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Last active July 6, 2023 16:54
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Benchmark various sigmoid functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi/2 */
#define M_PI_2_INV (1.0/M_PI_2)
#define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 /* 2/sqrt(pi) */
#define ERF_COEF (1.0/M_2_SQRTPI)
const int SIZE=100;
const int CYCLES=10000000;
double benchmark(const char* name, double (*fun)(double)) {
clock_t start, stop;
double xs[SIZE];
double t_ns;
for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
xs[i] = rand();
start = clock();
for (int repeat=0; repeat<CYCLES; repeat++) {
for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
stop = clock();
t_ns = (stop-start)*1.0e9/CLOCKS_PER_SEC/CYCLES/SIZE;
printf("%-17s %6.1f ns\n", name, t_ns);
return t_ns;
double with_atan(double x) {
/* normalized atan */
return M_PI_2_INV*atan(M_PI_2*x);
double with_exp(double x) {
return 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-x));
double with_sqrt(double x) {
return 1.0/sqrt(1.0 + x*x);
double with_erf(double x) {
return erf(ERF_COEF*x);
double with_fabs(double x) {
return x/(1.0 + fabs(x));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
benchmark("atan(pi*x/2)*2/pi", with_atan);
benchmark("atan(x)", atan);
benchmark("1/(1+exp(-x))", with_exp);
benchmark("1/sqrt(1+x^2)", with_sqrt);
benchmark("erf(sqrt(pi)*x/2)", with_erf);
benchmark("tanh(x)", tanh);
benchmark("x/(1+|x|)", with_fabs);
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Lenovo E480
intel core i5 8th gen - model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz

$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
$ gcc -Wall -O2 -o sigmoid-bench sigmoid.c -std=c99 -lm && ./sigmoid-bench
atan(pi*x/2)*2/pi   11.5 ns
atan(x)             10.4 ns
1/(1+exp(-x))       10.3 ns
1/sqrt(1+x^2)        6.3 ns
erf(sqrt(pi)*x/2)    4.6 ns
tanh(x)              3.7 ns
x/(1+|x|)            2.1 ns

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miltondts commented Mar 25, 2020

These functions don't have the same domains(some go [0, 1] others [-1, 1]) so I'm not sure what the purpose of this benchmark is.

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astanin commented Mar 25, 2020

@miltondts In several applications it's convenient to have a sigmoid function but there is no particular requirement which one should be used. Yes, the function may have to be scaled or shifted according to the application requirements. And indeed, the images of these functions are different, but in some applications the image of the function may be irrelevant or can be accounted for. Exclude or modify those that don't fit your case and choose what's best for you.

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