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Created June 3, 2010 17:51
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Count Hackage reverse dependencies by license type
{- Count reverse dependencies by license type.
Output on 20100603 (license, # of revdeps, # of packages, revdeps per package):
BSD3 33469 1519 22.033574720210666
LGPL 1018 99 10.282828282828282
GPL 603 334 1.8053892215568863
OtherLicense 300 77 3.896103896103896
PublicDomain 214 64 3.34375
BSD4 53 4 13.25
MIT 8 22 0.36363636363636365
AllRightsReserved 0 2 0.0
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, sortBy)
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
import Network.HTTP
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import qualified Data.Map as M
revdepsURL = ""
-- this is where 00-index.tar is unpacked
idxbase = "/tmp/hackage"
(>>>) = flip (.)
(|>) = flip ($)
infixl 0 |>
main = do
csv <- simpleHTTP (getRequest revdepsURL) >>= getResponseBody
-- csv <- readFile "revdeps-list.csv"
pkgs <- csv |> lines >>> map (split ',' >>> counts) >>> mapM findLicense
pkgs |> countByLicense >>> M.toList >>> printLicenseCounts
counts (name:d:i:[]) =
(name, cabalpath name, (read d) + (read i)) :: (String, String, Int)
getLicense cabal = unsafeInterleaveIO $
readFile cabal >>=
parsePackageDescription >>> ( \r -> case r of
ParseOk _ gpd -> gpd |> packageDescription >>> license >>> showL
_ -> ""
) >>> return
showL (GPL _) = "GPL"
showL (LGPL _) = "LGPL"
showL (UnknownLicense x) = x
showL l = show l
findLicense (name,cabal,i) = getLicense cabal >>= \l -> return (name,l,i)
countByLicense = foldr go M.empty
where go (_,lic,rdeps) totals = M.insertWith add lic (1,rdeps) totals
add (libs,rds) (libs',rds') = (libs+libs', rds+rds')
printLicenseCounts lcs =
let lcs' = sortBy (\(l,(_,c)) (l',(_,c')) -> compare c' c) lcs
in flip mapM_ lcs' $ (\(l,(libs,rds)) ->
putStrLn $ intercalate " "
[l, show rds, show libs,
show (fromIntegral rds / fromIntegral libs)])
split delim = foldr go [[]]
go c a@(p:ps) | c == delim = []:a
| otherwise = (c:p):ps
cabalpath pkgname =
let (basename, version) = rsplit1 '-' pkgname
in intercalate "/" [idxbase, basename, version, basename ++ ".cabal"]
rsplit1 _ [] = ([],[])
rsplit1 d xs =
let ps = split d xs :: [String]
in (concat $ intersperse (d:[]) (init ps),last ps)
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