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Last active March 30, 2020 21:26
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size <- 100
xy <- expand.grid(1:size, 1:size)%>%
setNames(c("x", "y"))
g <- gstat::gstat(formula = z~1,
locations = ~x+y,
dummy = T,
beta = 0,
model = vgm(psill = 0.1,
range = 10,
model = "Exp"),
nmax = 20)
yy <- predict(g, newdata = xy, nsim = 2)
# Normalize Data from 0 to 1
# This is strictly unnecessary but given the example is an interval that makes sense
yy <- yy %>%
mutate(sim1 = (sim1 - min(sim1))/(max(sim1)- min(sim1)),
sim2 = (sim2 - min(sim2))/(max(sim2) - min(sim2)))
sp::gridded(yy) <- ~x + y # will return True to indicate it's a grid
# Sample Points
# set.seed(123)
samples <- 50
x <- runif(samples, 0, size) %>%
floor + 1 # get us to nearest integer
y <- runif(samples, 0, size)%>%
floor + 1
dataPoints <- data.frame(x,y)
y1 <- raster::raster(yy["sim1"])
y2 <- raster::raster(yy["sim2"])
plot_data <- data.frame(sim1 = raster::extract(y1, dataPoints),
sim2 = raster::extract(y2, dataPoints))
# plot grids
spplot(obj = yy,
names.attr = c("Hopscotch Enthusiasts in 1900",
"Berkeley Admit Rate"),
main = list("An obviously spurious correlation between two Spatial Variables"))+
layer(panel.points(x,y, col = "white", pch = 19), data = dataPoints)
# Estimate the spatial dependence
out <- summary(lm(sim1 ~ sim2, data = plot_data))
# Calculate Moran's Index via Monte Carlo
plot_data_sp <- st_as_sf(plot_data %>% cbind(dataPoints), coords = c("x", "y"), crs=NA, agr= "constant")
# Get sum of the weights out to a distance of 20 away
# This makes sense given our construction. Consult a variogram for a different dataset
Wij <- spdep::dnearneigh(plot_data_sp, 0, 20)
dlist <- nbdists(Wij, st_coordinates(plot_data_sp))
ilist <- lapply(dlist, function(x) exp(-x))
# Get weight matrix
lw <- nb2listw(Wij, glist = ilist, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
# Moran test MC
MC <-$sim1, lw, nsim = 10000)
plot(MC, main = "", las=1)
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