(lefts), min(tops)), (max(rights),max(bottoms)))
def geom(extent):
(x0,y0), (x1,y1) = extent
w = x1-x0
h = y1-y0
return (w,h)
def repage(image, tags, newgeom, newimage):
W, H = newgeom
xpos = tags["XPosition"]
ypos = tags["YPosition"]
xdpi = tags["XResolution"]
ydpi = tags["YResolution"]
w = tags["ImageWidth"]
h = tags["ImageLength"]
l = int(round(xpos*xdpi))
t = int(round(ypos*ydpi))
ext1 = "%dx%d" % (w+l, h+t)
ext2 = "%dx%d" % (W, H)
cmd = "convert '%s' -background none -gravity southeast -extent %s -gravity northwest -extent %s '%s'" % (image, ext1, ext2, newimage)
print cmd
images = argv[1:]
if not images:
tagged = [ (img, readtags(img)) for img in images ]
geom = geom(extent_px(tagged))
for img, tags in tagged:
repage(img, tags, geom, OUTPUT_DIR + img)
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